God I hate being a dicklet

God I hate being a dicklet
I spent my entire life avoiding roastbeefs because I knew my dick would be small for them
I waited 26 years to lose my virginity to a fucking HOOKER, I've been fucking whores for a year and I'm slowly dying inside

I don't see the reason to live like this, i'm just wasting time and resources until my inevitable suicide

I know it sounds gay but all I wanted was a family but that won't happen because females won't settle for a dicklet and no I'm not interested in being a cuckold and raising my wife's son you fucking faggots

I hate my life so much, now go on and flood my thread with posts about your 8x6 dicks

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How big of a dick do you have? Also, your mistake was seeking a non-christian life, not having a small dick.

6x6 reporting

but I'm 6'3 so it's not simply small but it looks like a babydick on my frame

Yeah but who gives a fuck? You're placing too much importance on the size of your dick, man. Don't let this place, or any other website, affect you to the point where you ruin your life. You don't need an 8 inch cock to make women happy, just like women don't need C-cup breasts to make me happy. I surely do like C-cups, but I've been attracted to women with A-cups before. And if I got into a relationship with one, I wouldn't cheat on her with a person who had C-cup breasts because it doesn't matter that much to me.

>comparing breast to dicksize
Opinion discarded
Trash post

>comparing dick size to the variety of other reasons a woman would be attracted to someone

Why do you feel the need to bring yourself/OP down? It really doesn't matter that much.

If your dick is REALLY that small (5 inches is fine), get better at eating pussy. It's not fucking hard.

>get better at eating pussy cause your dick is worthless
Bad post

>I spent my entire life avoiding roastbeefs because I knew my dick would be small for them
The only person preventing you from having a family has been you, you self-sabotaging pile of quivering insecurity. Man the fuck up and get a girlfriend.



its such an ego destruction.

the worse part is that roasties say size doesn't matter WHEN IT FUCKING DOES

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Fucking this.

5 inches isn't small you fucking retard. It's certainly not big, but it's not small.

Not him but sex happens in the brain, so yeah, sex with a 10/10 and sex with a 1/10 will feel VERY different even if their pussies were the same, friendo.

Just saying, but no woman actually thinks the way you think they do.

You get a girl in the mood, you do a bit of kissing, a bit of foreplay, she might SEE your dick and be like, hey it's not the biggest, but being honest man?

5x5 is actually pretty decent. It's essentially slightly below average length and its average girth to slightly higher. Also, if you worked out enough and socialised, girls would sleep with you because you're fucking 6'3.

Genuinely, when you fuck a girl who's honest with you and not a hooker who would just lie for the sake of it and not be invested, they will tell you your dick is more than enough. I'm 7 inches and can't fuck my girl in doggy because it hits her end and puts her in pain. And I'm a girth dicklet, like 4.75 and she still really exclaims when I put it in.

Whoever told you or indoctrinated you into believing real girls will never enjoy fucking you because you dont have a huge dick, that's genuine fucking bullshit. Get inside her, grind yourself on her clit as you fuck her and she'll literally go wild and beg for your dick no matter how small it is (and again, it really isn't that small).

if you really want fucking positive feedback from women just do research and get good at sex. It's really not that hard. The majority of men suck ass at having sex because they simply believe 'having a large enough penis' is good enough to make a girl cum, although it generally has nothing at all to do with that.

Rant over, and the moral of the story is bro, don't think about the whores or the past and the shame of not fucking women. Just do something about your fucked up life now, go out and sort it the fuck out. It's really not too late, and once you do it, you'll kick yourself for worrying about dick size for such a long fucking time.

Dick is generally worthless anyway when it comes to female pleasure. You could have an 8 incher and all it does is make the girl gasp a little more because it's slightly more pleasure. Don't mistake loudness for pleasure. The girl isn't going to cum off the size of your dick. It's literally all about your motion and the way you use it and how into it they are. It literally means nothing to have a large dick apart from dick comparing contests between men...

What are you, a fucking faggot?

>7 inch
stopped reading right there

To girls it is

at least all the ones who would fuck.

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There's a reason they say it doesn't matter.

It's because it literally doesn't. They genuinely aren't lying about this one senpai, trust me.

They're only telling you it doesnt matter so you can fucking focus on the things that actually get them off rather than a worthless extra inch or two of shaft. Penetration doesn't actually make women feel good anyway.

So I wrote an entire post on why you're wrong, but because I have a larger penis than you you feel unable to listen to what I have to say, or inferior or some shit?

Come on, man. You're better than that. You're literally putting yourself down yourself, no one else is doing it to you. It's all in your fucking mind.

Go back and read the rest of my post with an open mind, then please return and tell me if there's anything you disagree with.

Please man, it's for your own good. I'm genuinely typing this out to change your minds on this and help you out, and before you say anything about it, it's not because I think I'm better than you because I have a bigger penis than you.

It's just, as a result of what I've experienced in sex that I've had I would happily trade for a 5inch to experience doggy and still be able to get my girl off with the same ease. Besides, she only gets off by grinding on me anyway.

