Prove you're not a brainlet by solving three of the easiest trig problems
Prove you're not a brainlet by solving three of the easiest trig problems
Im not doing your math homework for you kid
maybe just do the homework yourself?
lol like i care about being smart at maths
I just did and all 3 of those equations are valid. I'm not going to show you my proof though. You can fuck off if you want that.
Is there even a point to being good at math if you aren't a scientist? It just seems like another useless talent.
you're pretty good Jow Forums...
but how good are you at this Princeton approved IQ puzzle?
>"haha prove youre not a brainlet by doing my homework that I dont know how to do"
Which country writes cosec as csc.
idk if there's specific areas that do it but ive seen people do it just so it's neater, having 3 letters on each.
I don't do math. It kills my brain cells.
Try to solve a logic problem instead:
Four people witnessed a mugging.
Each gave a different description of the mugger.
Which description is probably right?
>a) he was average height, thin, and middle-aged
>b) he was tall, thin, and middle-aged
>c) he was tall, thin, and young
>d) he was tall, of average weight, and middle-aged
All four, the witnesses are the muggers.
it's b origiinal
you win half an IQ point
The first one is literally just divide both sides by sinx to get a famous identity
How do you figure? I got
>a is the tall guy
>b is the young guy
>c is the middle aged guy
>d is the thin guy
Take your brainlet tests to >>>sci , don't shit up this board with this garbage as well
I already know you need help, you fuck. I'm not doing it for you.
all of them have at least 2 descriptors in common, b has 3
Ok, yeah that makes sense.
It's about as useful as yodeling
Logically, because statistically it is more often b who is pointed at, rather than any other of the three. You wouldn't even say "he looked like was of average weight too;" you'd just say thin or fat, tall or short. The narrowing between c and b is more of a problem here, since you could just go and say "yeah, he was young too," but, then again - more often to be more precise - as you don't know if he was either younger, or older, you'd go with the most logical: middle-aged. "Yeah, he was, I think, middle-aged." That's the common ground. You can go somewhere from that: you're now looking for a person, not maybe a person.