How can I afford to live in a relevant city like NYC?
How can I afford to live in a relevant city like NYC?
>wanting to live in NYC
That post is so butthurt it's comical.
It's all a reflection of your own relevance. If you become relevant, you'll be able to live in a relevant city.
1st off: be realistic. Do you have a high paying job? If not, don't assume you're going to live anywhere worthy of a sitcom, movie or what that other user posted. With a decent paying job, you can afford to live in a pretty nice apartment with roommates in brooklyn, or parts of Manhattan. 2nd thing, can you deal with niggers, spics, poo-in-the-loos, and chinks? Well you better get used to it because there's TONS of them here. They're loud, obnoxious, can ruin your day if you let them get to you. One good thing about the city being so diverse is lots of neighborhoods crop up with cultures trying to keep to themselves, and they bring their good food with them(if you go to the right place). 3rd, can you deal with bugs and other assorted vermin? Get mouse traps, roach traps, mosquito nets during the summer, and learn how to deal with pigeons. Check your shit once in a while for bedbugs and you'll be fine. Honestly, it's not hard to live here, most people who leave are faggots who set their goals way too high and are blinded by the media's representation of living in the city. I'm not saying don't try if that's what you want to do, just don't assume you're gonna live in luxury when you're not making enough money.
I live in NYC and my family are poor Chinese immigrants. It's only certain parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn that are expensive to live in and most people aren't rich or well-off. My family lives in a shitty part in Brooklyn and I get to go to uni for free via low CUNY (the city's college system) tuitions and leeching off financial aid. The living expenses aren't that bad.
are there any places in america similar to new york but cheaper? im a brit and am toying with the idea of joining you lot
I'm not loaded here. New York is for the richfags
I traveled there for 10 days to check it out, and I love it. Wasn't my first time there, but first time on my own. Just walking around, and that was in terrible winter storm weather, it was the best. BEST. I love tall buildings, I love that things are going on, I love the pedestrian traffic levels. It's the best. BEST. I hate my city because there are few pedestrians so it feels lonely, and the city is sprawled out and mostly single family detached homes or small commercial buildings. I want to be surrounded by tall buildings.
You realize that if a nuclear war broke out the russians and/or the chinese will fire like a dozen nukes just to this one city? Better to live somewhere irrelevant like the countryside
So either I want to live in nyc or another large city. My medium size is in the top 20 but it's too small, god damn it. I'd love to live in hong kong, too, or Tokyo or Osaka. But that would be even harder than getting into NYC.
Only thing is the rent...I want a private studio in a good building with a gym in it. Which is affordable here, probably not so much in NYC. That's the only thing. I will never have roommates again. Which means paying 2-3k in rent if it were NYC...
get a high paying job or be born rich
plenty of wagecucks in nyc. who do you think staffs all those mcdonalds?
user I've spent a week in manhattan two different times, and yes the city is AMAZING as a tourist but its really fucking draining to live there. The memes exist for a reason.
By just looking for a cheap apartment.
Come on guys, NYC isn't some high rolling paradise where everyone is making 50k+ minimum. Black people live here after all.
At the moment I'm paying 700 a month for my apartment.
That isn't New York dumb ass. Those towers aren't there
look for a shitty apartment with 12 other people
This board really hit the fan when a NORMIE asks how to live in NORMIE central
Growing up between New York City and Tokyo ruined me. Other cities aren't actual cities anymore, it all feels small and constricted. Even places like LA, Chicago, Shanghai, London, Paris, Seattle, etc. Nothing really compares to the city feel that those places set as the standard.
Boston is kind of like cheaper, shittier NY
How is it draining? My ideal would be to be able to walk/train everywhere. And the transit system there, man. Blows my city's out of the water. Have you lived there? Please tell me, I don't know what you mean by draining. in my city it's super boring and it's like, why even leave my apartment when there's nothing to do, nothing going on, and nowhere interesting to walk? When no one is walking around (because it's sprawly and they drive everywhere) it's super depressing. I want a place with tons of pedestrian traffic. I loved times square because of just the mob of people, it's so fun.
My one hostel was in the hell's kitchen area, and I just loved it. It's so perfect, man. Probably too expensive. Maybe nolita? idk.
The suburbs are cheap but I want a nice place close to downtown (as in walking distance, 2 miles or so) with no roommates. That would be expensive. Only positive to this shitty second rate city is that you can get a nice luxury apartment for a reasonable amount. I don't want to go back to shitty old complexes or resort to living out in the 'burbs.
I mean, I was born a country bumpkin, didn't see an elevator until age 12. And even for me, my current city is depressing because I keep comparing it to Beijing, Tokyo, or NYC. It's small and boring and shitty. I want a place with giant tall skyscrapers and tons of interesting areas. I also like feeling anonymous. Even here, if I walk around sometimes I'll recognize people, I hate that. Hopefully if I get further in my career I can get a high salary and a transfer to a top tier city.