>imagine actually believing this

jesus christ user
are you really this delusional? coping dicklet or just your average normalfag?

Problem is that you write from the perspective of having a 7 incher but you try to make claims that are relevant for all men regardless of dick size. Not saying that you're wrong or anything, but it does leave a bit of a bitter aftertaste, y'know? Like a rich guy saying that money doesn't matter while he knows nothing of the struggles of being poor. Maybe the rich guy is right after all, maybe not, but as a poor guy you'll always react with resentment.

not him but
>"guys dick size doesn't matter! t. big dick user"
go fuck yourself. you have plenty of places to brag about your dick. go back to r/.

This is why everyone makes fun on small dicks
This is why women cheat for big dicks
You are so delusional

Imagine being so dedicated to your self-image as a helpless crybaby victim that you'll rationalize away any hope that you might have hope. Because accepting responsibility for your life is hard, and you'd rather be right than be happy.
Stop being so fucking pathetic.

I know this because I've made several women that I've slept with cum before. And newsflash, girls don't fucking masturbate to orgasm by shoving their fingers in their pussy. It's literally always the clit. Or the G spot. And the dick does nothing to either. It just contributes to the girl getting super breathless and moany, which is caused by genetic traits. And you can cause that with a dick about 4 inches and above.

>This is why everyone makes fun on small dicks
I'd argue it's the other way around actually, you accuse idiots of having a small dick and so on.
>This is why women cheat for big dicks
Do you really thing cheating women go around with measuring devices before they cheat? A big dick doesn't make you immune to being cucked.

>posts your typical normalfag diatribe
>people call you out on your bullshit
>gets upset and starts insulting people he was apparently trying to help in the first place
ah, I love it how easy it is to spot a normalfag. shoo shoo

what the fuck are you talking about you fucking mongoloid? do you think women have to pull out a measuring tape to know whether a guy has a bigger or smaller dick than the previous guy? you DO realize they can, you know, look at it and feel it, right? ahahahahaha
i honestly cant tell if you're just some dicklet or some dumb roastie (an oxymoron, i know user)

Why the fuck does my opinion have to be worthless because I mentioned I have a large dick? I've said countless times now that it has had nothing to do with girls orgasming and feeling pleasure. And girls are fucking animals, we all know that. They're primitive. They just want the pleasure out of sex at the end of it.

You can literally fuck a girl for 30 minutes straight (if you can handle it) with just penetration over and over like you see in porn. Give it a go. or try with a large dildo if you think your dick isn't small enough. She will never cum. It doesn't happen.

Like I've said time and time again, it's to do with her mood, attraction, and sensitive spots that have LITERALLY nothing to do with your shaft length. 1-3 inches difference is not the make or break to a girl cumming off your dick or not. That's just reality. Don't believe me, google away, or try for yourself. I've done plenty of both.

Yes, and this is why women buy vibrators the size of baseball bats. Because they just like feeling it rub on their clit. And this is why numerous researches have shown that women prefer men with dicks above six inches, which is considered above average in the entire world.

Kill yourself, normie scum.

I refuse to believe anyone can be this dense

>"guys, I took out this chick a while ago to dine in an expensive restaurant in my Lamborghini, but she never even saw my bank account! see? money doesn't matter. what matters is how you treat your lady"

If you actually believe anything you're saying, you're a legit knuckledragger and I suggest opening up a book instead of wasting your days away being passive aggressive on Jow Forums

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>wasting your virginity on a hooker with only 4 years until becoming a wizard
Why, user?

yeah sure buddy... and looks dont matter, right?

First of all, baseball bat is a gigantic fucking exaggeration. And secondly, many vibrators are sold in that size for the same reason that you guys believe you are inadequate for having small dicks; men in society and insecure shits in society have perpetuated the idea that big dicks are better and small dicks are not so good.

And yes, maybe biologically women might be slightly more attuned to big dicks in some bullshit studies. Like guys biologically go for girls with wider hips. But societally, people don't follow that fucking rule because we aren't fucking neandarthals anymore, and any woman who is sexually aware and has done it before knows that a large shaft is not required for immense sexual pleasure.

Measuring with your eyes is actually pretty difficult, you know. I think I do recall that women on average are even worse with that stuff, so there's that. About feeling, well, that's a pretty difficult thing to do because the vagina has most of the nerve endings in the first 4-5 inches so everything beyond that you probably won't feel, except if you hit the cervix, obviously.

it's okay all races of women all want Tyrone's 9 inch BBC now

First, I'm not the guy who posted the essay. The only post I made here besides that was calling OP a similarly pathetic pile of insecurities, so I've been insulting you from the start.
Second, what do you mean "calling me out"? No one here on your side has said anything of substance. That's all you fuckers do; you just fucking say things over and over without an ounce of argument to support it. You say something false, someone explains why it's false, and you attempt to back it up by just spewing more unfounded statements. All your side has said in response to all the dissent in this thread boils down to "no you're wrong" in one form or another, accompanied by various amounts of insults and/or empty rhetoric. I'm not going to act like essayfag's anecdotal evidence and armchair biology is rock-solid watertight evidence, but it's miles ahead of anything you've brought to the table.

user you do realize it also has to do with girth. not every user here has the girth to compensate for the length. for instance, i myself have a 5x4.5, and chicks always say "girth is what matters the most" whenever they talk about penis size, as if that makes us dicklets feel better. length and girth usually go hand to hand. and imagine anons who have it even worse.

