Kill a bunch of people

>kill a bunch of people
>drown in pussy

It's that simple!

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We really need more copycats, desu, if only for the lullz when the gun-grabbers show their true power levels and quockly get massacred by the Molon Labe types in Civil War II.

Why the fuck wouldn't he?

>that thing

He is 4/10 at best

if he's 4 then you're 1


This is what the average robot looks like

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>implying im a robot and not just a causal lurker

Yeah we're ugly that's partly why we're on here. Doesnt mean that goblin isnt a 4.

>kill a bunch of people
>subject of daily threads on Jow Forums

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maybe like 8 years ago, those types are all gone, this board is filled with normies, shitskins and fags now.

Why are you surprised women are fags?

I have a feeling the police department is mistreating him. He looks so skinny in comparison to the last pictures. Also he's innocent until proven guilty where is all the shooter footage, and eye witnesses?

The Chad psychopathic, mass-murdering, crazy, shooter

The Virgin dead bodies

He killed the Chads.

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Things that'll never happen

Hes definitely not handsome, but hes a 4/10 at worst. The fact that he looks crazy in most pictures and knowing what he did probably lends to that though.

He's going to conjugal-in-the-ass prison

being dead isn't very "chad"

I have seen worse get some good looking girls. Granted the girls were in early stages of heroin addiction and the men were just their to fill their fix in trade of sex for drugs. But they come to have an mistake baby and live together till the child is taken away by CPS after one of the overdoses

>drown in pussy

I can't imagine they're allowing him conjugal visits tho.

Nope. He's actually decently attractive (no homo). He has kinda funny ears but otherwise I could totally see him fitting in with a frat in college if he bulks up a bit. I bet a lot of girls think he has "dreamy" eyes since they're a nice vibrant color.

Notice how bowl-haircut Dylan Roof didn't get this type of attention.

im sure positive attention is a great ego boost at first...
until you realize you will never receive physical contact with a woman again in your life

being white automatically makes you a 5/10

Literally doesn't matter for most robots here.

Most of these guys would rather shoot up a ton of people and get love letters and nudes in jail, than continue living a life of crippling loneliness.

He's not even a 4/10

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he's a little above 6/10 if we are being serious.

He COULD be a 6/10 if he had a better hair

>Elephant ears
>Comically large eyebrows
>Large mouth
>Round nose
>Asymmetrical skull and hair
>Autism haircut
He's not a 6/10, he's 2/10 at best. Maybe 3/10.

why do women only like guys after they kill people ?

He has dumbo ears

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>kill people
>girls will come in waves to fawn over you.
just do it bro its the new cool thing to do.

so if you went to your local park or grocery store, you'd expect something like 90% of guys to look better than him? tell me how often you even leave the basement?

also these things you are just factually wrong about
>large mouth
>round nose
if your mouth is much smaller than that you are in retard syndrome territory.

He looks like el globlino

ayyy laffing my fucking ass off, hes prettier than half of this board, plus, you are not counting his personality, bitches love psychotic assholes who take what they want whenever they want to

He looked like a total Chad when he was a kid, minus his elephant ears

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As far as he's concerned, nobody loves or likes him, though.

>who take what they want whenever they want to

so i guess what he really wanted the most was to be in jail for the rest of his life.

Here's a better picture of him

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reminds me of those love letters ayn rand wrote to that killer who butchered that one littlegirl before demanding a ransom.

such a punch able face.

Deffo not a 2/10, you're just looking at a bad photo

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On a drugged out whore scale he's an 8/10 at least going off the drugged out whores I know

This motherfucker has a true psychopath look. That soulless look.

Where did those types go?

original bots went to wizchan
don't shit that place up too

God I hate amerimutts

>giving a shit about how much melanin you lack and how much faster your skin will age compared to other crackers
god i hate white people.

They're still here, pretending they aren't here.

Lying on a Chinese hot wheels discussion board, how sad

He looks like a Chad compared to me, if I'm being honest.

If his ears weren't big he would look pretty good, someone photoshop his ears in to looking better

>drown in pussy
>in jail
cool, he will make good use out of it

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It's all so clear. He just wanted to be like anakin

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This kid isn't even getting to see the nudes. Is life in prison really worth just the knowledge that crazy teenage girls are sending you pictures of their tits?

Good one, user, that hair is pretty fucked.

i made a facebook post about the shooting and how wrong it was, stated a few points and 5 girls inboxed me and i fucked two of them so far. im australian and couldnt give a shit about shootings i just did it for likes and pussy

cya nerds

8 years ago this board was full of what you'd call normies. Jow Forums wasn't a haven of the damned for another couple years, at least.

They know the beta uprising is looming.
Roasties are already siding with the winning team.

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>all these uggos rating him anything lower than 6/10