Wagies in NYC typically live in NJ and commute though. It was a big point of contention when they bitched for a 'living wage' of 15 dollars despite living in an entirely different state.
I have the same ideal in terms of being able to go anywhere. It's the people and general lifestyle that suck ass
>tfw someone says theyre from hoboken
>That picture
It is time to jihad. Aloha snackbar.
If you want to live somewhere that there aren't dindus and homeless everywhere you can't afford it. Even Staten Island is getting retardedly expensive for apartments and that's not the "city" you're looking for becuase the train and ferry take like over an hour to get into Manhattan.
>wanting to live in an overpriced, leftist shithole teeming with Jews and niggers
nyc is garbage, i live there, its fucking garbage
How so? I found the men there all really hot. As far as lifestyle, it's a big enough city to give you anything you want. Want to do [obscure hobby] or eat [uncommon] food? They got it. Lifestyle, other than possibly long work hours why is it bad? I like /n/ and small apartments.
Actually all those famous bankers there are mostly right wing, as well as most of the remaining blue collars. You find yuppie fresh outta college leftists in any large city, can't be helped. They may be retards but they're better than living in a barn in rural wyoming where your job options are handyman or farm animal vet, and your dating prospects are retirees or a literal cow.
Anyway, Beijing or Tokyo would be better, but hard to get an overseas job. NYC is the best city in america. Chicago has worse crime and worse weather and isn't on the ocean. Plus it's in illinois, which is like, where? City might be okay but everything else is fucking corn. Bunch of fat midwesterners. At least upstate NY is nice.
>in Illinois
youre probably a dumb, lazy neet. imagine working your ass off just to barely afford a tiny scumfuck apartment surrounded by violent niggers and puerto ricans in the outskirts of the bronx. you aren't rich. you aren't going to live in the high rises in manhattan. you're going to work your fucking ass off and even then, you're going to struggle and live in a 5 story pre-ww2 shitheap.
NYC hasn't been relevant since Snoop Dogg and the Dogg Pound kicked the buildings down.
I lived here all my life. I hate this place. Too many minorities ruining everything
Section 8 blacks that dont pay rent. How many white people do you think work at mcdonalds in NYC? 5 maybe
I tried to get a job at McDonalds when I was a teen. I didn't make the cut. They gave it to a nog. I visited that McDonalds and the staff was all too busy playing grab ass behind the counter to get my order right
>At least upstate NY is nice.
Really? Well im from utica and I've never heard anybody say upstate is nice.
Mcdonalds employees make only slightly less than some culinary students do, kek. And they pretty much do nothing all day. I would say they are like the "smug NEETS" of low tier wagecucking
They're such assholes. They want $15 too, and they will not work harder for it.
When we say upstate we only really mean Rye and Westchester.
Albany, Buffalo, Utica, and even Ithaca don't count desu.
Stop lying. Rye and Westchester are shitholes.
Noo origigo
Westchester is really nice and aesthetic. Too bad only old folks and central Americans live there. I bet it was a great place to live 80 years ago
>tfw moved away from NYC 10 years ago and can STILL smell that fucking A/C/E line
Not even the orange or brown lines came close to that fucking metal musk. What the shit was it about the blue in particular?
The F has its own smell, but i dont mind. Also when the N or Q arrive in manhattan i close my eyes and pretend that im in a rocket ready for takeoff because thats how they sound to me. Yeah im pretty autistic
I was born and raised in New York City and I live with my parents who bought a house here a long time ago.
For as long as I live in NYC I will live with my parents, I like them and I like paying steeply discounted rent.
By not moving to a fuckin major city.
Stay in the scrub if you can.
Get an education or trade first or else you'll be doing slave tier jobs just to survive with no money left over. Just trust me on this
That's actually not that autistic. More just plain sad.
have someone be kind to you and be strong enough to accept it
I have legit mild autism though. Im on the fringe though so im not autistic enough to be a "protected class" just autistic enough to be bullied my normalfags wherever i go with no hope for autismbux. Feels bad man
I don't get why robots want to move to a "real" city when they stay inside most of the time anyway.
>How can I afford to live in a relevant city like NYC?
You can't.
Cut off one of your testicles, call 9-1-1 and live in a psychiatric hospital for a month or so rent free.
>One good thing about the city being so diverse is
fuck all of you
>Growing up between New York City and Tokyo ruined me.
I imagine it probably would since, you know, you'd face the possibility of DROWNING every day. Or did you not mean that you lived in the ocean? Learn some fucking geography you pain-in-the-ass. Christ. I've seen second graders that can do better than you.
Manhattan sucks to live in even if you have money. While it is true that there is a lot to do (great museums, fine dining, entertainment, shopping, etc.), the problem is that you wake up in the filthy hodgepodge of buildings to a mixture of garbage, soot, surly people, and traffic. Half of the people you meet are typical virtue-signaling leftists who think that they're special because they live in the city. The next quarter you meet are curt and judgmental. The next quarter you meet are legitimately nice people longing for friendly interaction in the concrete jungle.