Actually, I'm never going to argue that looks don't matter. Looks are important for attraction, and attraction is semi-correlated to how aroused a girl can get and how much she wants to fuck you / get off on you.

You'd have to be really unaware though to believe that girls find dicks and dick size unaware. Any normal woman literally doesn't get turned on by a large dick. It's all in their minds. You just learn that kinda shit from porn

Maybe if you opened up a book about sex, you'd probably realise that I'm right. And I'm trying my hardest not to be passive aggressive. I wanted to show some support for someone who was clearly going through a rough time because he felt inadequate for his small dick.

And by the way, your ridiculous analogy makes no sense. You're making out, yet again, like I mindlessly believe that my 7 inch penis is not correlated to a girl's pleasure, yet I must have somehow deluded myself into believing this untruth and in actual fact, IT WAS THE EXTRA 2 INCHES ALL ALONG

If you'd not been carefully avoiding the truth in some of my posts, you'd not have written such a stupid analogy. I'll reiterate for you; I've tested the idea of making a girl cum with penetration time and time again and as I said, it does literally nothing for them. And another 2 inches is literally unnecessary when it comes to stimulating the clit. Do that, like 95 percent of guys never do, and she will always come back for more. Just fuck her raw with just your shaft? (I've done just that many times) and she treats you like you're nothing special. There's a correlation. If you don't believe me though, feel free to go out there and fuck and test it yourself. Besides, why give up on sex if you've got a small dick? By the time you get it out its too late anyway. You might as well just test my theory at the very least. What harm can it do?

>And secondly, many vibrators are sold in that size for the same reason that you guys believe you are inadequate for having small dicks; men in society and insecure shits in society have perpetuated the idea that big dicks are better and small dicks are not so good.
Read what you just said out loud. Slowly and steadily.

>And yes, maybe biologically women might be slightly more attuned to big dicks in some bullshit studies
"Bullshit studies" being those that DIRECTLY ask women what they like. What, are you gonna tell me that "no user you see women don't know what they want!", but you do?

>But societally, people don't follow that fucking rule because we aren't fucking neandarthals anymore, and any woman who is sexually aware and has done it before knows that a large shaft is not required for immense sexual pleasure.
We were never neandarthals. They followed a different branch in the evolutionary path.
And you keep coming up strawmen like every other person who argues that women don't really care or don't care at all about big dicks.

>"no you see user, they care but only a little!"
>"no user they don't know what they want, but you see I as a man do!"

Straight up dancing around the argument because you know you'd never say it straight up in real life without bursting out of laughter or blushing because you were lying.

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>so I've been insulting you from the start.
just joined the thread a few mins ago so you were also talking to someone else

>Second, what do you mean "calling me out"? No one here on your side has said anything of substance. That's all you fuckers do; you just fucking say things over and over without an ounce of argument to support it. You say something false, someone explains why it's false, and you attempt to back it up by just spewing more unfounded statements. All your side has said in response to all the dissent in this thread boils down to "no you're wrong" in one form or another, accompanied by various amounts of insults and/or empty rhetoric. I'm not going to act like essayfag's anecdotal evidence and armchair biology is rock-solid watertight evidence, but it's miles ahead of anything you've brought to the table.

>this is coming from the guy who literally just stopped by the thread to insult people, instead of actually arguing
tl;dr as well, just read the first line and you come off as a gigantic tool. feel free to hang urself any time, user

Yeah, I do realise that. I've never wanted to say that girth isn't that important. I'm a 7x4.5 or 4.75, somewhere in between. Otherwise known as a pencil dick. And while the shaft is not important, girth can give pleasure. But again, not totally related to the build up to orgasm. That's pretty intrinsic in the sensitive spots and the mood and shit.

Do wish I had a tad more girth though. But it's not the end of the world. As long as you're between 4.3 or so and 6 i think you're pretty much fine.

>mmm actually sweetie I know better than everyone around here but I'm not gonna argue because you're a bunch of bakas, mmk?
Jesus Christ. The absolute state of Jow Forums.

Trying to help someone out on this board was your first mistake user.
People don't post here to improve their life they just want somewhere to complain.

Any woman who would disregard you because of your 5 inch penis isn't the type of woman you would want to marry and have kids with anyhow. That's the type of woman to divorced you, take all your shit and brainwash your kids into hating you.

