What's your opinion on the pedosexuality vs homophilia debate?

What's your opinion on the pedosexuality vs homophilia debate?

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where does this "debate" usually happen?

who is the pedo example?

Damn, that's some good trigger discipline.

>pedo vs home
Even if this debate happened anywhere, both deserve to be gassed.

I think people should stop being psychopathic cunts over feelings of attraction. I think that if someone claims to be open-minded and accepting, yet would quickly cheer for the death of a "pedo" without knowing anything about him or the circumstances, is a dishonest piece of shit who lacks the ability to actually empathize deeply and think for their self.

>good trigger discipline
Why do fags on this website think they're cool for talking about "trigger discipline". It's the first thing you learn when you shoot a gun, literally the most simple concept there is. That's why Jow Forums faggots are obsessed with it. It makes them look smart because some people don't know what it means. It's also easy to see if someone isn't practicing trigger discipline and call them out on it.

>man trained rigorously in a specific task
>amazing that he can apply his teachings
What are you exactly impressed about, monkey? Fucking normal tard.

Pedophillia is objectively wrong
Idfc about homos

what the fuck are you on about faggot? every idiot has trigger discipline once they are thought about it for the first time.

> What's your opinion on the misdemeanor vs felony debate?

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if only he had some trigger discipline for his dick

I know that trigger discipline is something really simple, but it's amazing how there are still a bunch of idiots that don't practice it. I've seen trained soldiers who lack it, and it's even worse when they know that someone is taking a pic of them, it's like they think that being an irresponsible faggot makes them look cool or something.

Fucking kids is how humanity was even able to survive long enough to get this far, brainlet.

The Christians were right, it IS a slippery slope.

Faggots btfo

That's some salty milk, son

obviously the pedo deserves death, but the fag deserves a jail sentence and then forced straight conversion

people all over the internet do that. Also, 'fencing response' comments on every video where someone is knocked down to the ground.

it's a little fact they probably just learned, and soon will become like you, angry that people are posting something you yourself learned a long time ago.

grow up

How? Pedophilia is the same as homosexuality.

Homosexuality is usually between two consenting adults. Whether children can consent to sex is a whole other discussion.

If people were more rational about things, our governments would provide free loli sex dolls/robots to all pedos to keep them from unleashing their urges irl.

When it comes to fags, I don't are too much if they are both consenting adults, but they should be punished for acting like fags outside the bedroom.

Pedophiles should be given CBT to help control their urges, in addition to being informed of the vast amount of harmless drawn loli/shota material on the internet so they can use it to help vent.
People who have molested children and people who collect actual CP should be dragged behind a car on a salted road till death.

As for homos, if fags who fuck other fags just keep their faggotry to their own gay communities there isn't really a problem with it. It's just annoying when they wave their gay pride shit in other people's faces: but that's not really because they're gay, it's because they're being obnoxious shitheads about it. Of course you'll get Jow Forumstards and religious fundies REEEEEEEing about muh degeneracy, but they're just faggots doing the same thing obnoxious faggots do with a different ideology.

this. and solo gravure cp would be legal. as a matter of fact, it would become the most common kind of porn amongst straight males

originally 400 years ago, yes.

>pedofags trying to hop on the fag wagon in hopes they'll be accepted one day

Who is the man on the right?

You don't know "vicky"? Fucking internet casual.


Robots more so.

I completely understood that reference.

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Pound the homos, burn the pedos.