A decent 1 bedroom apartment in a choice neighborhood is going to cost $4000/mo. and it won't even be 1000 sq. ft. in size. You pay a premium for everything in the city. Go ball out for a week then leave. Don't live there.
My old job was in a small college town, involved work in academia (where else?) and despite a cheap and large apartment, I got really screwed over by my work (word to the wise: NEVER trust "women in academia", even if they look normal). Now I'm living in a big city in a smaller apartment that costs more than my old one (and all my neighbors are either black or Hispanic) and working for a company unironically owned by Jewish people. It's okay if you move because your job requires it but if you move just to move to a big city--don't.
How do i give gold on this sub?
Because unless it's a "real city" it probably won't have a 24/7 bodega that you can creep into at 3am for loosies or a soda to avoid other people during the day
Looks like the old saying
>and it won't even be 1000 sq. ft. in size.
Are you retarded? That's 92 square meters, that's fucking huge.
>are you retarded for wanting a decent amount of space for your 4000 fucking dollars a month
>Wanting to live in the diverse shithole that is Jew York
I've lived there. You don't want to, trust me
NYC streets always smell like piss and shit especially when it's hot.
>why even leave my apartment when there's nothing to do, nothing going on, and nowhere interesting to walk?
Fucking this.
So a woman in academia screwed you over?
File name.
I have certain ways of acquiring money that aren't technically illegal, and anyway I have an okay career.
Except for Buffalo it's nice. I went hiking in lots of areas of upstate on a road trip.
But I do go outside, and I even have some friends, sort of. We don't talk but we play sports together.
Hard to say who's demented and who's not.
I lived in a $25K household (South Bronx) through college. It's not that uncommon. You will need to be on food stamps though.
I'm not any of the anons you're responding to, but would you please stop shitting up the thread with your attentionfagging? Btw, you live in Chicago, there are plenty of cool areas and things to see. Go hang out in Lincoln Park and hit a museum or concert, stop fucking whining.
this, it's a fun and exciting place but it's definitely not comfy
Did you misread something, because I don't live in chicago and I've never been there. You're just mad you can't into geography dumbfag.
you sound like one of those fags who moves from the midwest to hollywood to make it big but ends up being a used up homeless gay prostitute in two weeks
What is your problem with Chicago you stupid FUCK
Who are you quoting? I don't live in Chicago I don't know why you keep bringing that stupid fucking town up
Women plural actually. Long story, if this thread is still alive tomorrow I can tell you more.
i lived here my whole life and i hate it. currently living in some jewish single mother's basement with my parents
i'm too lazy to quote all of OPs posts but seriously kill yourself flyover fag. no one that you'll ever interact with lives in Manhattan. people get roommates and leave the city when they turn 30 or get a serious girlfriend. the only people left in Manhattan are old money and trusties. I work for Morgan Stanley and everyone takes some train out an hour in some direction. one girl lives in Manhattan with her Goldman father and doctor mother.
>but muh walking! muh buildings!
I guarantee you walked less than 2 miles a day when you visited. the city is not that big.
i never fell for the you dont have it as bad as other people meme/there is people that have it worse than you. until i came to this thread. lol. fuck new york. i feel bad for you people.
The F is literally a homeless hotel until 7am when enough people start calling the cops when they're commuting from the rich areas of brooklyn to metrotech and manhattan.
Also I fucking hate this place, if I get a gf and marry I'm going to NJ. Otherwise living with my parents in their basement is fine for now. If gf doesn't work out I'm probably gonna bank cash for 5-10 years, find out what I need to do to get certified in my profession(not talking about it bc it would ID me) in England (rural) or Switzerland and fucking off out of this place.
Oh, not in Utica, no; it's an Albany expression.
There are beautiful places upstate, I've heard Albany is a shit hole too like most college towns. Lake George is amazing but you can't live there year round. Monroe and the surrounding area is nice but you have to commute to North Jersey or the City to work a liveable wage.
When did you go user? I was there in December 2017 and loved it. However, I can understand why living there would be exhausting. It's a much faster city than LA due it being so dense.
Not original
Everything is dressed up for the holidays, there's actually a meaningful police presence because of the threat of terror, it's cold enough to keep some people off the streets, it's cold enough for the streets to not smell like piss or shit, etc...
No wonder you thought it was nice.
connections and the financial recklessness needed to burn over 40k per year on rent instead of living somewhere cheaper and going into the city when you need to
either find some roommates or go to the bronx since even the middle class parts of the city have crazy rent
not even close. place is it's own clusterfuck and literally has everything
NYC is only fun if you are white with money. The rest of us suffer here
LA is superior
If an illegal Sri Lankan immigrant fan get by as axcook in NYC for years, I'm sure you can, too.
Just don't expect it to be like Friends, that show poisoned a whole generation.