>>If you'd not been carefully avoiding the truth in some of my posts, you'd not have written such a stupid analogy. I'll reiterate for you; I've tested the idea of making a girl cum with penetration time and time again and as I said, it does literally nothing for them. And another 2 inches is literally unnecessary when it comes to stimulating the clit. Do that, like 95 percent of guys never do, and she will always come back for more. Just fuck her raw with just your shaft? (I've done just that many times) and she treats you like you're nothing special. There's a correlation. If you don't believe me though, feel free to go out there and fuck and test it yourself. Besides, why give up on sex if you've got a small dick? By the time you get it out its too late anyway. You might as well just test my theory at the very least. What harm can it do?
see, this is why absolutely no one will take you people who say penis size doesnt matter seriously. no one is fucking arguing that you should fuck a chick raw during all of sex. absolutely no one in this thread, or anyone ever. HOWEVER having a big/small dick can make or break for a chick who WANTS to be penetrated alongside everything else. no one is saying "HUR LOOK GIRLS ONLY CARE ABOUT BEING PENETRATED BY BIG DICKS NO ONE ELSE MATTERS". you're fooling no one with your strawman.

it's like saying, "look, a chick won't date you for your car", but it sure as hell helps having a nice car, right? and its make or break for some chicks, especially in the west where women are pampered to hell.

im just giving you the benefit of the doubt but i still think you're trolling. it's not rocket science. but again, you did say you have a 7 incher. human beings arent really made to relate to those below them because of biological reasons, so they just sugar coat whatever their problems are and shrug it off as "oh stop it it's not THAT bad" when YOU YOURSELF couldnt possibly know what it is like because you're not even one of us

>Read what you just said out loud. Slowly and steadily.
I'm able to read it, and understand it. But did you? Did you understand the idea that, while the idea of big dicks being better for vibrator sales works well, in practice a girl will not be able to put half the fucking thing in? Not to mention, many girls use tiny vibrators, and hitachis and shit aren't even inserted. Most of the decent vibrators are for that purpose and don't even double as dildos.

>"Bullshit studies" being those that DIRECTLY ask women what they like. What, are you gonna tell me that "no user you see women don't know what they want!", but you do?
Man, please try to understand what I'm saying a little more. The idea of big dicks is appealing and of course women are going to say they want them because it's the status quo and sure, they might like to be made to feel a little more breathless and full. But again, my point is that when women are actually talking about their pleasure, it's nothing to do with shaft length. So why feel inadequate for a small dick size when you can do everything a normal guy does? Girls don't just "run off to chad who has a bigger dick" like they would know he has a larger dick anyway, especially not if you make them cum hard everytime. Why would they need to get ploughed by chad's 8inch donger for 2 mins in doggy so they can cum on them, instead of being fucked properly for a good half hour and having a satisfying orgasm? it doesn't make sense for a girl.

The idea here is you seem to be thinking I'm arguing that every female ever has never placed importance on size. I might of hyperbolised earlier and said NO GIRL EVER DURR but honestly, I'm sure there's some crazies out there that would only go for 8 inches and higher. Go figure. And some girls, because they've been conditioned that way, will go "ooh wow so big!". But the point I've been making is that it's so fucking unnecessary to abstain from sex until 26 and feel super inadequate because of it.


muh science you motherfucker. Why are you so bothered about neandarthals and shit but you seem willing to discard the fact that the clitoris is obviously many times more receptive than the inside tissue of a vagina because of the nerve endings?

I meant 'you' in a general sense basically every time I said it in that post, not you specifically.

I don't need to repeat everything the essay fag is saying, but here, I'll boil down his rambling bullshit into a more concise argument for you to baselessly call wrong, because you're right; I was being hypocritical. (Although that doesn't invalidate the rest of what I said; being hypocritical and being right are not mutually exclusive)

"Dicklets" are such a meme. As long as your dick is functional at all, you're fine. Yeah, maybe if you have a small dick, there will be some bitches who won't like it as much. Everybody's got preferences; I'm not going to tell you that dick size isn't relevant at all. Here's the thing though - no one expects a unicorn who's perfect in every respect. Sure, some bitch who's looking for a single night of hot sex might turn down a guy with a distinctively small dick, but even then, if the rest of you is attractive enough she won't care. And if we're talking actual girlfriends? Emotional investment? A family, like OP said? If she's already decided she wants to fuck you in that kind of context, your dick size means nothing. She doesn't want your dick, she wants YOU, dick and all. It's normal to be insecure about having a dick on the smaller side, but it is absolutely delusional to think (as OP does) that a 5" dick disqualifies you from having a girlfriend.

man, reading about a woman wanting me is making me hard
to bad it ain't gonna happen right lads haha

You literally said the reason why women buy big vibrators is because "men feel insecure so it shifted the idea of what women like". I should probably stop replying because this is just about the dumbest thing I've ever read on Jow Forums, but I'll indulge.

