What is a good place to discuss feels?

What is a good place to discuss feels?

>Jow Forums
No, I want to get thoughtful and detailed replies, not two shitposts and then have my thread archived.

Attached: Mirya.jpg (1280x721, 351K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Discord, depending on the server

>not a 4chin server

Not Jow Forums. Use one of those normie sites like twitter, instagram or tumblr. Maybe even reddit.

Doesn't exist. Proper forums with reputations systems and accounts will bring long replies to try to make themselves look and feel like a good member of something. If you want to be free from that egoism and dishonesty, I think that the safest bet is to just take our chances here.

There could be a place like that in 4 months.
This person is gay.

What feels are you thinking about user?

Attached: desu417.jpg (800x673, 79K)

What if you replied seriously to the shitposts?

>no fucking reply from the OP
welp if you aren't gonna talk to anyone why does it matter if you get shitposts and a dead thread or not?

I'm not a fan of instant chat.

I don't know where you would post such things on Twitter or Instagram. It doesn't seem like a suitable place. As for Reddit, are there any good subreddits for this?

I've done it on Jow Forums before, but my threads usually die.

Are you creating something like that, user?

I don't know; I don't have anything in mind right now. Sometimes I just feel depressed about certain things and I want to discuss it with someone, but I don't have anyone to do that with. Most of the time people just try to console me or something.

The thread still dies.

Good point. I have no excuse for taking this long to reply.

>The thread still dies.
Sounds like you aren't giving enough information.

>Are you creating something like that, user?
I hope. If my brain can get kicked into action there will be.

I understand what you mean. I can have thoughts that come off as depressing to others, and voicing them may make it seem like I'm depressed myself, but really I just want an answer or another viewpoint on something.

Attached: desu363.png (454x369, 108K)

it's not hard or expensive to set up a cloud-based website

I'm not sure what sort of information you want. Usually if I reply to a shitpost seriously (usually I end up asking what they mean or how it's relevant to my thread), I never get a reply back from that person, and nobody else posts in the thread either.

an actual therapist

i could try to talk to you if you have discord but i see you aren't really into chat platforms

I use filters. I have them set up to filter all posts that contain a question mark, but only one line.
I filter these posts because they fall into one of a few camps: trolls that are "just asking innocent questions", people who are shitposting and aren't serious, or simpletons that don't know how to add all of the necessary information, let alone hit the Enter key once.
In all cases, I can make the safe assumption that without showing the work behind their thought process, they aren't respecting my time, and don't deserve my attention.
Does that explain anything?

Thanks, I'll check out 7cups again. I've been on there before, but most of the listeners I was matched up with weren't any good.

I don't have money to pay for actual therapy.

Stop posting anime, dumb tranny and maybe you will get a discussion thread going. Retard.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2017.08.16_10.57.21].png (510x634, 400K)

It's figuring out which script(I have one in mind) to get and how I plan to upload/keep it updated. I don't even know how load it on my localhost.

This explains a potential scenario in which you would not see my reply to a post you may have made on my thread. Unfortunately, I don't remember any concrete examples of threads I've made in the past, so I can't look back to see if I ever wrote one-line questions in response to people's posts. It does seem rather likely that I have, however.

Do you think a lot of people have similar filters set up? Am supposed to do anything special to avoid my posts being hidden, or is putting some effort into them enough?

I'm not a transgender person. The character in the picture is not even a trap. You also posted an anime character yourself, yet I replied to you, which shows the unsubstantiated nature of your theory.

>Do you think a lot of people have similar filters set up?
No. They just manually skip it.
>is putting some effort into them enough?

i never got anything out of it either desu
i've found it more useful to just research psychology or try to just ignore bad feelings/focus on good stuff instead

>ignore bad feelings/focus on good stuff instead

That's what I normally do as well. The feelings still come back at inopportune times, which is annoying.

I see. Perhaps, I'll try posting again here at some point while heeding your warnings.

>I can't look back
oh yeah, use archives
search using image md5 hashes of of pictures that you have posted
do this on a vpn

good luck

Do not repress your fucking emotions. That shit will come out years later in catastrophic and interesting ways.

Ignoring bad feelings is bad, Han. That doesn't mean that you should dwell on it.

i wasnt advocating for repressing them
but actively focusing on what is making you upset, negative feelings, etc. tends to just dig the hole deeper

if you focus on good things and say "i feel bad, what things can i do to NOT feel bad" then engage in that instead of writing blogposts about how bad you feel, you are less likely to continue feeling bad, and are more likely to continuously reinforce the habit of doing "good" things. that then leads to feeling accomplished, which leads to better feelings, and it keeps going upwards from there.

however i cannot always adhere to this advice as there is something sickeningly rewarding about wallowing in misery and self-pity, too

>That shit will come out years later in catastrophic and interesting ways.
I don't know if I released my shit or not, but nothing bad happened to me.

but it's even more rewarding to wallow in self-reward

yes, it is

but it's sort of like being involuntarily injected with drugs, and then you want to stay high, so you keep trying to inject yourself with more drugs

your body involuntarily gives you bad feels, you feel the bad feels, then you kind of want to keep feeling the bad feels because in some way they feel good

until i can completely shut down the first instance of feeling bad, i am liable to fall victim to this trap and have to guard myself from wallowing

>i can completely shut down the first instance of feeling bad
don't shut it down. RUN
>you kind of want to keep feeling the bad feels
I got lost here
>involuntarily injected with drugs, and then you want to stay high
welcome to having a brain.

I get this as well. I actively search for shit that makes me feel like trash for being human and then wallow in it, like I'm reaching some sort of enlightenment. It feels like I'm on the precipice of understanding it all but just not quite reaching it.

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I understand everything. Ask me.

How do I feel fulfillment?

feel full

Help someone else accomplish their dreams

for example: instead of saying "I want to die," say "I want to fry... some veggies"
or "I want to kill myself," think "I want to fill myself"

I help people all the time and have been thanked for making others get into the situation they are in now. I still feel empty.

is there anyone that wants a friend to voice chat with? i'm a guy i hope that doesn't hurt my chances i'm just reeling from real life issues and i could use a friend to talk to

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everything is fucking dumb and just another way to post stuff on the internet. just say what's up

have you left a bit of yourself onto them?
don't forget to put your name on your masterpieces.