
Born a certain way
Nothing wrong with being gay
life can be okay

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Any cute boys in Germany? I'm in Lower Saxony. I just wanna play some vidya or watch some anime together ;_;
(warning: I'm not a cutey, I'm 6'4" so I can't pull it off)

why do I hate you people so much? you're normeis to me.

How do I stop being gay? Nothing arouses me but gay stuff but I don't want to be this way.

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you should get fit user, you could be a full on Germanic god with that height

That's awesome man. I've only used gdb for C programming when I do it. It's been a little while though so I'm a little rusty. I'm picking up Python again because it's gaining more and more momentum. Wanna pick up Rust eventually too. It's been a while since I've worked with assembly as well. Do you just do security for fun or do you get paid? You should check out more cons, there's something for everybody there. Went to Def Con back in 2013 mostly for the speeches but they had all kinds of crazy stuff there.

From therefore I say:
Weeaboo shit is forever banned from this thread.
And as it's said, so shall be done.

Don't know if it's possible to no longer be attracted to something.
Is it only a physical attraction? There's no desire for an emotional one?

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I wonder if anyone will ever think of me as much as I think of them.
But no, thinking of people for hours on end every day is what weirdos do, so they'd never do that.
But me on the other hand...

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Are ypu blind? You're disobeying my commandment.

I wonder this too

Wish I could find someone as needy and clingy and obsessive as me

I'm starting going gym soon actually! Wish me luck. I wanna get strong enough to carry my (non-existent) bf around, princess-carry style.

Then stay away from normies, and look for robo-men

People say they want a "clingy bf", but when it comes to my extent of clingy-ness, it isn't cute or funny anymore, it's just creepy.
I've only had interactions with robots, but sooner or later I've realised that my feelings were all one sided.

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>oversexual thoughts getting worse
Fuck, this is going to ruin me, do I just become a monk or something
I don't want to be a slut

How originally clingy do you get?

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That hurts, but the only option is to either continue looking or give up and live in loneliness.

Yeah I feel like people want "clingy" in the sense of messaging daily, good mornings and good nights etc. Not actual clingy which is stupid that it's been just sort of adopted as a term now. Gives the wrong idea to the wrong people, ya know?

I'm pretty clingy and weird at times desu so I think I'd enjoy it, I have a bad habit of obsessing over people
But I'm not really interesting enough to have someone obsess over me, feels really bad desu

I honestly wouldn't mind. I'd kill for a bf who is as obsessed with me as I am with him.

>tfw avoidant
At least clinginess is possible to romanticize desu
Nobody wants a bf that can handle about an hour of conversation at a time before having to isolate himself all day

They have a pleddit vibe to them, there's nothing weird with feeling disgust towards them

>accusing people of being redditors
that's pretty reddit desu

I dont see why, the more gays the less competition.

I'm possessive and want all of someone's attention, I want them to talk to me constantly, I don't want them to talk to anyone else, I wanna be their sole social interaction. I want to isolate them to me and no one else.
I get hurt when they speak to others.
It's creepy, and it's weird, but that's how it is.
I'll probably keep looking, or die from emotional trauma, we'll see.
Yeah, I get you.
Haha, that's what you'd think.
I barely talk, anyways.

>tfw keep thinking about people that ghosted me

>>I'm possessive and want all of someone's attention, I want them to talk to me constantly, I don't want them to talk to anyone else, I wanna be their sole social interaction. I want to isolate them to me and no one else.
>I get hurt when they speak to others.
>It's creepy, and it's weird, but that's how it is.

I'm the same way but probably not to the degree you are. If you want someone to love you, you have to work on that.

What do you do if they're talking to someone else?

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Taking bf applications on kik.

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I just don't know what I want anymore. If I desire an emotional relationship or a physical one, I just know it involves men and I want that to stop.

I usually distance myself from them and try to not make things worse for myself.
I know that this kind of behaviour isn't acceptable, so I try to abstain from it, to not hurt others or myself.

if you still browse these threads just know that i love you

Pretty unhealthy for the both of you desu, rather than just saying "that's how it is" you should get some help for it. At least so that them talking to other people doesn't upset you, I can guarantee neither of you will be able to live life normally with that sort of "relationship"

Why is it you want it to stop?