>Man, please try to understand what I'm saying a little more. The idea of big dicks is appealing and of course women are going to say they want them because it's the status quo and sure, they might like to be made to feel a little more breathless and full. But again, my point is that when women are actually talking about their pleasure, it's nothing to do with shaft length. So why feel inadequate for a small dick size when you can do everything a normal guy does? Girls don't just "run off to chad who has a bigger dick" like they would know he has a larger dick anyway, especially not if you make them cum hard everytime. Why would they need to get ploughed by chad's 8inch donger for 2 mins in doggy so they can cum on them, instead of being fucked properly for a good half hour and having a satisfying orgasm? it doesn't make sense for a girl.
I ask you again to read what you just said out loud. Notice how it's full of uneducated assumptions and "YEAH BUT HERE'S THE THING"s? You're dancing around the argument. You fail to address it directly because you know you're wrong. This is the definition of sugar coating. You're playing obtuse and trying to come up with several reasons why women like this and that when you aren't even a chick yourself. I'm not even gonna bother 'refuting' your arguments because they boil down to "methinks".

However, I do feel the need to address this:

>"Girls don't just "run off to chad who has a bigger dick" like they would know he has a larger dick anyway"
How disconnected from reality are you? I'm well aware you've probably never experienced this because you have an above average/big penis, but please do try to actually think before typing.

Mate, you do make a good point. I'm not going to argue against what you're saying just for the sake of it, because I'm really actually not trolling.

Maybe I got a bit swept up and made some sweeping assertions. Regardless, while there are some girls out there, like you say, say that length will make or break because they really WANT penetration, those girls are a lot more of a rarity than you'd think. And they are all fucking dumbasses. IF you date in the right areas and dont fuck stupid roasties, and actually go for decent ones, they're almost always not as bad as this.

And going back to the original cause of me even pushing this point, while some girls wouldn't mind a guy with a big dick, it's certainly completely unnecessary to feel inadequate over, because at the end of the day, you can still achieve everything you want to during sex. You can still find girls to fuck if you're attractive enough. And so what if the girl decides to fuck someone else for a different experience? Unless you're in your 30s and trying to start a family and shit, no big deal. Just fuck someone else. It's youth.

And if you're OP who just wants to start a family, find one of the many women out there that aren't retardedly obsessed with it.

(not him by the way)
Have you actually bought so completely into the PSL narrative that you think the moment a woman finds a bigger dick, that becomes priority number one and she drops her current guy for that one? Do you really think that women will drop whoever they're currently with if they see someone new to chase who's "better" in literally any way?

pretty sure that most of the vibrators and dildos sold are around 6 inches or so, at least I've read that somewhere. The giant ones are probably used just to see how they'd work or something, can't really think that a woman going for a quick shlick is going to spend half an hour on warming up or smth

again, most of the things you're supposedly refuting are things that no one says, ever. no one says "grr women only care about big dicks and nothing else". this is the same as arguing with people who say looks don't matter. almost no one goes "women ONLY care about looks", but people just end up addressing that anyway as if people made that argument.

think of it like this. you have a 7x5. now imagine if you had a 4x4. you might say "so what? i would just adapt, sure it would be worse but bla bla bla", but you do agree that its much better to have a 7x5, right? and the thing is, the cut off point for chicks keeps getting higher because of porn and other reasons. sure, it's not like a chick will dump you right away because of your penis size (although that does happen), but come the fuck on. use your common sense. dating is all about traits and whatnot, and alongside your personality or whatever penis size does fucking matter, especially for the chicks who care about it. and guess what, chicks nowadays dont have to 'settle' like they did in olden days because of tinder and whatnot. and to say that women dont leave guys because of their penis sizes is ludicrous. and imagine actually being married and whatnot. look at divorce rates and cheating. obviously penis size isnt THE defining factor but its still an important factor especially when a chick is cheating.

so basically it boils down to "men who have small penises think this" but we really don't. we're fully aware of those nerves, the clitoris, foreplay and whatnot. stop treating us like idiots.

Quoting me out of context to make me look dumb is not really necessary now is it? If you don't understand what I meant by the innate insecurities of males, and how a large voice of people who feel, on a societal level, insecure about their penis size, have shamed people in middleschool or highschool maybe for having small dicks, then I question your ability to understand everything else I've said.

Because that's all this really comes down to. Highschool trauma, College trauma, scare stories from women about horrible sex from guys with small sex. It's a vicious circle of 'guys with small dicks suck' and all of a sudden, it becomes taboo to have a smaller penis and people start feeling inadequate. Thus, because of these stereotypes women naturally feel like they are into bigger dicks more.

Didn't think I'd have to spell it out for ya, but turns out I did.

>I'm not even gonna bother 'refuting' your arguments because they boil down to "methinks".
I'm sorry that some of my arguments contain certain phrasing and ways of expressing my opinion. Considering I'm typing long replies to many people with the same view as yourself, I think you can cut me a bit of slack for a few things that are written out of place, when they have nothing to do with my views, right? To say, 'I'm not going to deal with what you have said because I don't like how you wrote it' is pretty much tantamount to saying you are unable to agree. And sounds an awful like the people who told me earlier

>see 7 inch dick
>stop reading right there.

