> *giggles*
> higher user! higher!
w-what do!?
push her off the swing
fucking kick her in the back of head and hope she has to under go facial reconstruction surgery
Wonder why I am pushing a sissy faggot on a swing instead of at home playing videogames.
these threads are the sickest form of torture
is that a homeless dude taking a big stinky in the back?
>kick her in the back of head
>facial reconstruction surgery
This looks so sweet and fun. This will LITERALLY never happen to me. Why shouldn't I be upset?
I remember this, this picture is fake, it's photoshopped.
The homeless guy in the back is from the gay blowjob with the bear in the pic, does anyone have it?
no it's too dangerous
Here it is, see the guy doing the blowjob, it's the same as in OP
meh i think i will pass. im gonna go home and post on a place called r9k
OP Is a faggot lier
yeah but it's not the original.
you're retarded that's not the same as OP's pic and the original one had a bear in it
Is that a homeless guy choking someone in the background?
Push her into the ground and rape her like the whore she is
Can you like fuck off already? I don't even know you, you fucking crazy kid. Go play on a highway or in a dark alley, and leave me alone!
>try to push her as hard as I can
>end up tripping and falling forward, eating a mouthful of sand
>she jumps off and cant stop laughing
>she doubles over and sits next to me laughing
>look up at her
>we kiss while smiling
>wake up from dream and commit sudoku
It's really stressful. As you're swinging her you're constantly worried about (1) are you going to mistime the push and ruin the resonance (2) push too hard and send her flying (3) push unevenly and make the chains twist up, leaving her flailing uncontrollably, screaming all the while
It's not a comfy environment.
> *giggles*
> harder user! harder!
She's not going to take you seriously no matter what you do.
Push hard, fall off balance, collide face first into her back as she comes down. This throws her off the swing as I trip over the top of her, causing more damage while I land on my face.
>Tell her to come to my home so we can eat cookies (assuming we're just friends and not in a relationship otherwise I could just ask to fuck her)
>make cookies
>lock doors
>when she's not looking pull down her skirt and fuck her from behind whispering in her ear that I love her not giving a single fuck for how uncomfterble she is or even if she's crying because its too tight
>after i'm done give her a cookie
>mfw she said she was 18 but she's really 15
>mfw i tell her to tell no one
>mfw i'm basically a pedophile now and that was the time I lost my virginity
You need to calm down man. If you are a guy in this situation with a girl, she's not going to care if you aren't the world's swing pushing champion and she's not going to be screaming bloody mary or suddenly stop liking you if you give her a little twist.
give her the blunt since she seems to be coming down from her high
>i tell her to tell no one
>not killing her
loose ends always unravel user
hang myself on the monkey bars.
probably start crying, because i would feel happy for the first time in years (assuming that is my gf)