>no kids
>looked down by others
>feel guilty when I get aroused by something gay
>hard to find someone who actually wants to love you and doesn' t want to pump and dump

>not real
>it's 2018
>don't be a retard and wear condoms/go on PrEP
>come to terms
>more possible than you think outside of hookup apps

You're not going to get anywhere by doing that. I could try to help you but I usually only like adding people from here if there's compatibility

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Hah, I haven't been normal since birth, why should I try now.
It seems so boring, you're a nobody when you're normal, a part of the collective.
But, when you're not, you're a different entity from the collective, you're something, someone.

Supposedly lots of stuff was meant to be a ticket to hell but has been changed over time.
Don't understand why anyone would want kids, but there's adoption or surrogate.
Can change from place to place.
That applies for straight people too, and won't be a problem if you just find one guy.
Why would you feel guilty?
Again applies for straight people too.

There's no need to worry about me, or help me, really.
I'll make due on my own, and even if I don't, it'll be fine.
I'm not compatible with many, anyways.

>not real
prove it.
raising another man's kid lol.
>it's 2018
current year
>come to terms
"lol its all in ur head bro!!!"
>more possible than you think outside of hookup apps
actually false.

Normal is clearly subjective, I'm not saying become boring I'm just saying that this isn't just a little "quirk" that makes life interesting. It's genuinely something that'll affect your ability to have a proper relationship unless you find someone who genuinely likes being treated like the property of someone else and doesn't like any basic social interactions.

I'm not even gay and I've never been in this thread but all you fags are neat, it must suck to have all of society's jokes aimed at you. Chin up boys, life is OK and you can't help who you're attracted to

Love and respect, sincerely, a straightfag who kind of admires you

not him but this is my first post in these threads.

I've been in a couple relationships and never had any hook ups. seems like you're hung up on shitty labels that society gave to fags? You need to get over it or you're just going to be more depressed. figure yourself out.

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>prove it.
You can't prove it's real either. Going by the bible is a pretty ridiculous thing considering so many things are misconstrued and misinterpreted, not to mention completely disregarded. People cherry pick the gay thing as if there weren't more ridiculous things you'd get stoned to death or sent to Hell for.
>raising another man's kid lol.
I mean you could always use a surrogate with your own semen if you're that bothered by who made the kid.
>current year
Exactly. Not 1980. You're not getting beat for holding hands in the street unless you're in a 3rd world country or in really religious countries/states, which would favor you in a court of law.
>"lol it's all in your head bro!!"
I mean, it is. If you're gay, you're gay. If you're not, you're not. Not hard to figure out. At worst you're prison gay, at best you're straight but had a period of curiosity. Try going on a date with a guy and see what it's like.
>actually false.
You haven't tried enough. You are completely more than able of getting a date from Tindr and not have it end with you inside an anal cavity or someone inside yours.

No offense but I'm not asking for justifications for being gay. I feel disgusting whenever I act on the urges and just want to get rid of them, not accept them. Is there a way to stop these feelings or not? If so, how?

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Sorry, don't know of anyway to do that.

You can't stop it without serious repression and that's just going to leave you feeling shittier and suicidal.

>serious repression
Any advice on how to do thism

I don't repress who I am lmao, go google it or something.

>Develop feelings for someone again
>I'm now stuck on Mr. Emotion's terrrifying roller coaster

I want to get off

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If gays are all hypersexual sluts does that mean I can molest random gayboys I want? Discuss

theyll see it as a chance to get more attention by claiming youre a sexual assaulter then they'll go to gaychad to fuck them instead of you.

Molesting cute femboys is hot tho. I bet they would feel so violated. Their little dicks hard between their girly thighs

anyone have the gay injection meme where the anime puppet injects the doctor with the gay?

their little dicks get hard at everything, it wouldnt be hard. i think their dicks are hardest when theyre getting paid or getting attention from people other than us

Who is the best discord boy

the absolute STATE of these threads.