And like has said,

I really really hope you don't buy into the bullshit chad stereotype, and the guy who can steal ya girl any time he wants because he's 6ft, muscley, attractive and may or may not have a large penis even though this has nothing to do with the lead up to intercourse either way, and wouldn't convince a girl to abandon you anyway.

also forgot

I kinda feel like you are talking past each other here.

>Because that's all this really comes down to. Highschool trauma, College trauma, scare stories from women about horrible sex from guys with small sex. It's a vicious circle of 'guys with small dicks suck' and all of a sudden, it becomes taboo to have a smaller penis and people start feeling inadequate. Thus, because of these stereotypes women naturally feel like they are into bigger dicks more.

>literally solidifying his argument that women only care about penis size because of stereotypes and not because you know, it feels/looks better, and it has a huge impact on guys' self-steem
im so done

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I'm going to continue treating everyone like an idiot who considers "killing themself" or fucking whores for a whole year because of their insecurities. You yourself may not think that, and therefore you don't have to pay as much of a heed to my argument as other people do. If you already know everything I'm saying, you don't have to lash out.

There's also something else you're overlooking here. Having a large penis is really not necessary for the primary steps of dating. By the time any normal girl has gone through the necessary steps and wants to have sex with you, she will have built a pretty large level of attraction. That's not just going to dissipate because you have a 4x4 or whatever. Especially if you can satisfy her.

And penis size has almost nothing to do with cheating when you're in a serious relationship. If you're in a non serious relationship and she cheats, then you shouldn't take it seriously and find someone else to fuck. If it's serious and she cheats, that's an obvious sign there are far more heavy issues playing into the relationship. The things she might say to chad, if she's a complete roastie, like "Oh my god, your dick is bigger than Ralphs! It's so much better!" but really she's just overplaying it and living in the moment to avoid the guilt of what she is doing and to escape the issues that would be plaguing your relationship enough to cause her to do that.

7inch man please at least acknowledge that you don't know how it is to have a dick that is smaller than yours because that's all you've ever known. You wouldn't know how girls would react if you've whipped out a 4inch baby dick and you wouldn't know if you could cope or not.

he'll just say it doesn't matter because it's all stereotypes
us dicklets not only have to live with being literally inferior males but also have to listen to people's shenanigans about "look, I myself don't have a small penis, but penis size doesn't matter!"
god bless scientists who know this is bullshit. in the future (hopefully soon enough) we'll have ways to increase penis size with pills/surgery. until then, i suggest not arguing about this subject at well.

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>posting pictures of distorted frogs to try and derationalize my argument

and again, you've taken my argument out of context, so well done for that. You must have lost a lot of marks for that in school.

>It feels better
It barely does. Not as though it's that noticeable. I know because I've asked. "Hey xyz, is it better that I'm 7inches"
"not really, it's more the other stuff that you do that is better"

>looks better
>implying that women are similar to men in regards for caring about aesthetics, and actually give a fuck about the look of someone's phallus.

You know there's a reason women hate dick pics in almost every circumstance right? Even when they ask for them, they're just furthering their mood and attraction and playing along. NO girl wants to see someone's fucking cock.

I wont lie to you. I don't know how it feels to have a smaller dick. A 4inch dick. And in the current climate where people who are insecure as shit ridicule others for that kind of body part, then it must feel pretty shit.

But come off it. You dont need my fucking sympathy on that, and you don't want it either.

You don't need it because it doesn't make you inferior. Ignore the little voice in your head that tells you it actually fucking matters, and just fuck the girl and have a good time with it. If you're concerned about her not having a good time, make her , in the ways i've mentioned above.

The point is, you need to get to a place in your mind where it doesn't matter to you and doesn't make you feel inferior. And once you stop 'feeling' inferior, you'll quickly realise that you're not.

By the way, I'm 5ft 6, and don't hit the gym. And while I used to feel inferior because of it, I stopped viewing myself as inferior, went to women with confidence and started fucking 8/10 hotties.

im lashing out because im tired of people telling me how i can or cannot feel when they would never be able to relate, especially if they're women. stop trying to downplay my issue. im fully aware that masculinity and relationships dont exactly boil down to penis size, but i do acknowledge that they play a huge part on it, because y'know, im actually the person who is in the group im talking about? anything else is just people assuming we feel a certain way when we dont.

what pisses me off also is that people get pushy and overly aggressive when we start getting rightfully pissy when people have the audacity to say we 'dont have the right' or something similar because "eh its not a big deal user". fuck off. you have no idea how it feels. you might be able to imagine how it feels and sympathize with us and thats fine, but dont have the arrogance to think you know how it feels like because every once in a while you come up to a thread about penis size on Jow Forums. its like depression. you might be able to sympathize but unless you suffer from it you'll never know what it feels like, because you selectively choose when to address it, when depressed people have to live with it constantly, just like men like me. and then you add to that mental issues, or other physical issues, and yeah you quickly realize that this stupid way of thinking "oh men with small penises just have to compensate for it" when sometimes we ALREADY have to compensate for other shit like uglyness, height, poverty and whatnot.

yes im lashing out and ranting, im fully aware. i just thought i wouldnt have to read this kind of bs on Jow Forums but i guess i was wrong.

