how old were you when you first came to Jow Forums and how old are you now?
i was 11 and now i'm 21
How old were you when you first came to Jow Forums and how old are you now?
i LOVE daria. where to stream? so comfy.
>i was 11 and now i'm 21
crazy to think that this is the the standard nowadays.
I was 22 and and now 32.
I mean yeah we've both been here for a decade but god damn 11-21 are your formative and probably the best years of your life. I''m so glad that Jow Forums didn't even exist until I was like 19 and we didn't have the internet at home until I was 17.
just answer the question faggot
yeah Jow Forums raised me more than my parents ever did. i remember being shocked at first and now i'm so fucking jaded nothing bothers me at all anymore
i was 13 im 21now
im 30 now
10 to 20, wasted my first 4 years lurking /b/
18, now 28
Thank god it wasn't earlier
14 now 19 years old
Newfag here
I was 15, I'm 19 now.
I haven't started browsing this site regulary up untill a few months ago.
Exact same user. Whats ur birthday? Im July 15 98
17 and 31 blox
Tenth grade, when I was 15. I'm 23 now. I wish the internet didn't exist 2bh
edging ever closed to the twenty year mark
16, now I'm 28
I nearly gave up on Jow Forums when I was 14 because I thought /b/ was so fucking boring that I couldn't be bothered to browse it for more than a minute each time I tried, but then I tried out the other boards and found Jow Forums. Related to the shit I read, and now I've been stuck here for six years.
It's funny when I wanted to be of age to post on Jow Forums for so long and now I just want to go back to high school.
I was 19 and now I'm 42
Are you lolichan and if so you became a roasty slut bitch you lying fucking whore
17 now I'm 27
Started at /b/, left for /sp/ and Jow Forums, was always a Jow Forums guy, and now my home board is Jow Forums
no 44273065
Shit, more or less same here. Started at 21, am 32 now. Was more or less graduated when I started wasting time here thank fuck
same here, might've been 15
17, now 28. I'm glad I found it once I was almost graduated from highschool. Can't imagine how shitty my life would've been now.
14, now 24... been in this shithole for 10 friggen years
no faggot your question sucks
no i'm a dude bro
15 I think. I'm 23 now. These days I hardly ever read posts and just look at the pics, especially if they are fappable. It's just a habit, and probably fulfills some minimal social need I have despite being far more introverted than most people.
The only time I do post is when it comes to threads like these where I can talk about myself. I'm lonely and insecure but also self-centred, so I like to talk about myself here because I can't irl.
What was everybody's migratory path?
Mine was
/b/ to /tv/ to /mu/ to /lit/ and Jow Forums
Now /lit/ is my main board and I sometimes shitpost around
too long ; didn't read tbqhwyf
/b/ for 8 years then branched out to /tv/, Jow Forums, /m/, a bit of /tg/, a bit of Jow Forums, a bit of /x/, a bit of /a/.
this is my favorite board by far. it reminds me of old /b/ in some regards
Like this:
Firstly I just came for memes and edginess:
Then started going on there for actually discussion on my only hobby at the time:
Then I got a little older and wanted to actually learn something, but still within my comfort zone:
>Jow Forums
Got motivated by how quickly I picked things up. Started branching out my hobbies more:
>a mix of /fa/,Jow Forums,Jow Forums,/tv/, /lit/, and /mu/
Lots of Jow Forums flooding into my boards made me curious, and Farage and UKIP just starting gaining a lot of hype/rage here so I got hooked in to the drama:
>mostly Jow Forums, with the occasional /tv/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums.
I'm now 'redpilled' enough to make my own way, so Jow Forums bores me. My brother took our shared PS4 when he moved out, so I decided to try retro gaming rather than buying a current gen console/pc.
>Now it's Jow Forums, /vr/, /tv/, and occasionally Jow Forums and Jow Forums
I also go on the porn boards, /x/, /lit/, /a/, /soc/ and /jp/, but I do so very rarely so it hardly counts.
Moot was essentially my big brother.
I was 14 and now I'm 25
But I was mostly a lurker until maybe four years ago
/b/ > Jow Forums > /x/ (creepypasta era) and Jow Forums > /x/, /tg/, /tv/ and Jow Forums
started in early 20s
don't remember exactly when
32 now
i've wasted a third of my life in this shithole
have a sad picture
Oh and when I was really depressed after my ex left me I browsed /vp/ for a bit because it was comfy. And I browse s4s too.
I fucking hate Daria 2bh.
12 and still 12. Am I too young to be here, guys?
fuck why am I still here? I remember being like 12 or some shit and thinking, "no way will I still be here when I'm 18!"
9 and im 24 now
14 when i started
26 now
Save yourself user. Run while you're still young
I was 13 now im 23.
How the days go by
Came here when I was 20.
I'm 26 now.
20, now 25
Didn't really get into Jow Forums till 2013.
age 14 (2007)
age 25 (2018)
I was 18 and now I'm 19
I was 16, now I'm 18
At Jow Forums i was like 12, but i came in contact with my first *chan at 10, it was in 2003 and it was called tranchan
ironically it was a chan to post transexuals, crossdressers and futanari, to wich at the time i thought they really existed in real life and wanted to be one of them
then the next year 2004 lots of chans flourished like 12chan and K-Ochan but only lasted a few years because the FIB suddently deicided that lolicon and shotacon 3D was the same equivalent than IRL CP and shut'em down
Get out, commie gender queer degenerate.
Im 26 and i browsed heavily from mid 2004 til about 2012, then only got on every once and a while for years and been using a lot in the last 2 years. This website used to be so much better its almost insane it even has the same name. The best years were 2006-2009. something changed in 2010 and the internet in general was never the same. Facebook and internet on phones got way too prevalent causing everyones lame parents and grandparents to get online and appropriate memes. Everything got way way too normie and lame as shit. I remember using like 40 different websites and now i rarely use any other than a few apps. The internet feels more consolidated and just smaller
oh and now im 26, so thats 15 years of my life
im kinda proud to call you my brothers
19 now 31
I like being able to remember when things were different. No webms, moot, different lingo.
Kids (21 and under) aren't funny anymore. They all play some moral character when they get online just like they do in real life these days. These faggots think they're fighting for some bullshit cause whenever they interact with others, they can't just have a good time.
I was 16, now i have 20 years... Well. this shit is the same shit like a 4 a go.
why is wrong to act like yourself in a videogame? it still playing into a fantasy word that you may never experience on first hand... i fail to see the problem
im sorry why are you eyes sonic for sorry english hungarian sorry
>how old were you when you first came to Jow Forums
7 or 8 yo
and how old are you now?
It seems like a lot of time, but at the beginning i just lurked, my bro showed me the page and i just kinda browsed it for cool images and stuff like that (not that i could do more than that since at that time i didn't even knew english).
When i was about 10 i started browsing an IB from my country and when i was about 12 or 13 (when my english was at a level i could finally understand what the fuck was everyone saying) i started browsing Jow Forums seriously.
Jow Forums wasn't really my main IB, but since the other IB was dying, i started coming here more often. Nowadays both IBs are almost pure shit, so i browse both equally.
Sometimes i wonder what i will do when the IBs die, i've spent so much time in them that i can't really think of anything else that would fill the void.
Because there are only 2 types of people
1-Those who can fill the gaping data and
21 am know 23 .
way too young
way too old
Started 15, now I'm 19