It's Nail with Raxim as a close second

>tfw fingering a boy feels like a soft pink fleshlight
>tfw its tighter than one


more like, the absolute state of Jow Forums.

I seriously fucking hate this website, but at least it's better than facebook

raxim=opinion loser

Downloaded it earlier today
I got you senpai

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>cant keep a conversation going
>really, really boring
>no hobbies other than vidya
so this is why no bf?

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You are meant to be a mindless cock sleeve user, embrace it. It won't be so bad. You can sit on my pee pee and occasionally wriggle around while I let you watch anime

hey we are somewhat alike

thats disgusting
i want a wholesome relationship with another guy not mindless fucking
people hate gays because of fags like you

T-that's hot...

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can we be friends please?/

Im the same but i think some people are just meant to be alone friend.

I guess so, user. Never really had any luck with friends or relationships. It's just that I'm a boring guy. At least you could relate

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if you are then never mind i dont want to be friends with you.

I let myself get attached to someone after an incredibly short time period because we have a lot in common but due to circumstances it's impossible for it to work out. How do I move on quickly when its ridiculous I was crushing so hard in the first place

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>tfw no tall bf to tease me about being short and pat my head and call me a good boy
>tfw no tall bf to attack with cuddles and kisses like pic related

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lmao I literally went through the same thought process mate
I hate all the people just ERPing or looking for hookups, kinda disgusting

>Nobody wants to date me irl and I have no interest in most people I know
>Go on grindr
>Get messaged by people
>"Fuck it; never gonna meet but might as well just talk"
>All block or ignore once they see my face
>Always thought I was decently attractive
>Even complete uggos do
>Cross eyed, second chin, neckbeard, wonky yellow teeth sicking out of mouth, weird bony faces and odd jaws, etc.
>Every fucking one
The absolute state of these faggots.

Defy circumstances.
Get in contact and message him.
Unless it's the guy I was crushing on for ages and plan on contacting soon.

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Weak, sleepy boys like you should just be sex puppets for stronger boys. I bet you're so submissive in real life. Do you look away when people talk to you?

What do you have in common? Why won't it work out?

it's been like three minutes since your post, that's soon right? go contact him you dolt

D-Don't bully me user :-(

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please fuck off this is why people find you boring and why you dont have a boyfriend you stupid avatarfag bitch

get fucked avatarfag

I have this plan where I consult with my friends and get them to help, since failure could result in a horde of muslims breaking down my front door and beheading me for ISIS. This is probably not the case for you.

We're just playing! No need to get so upset :3

>tfw 6.3" penis with 6" girth
Is this well endowed or not? Would probably be a lot closer to 7" if I lost weight.

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What's your height user? I'm 188cm.

>tfw balding fat fuck
At least 10 years ago I had some ok boyish looks, now I really do look 40-something.

Dont let yourself be used and mistreated just because you think you need a bf. Better do it the right way than to be used.

It won't work out because of age difference and distance. It feels like everything you could think of is similar.

>Want bf (irl)
>Literally never speak unless it's needed
>It's been this way for 8 years
Is there any hope left for me bros?

How does something feel pink?

It's *that* gay

Depends. Where are you from? (Originel comment)

wow you're quite tall. im like 167 cm..
man that really sucks :( you should work out! if you can't have hair you should at least have sweet abs

>I'm 188cm.
Look at this manlet over here :^)

In Novosibirsk. It's very lonely, of course.

I'm down 15lbs so far and that's just by dropping fast food and soda. Gonna go hard on the diet and join the gym. Might aswell be a muscle daddy at least, or a Jason Statham type if guys are into that look.

How big is the age difference? Less than 5 years isn't too bad

How big of an age difference and how much of a distance? If it's some east and west coast stuff that isn't too difficult to work out, even easier to work out if it's only a few states. Continents might be a bit more difficult but if the timezones aren't too wild I don't see how it couldn't. All about communication and trust.