>It barely does. Not as though it's that noticeable. I know because I've asked. "Hey xyz, is it better that I'm 7inches"
"not really, it's more the other stuff that you do that is better"
not him, but how would you figure that? you said yourself you have a 7 incher, how the fuck could you possibly know your 7 incher doesnt feel better than a 4 incher, for instance, just because of the sheer size?

It's okay to lash out and rant and shit. It's clearly a big issue for you personally and I would never try to downplay that. It's very EASY to downplay it when you've never experienced it, sure. And i've also seen people downplay it a lot when they do have a tiny dick and don't let it affect them. Often they struggled in the past and their teenage years, but they get through it.

And eventually man, you will too. It's just best if you face it and try to move past your feelings of inferiority before it's too late. You don't want to hit your 40s, realise it was dumb to worry, and then regret wasting younger years.

Also, there really has to not be a lot in your life if you spend a lot of time thinking about your own penis. And I'm not saying this in a way that would be making fun of you. I'm saying this in a way that, if you're really living a fulfilled life you wouldn't spend a lot of time blaming issues on your smaller penis. Perhaps there's other things in your life which, if solved, would make this particular issue in your mind also a lot smaller

by asking many girls who I have slept with who have also slept with many guys with big and small dicks. They almost always say the same thing, that it doesn't matter. I figure that because it's a geniune conversation that I've had, and others have been on a similar track. I like to talk to the girls I fuck about the experience afterwards, and when this stuff comes up it's the same answer everytime

I have been ridiculed for it by my whole social group because some fuckwit pulled my pants down in school. I was ostracized for my small weewee so it's not just a little voice in my head, it's a whole choir of laughter and shaming I'd have to silence.
I'm not saying you are wrong with what you say, though. But I'm also not sure you're right, either, because it's usually the guys with at least average or above average dicks that go around telling people they shouldn't be so concerned about it.
If I were to go with a girl and she'd reject me because of my dick I simply couldn't handle it because all those bottled up feeling of anger and inadequacy would get released in an instant and amplified even more.

Well shit man. That sounds like you're dealing with some pretty nasty stuff from highschool.

It definitely is a wrong but right situation. In principle what I'm saying is right, but because of your situation naturally it's not going to be as comforting as I would wish it to be.

If you feel like it's really affecting your chances with women, perhaps you should see someone about it. It's all about releasing those feelings and discussing it and all that shit. I'm not a person who deals with all that though so I wouldnt know about it.

But no matter what happens, I'm sure the voices will weaken with confidence in other areas / age.


This but unironically. The main reason why I'd like to have a big dick is because I'd love to DESTROY women. Like, I'd pound that shit until it were nothing but a bleeding, sloppy mess. And I'd make them cry as well. Because fuck women.

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dude that shit happened like 14 years ago, it doesn't get better. I'm in therapy currently but I have no idea how to tell my (female) therapist about how my dick issues crippled me.
t. wizard

damn man. Well at least you're seeing someone about it now. It's never too late. And by the looks of things earlier, you're not bottling things up anymore and letting it go, so that's certainly a step.

I was 25 when I lost my virginity, for the same reason. I've got a 5"/4.75" tadger.
Since then I've had sex and relationships with 4 girls. One of them said I ruined sex for her with anyone else and nobody has ever fucked her so good. After the relationship she would message me constantly about needing me and nobody comparing. All the others had big orgasms, screamed, held me inside then, and said it was incredible. The current girl I'm seeing is a fiery Latina who can't get enough of my dick.

Size surely plays some role, but obviously you and I were both completely fucking wrong, and wasted lot of time convincing ourselves we were worthless

I was not being ironic.

>(cunt) therapist
Get an actual therapist. Women are useless.

>it's a dicklet thread which is supposed to be something of a safe haven for men with small penises, but instead it's plagued with people who themselves aren't even dicklets (or even men) in the first place, so it just ends up being a dick waving contest except for the dicklets themselves, so the thread just devolves into people who weren't even the target audience for the thread in the first place babbling about who the fuck knows what and spewing their typical normie shit, which might as well be in the same vein as "just b urself"

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Hey man, 5x4.75 here as well. How small is your penis when flaccid, though? That's my biggest insecurity, to be honest. When it's erect it's like eh, whatever.

I'm not seeing my therapist because of THAT issue but for all the other issues that have acrued over time, most of them probably do take root in that event. It's pretty easy to talk about these things when you're user, though, so I wouldn't really call it a step up.


Absolutely fucking tiny. I refused to even walk around naked after sex with the first girl for a while. I still am self conscious about it, and I can't see why anyone would not laugh at me, even knowing we just fucked and it felt good. But the girls don't raise an eyebrow, they even tell me not to put underwear on. So gradually I've become more comfortable.

>tfw average length but hilariously thin girth

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I'm glad you came along and kinda verified what I was saying a little bit. We both say the same stuff, but my opinion here seems a little bit less valuable than yours since I've got a 7inch dick myself.

Hopefully this should clear things up for some people.

what do you do that drives them so crazy specifically? out of interest?

scientific research yknow

That's a bit hard for me to exactly say. I'm not a sex expert by any means, I only lost my virginity a few years ago.

I would say that fingering and foreplay, teasing, these things get them more receptive than just diving into sex, it's a 'primer' so to speak. Surprisingly I haven't gone down on them very much, but I'm sure that is something positive as well.

My technique? I like to go slowly at times, my head just grazing the outside, then slowly going in, bit just jackhammering away. Notice if they have any reaction to what you are doing, a little gasp or other sign, to see what works. Sometimes I stop and just let myself sit deep inside them (as deep as 5 inches gets you). There's something primal about feeling both of you connected, you inside them. Then you can move a little bit, not in and out, just back and forth a small amount while inside them. Small movements can have as much of an effect or more so than big movements. Being able to last a while is helpful, so that's a reason to slow down as well. I can't really elaborate further than just being in tune with what is happening and letting small movements and slow teasing get them more turned on. Obviously sometimes to make them come you need to go faster, but it's not just one note.

Not just hammering away*

Ah, the daily dicklet thread
My depression is right on schedule.

Stopped reading. Fuck off my dude
You telling my not to feel bad about my dick size is like a millionaire telling a poor dude money doesn't matter.


>Any normal woman literally doesn't get turned on by a large dick. It's all in their minds.

>contradicting yourself in the same sentence

Except those extra two inches make a huge difference.

yeah lol what can you do. normalfags don't really think before they speak. they just say what's on their minds. it's all unfiltered.

How am I a dumb ass for wanting a guy with a big dick?
You guys have you're own preferences and I don't call you idiots.

God you're such a fucking effeminate loser castrated faggot. I hope you die old, alone, and miserable, fucking douchebag. There are people with much smaller dicks than you and here you are whining about your average sized dick. Jesus Christ, no wonder you can't get a girlfriend. Pathetic fuck. You really should just kill yourself, no one would miss you. And you're such a faggot that even if you don't kill yourself, I sincerely hope you never get a girlfriend, which you probably never will anyway. You're such a stupid fuck that a girl would have to be a desperate cracked out loser to go out with you.

5x5 in terms of volume is bigger than the average dick. It is bigger in terms of girth. It is smaller in terms of length. Girth is also preferable to length. In surveys 85% of women report being satisfied with their partners penis size, and most of those 15% are likely with men with small dicks.

Site to compare your size to the average calcsd.bitballoon.com/

It is however disperportionately small compared to your 6'3 frame. However given being 5'10 with a 5x5 dick is worse than being 6'3 with a 5x5 dick you still have nothing to complain about, it's not as if being tall is bad if your dick isn't also big. Being tall is also pragmatically much better than being hung, you get paid more at work, you can list it in your dating profile, more girls will be interested in you, girls will get off more to you.You literally have not described any way in which you are worse off than the average person and thus are a whiny bitch.

Lmao you spent your entire life avoiding women with an average dick while being tall. You aren't a virgin because of your dick, you're a virgin because you spent your entire life avoiding roastbeefs. Now you're 26 and you will never catch up socially to other men when you had the leg up on most of them before. Your life wasn't ruined by your dick, you ruined it yourself. Isn't that so much more pathetic?

>Going to r9k for a safe haven


user if your dick is 5 inches you can't really complain. Most girls won't have a problem with your size. Go on r/smalldickproblems and read about real horror stories by guys with real microdicks.

If penis size didn't matter, I wouldn't feel bad about it in the first place.
No one talks to fingers or shit.
It's always either height or dick size that gets mocked. And surprise, surprise, those are probably two of the most things men are insecure about.

Sometimes when I come to r9k, and I see somebody who would have been a chad but they were in a terrible injury and never were normal again, I get sad.

Then I see people like OP, who were tall, with an average dick, who managed to meme himself into thinking the mere chance he might date a size queen or a girl makes fun of his proportions means he shouldn't approach women at all. They talk like other people are the problem because they can't understand the sheer bleak life that is having an average dick while being tall.

They are who really make you feel good about your life. Not the people who had it harder than you. The people who had it easy, but failed anyways on merit of never approaching a woman, and then come here to bitch about how they had it hard.

I'm black and that's how I feel when white people tell me to stop putting so much emphasis on race.
They won't ever understand user. People could only live through the lens they were given. Empathy means nothing.

No, women love the microphone-looking

It's also fucking hilarious hearing somebody who has never approached a woman talking about his in depth knowledge of what women wants which contradicts both what women say, what surveys of women say, and simple reality. How could so many people be in relationships if average dicks were unacceptable to women broadly?

OP just seems desperate for a way to act like he's a victim, the poor dicklet, because he doesn't want to admit he's just a coward that's afraid of women for no real objective reason except perhaps inexperience and losing his virginity to a hooker at 26.

>One of them said I ruined sex for her with anyone else and nobody has ever fucked her so good
Ok kiddo