Would you be a superhero, or a supervillain?

Would you be a superhero, or a supervillain?

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superhero for sure

i would use my superpowers to kill myself

Would switch sides when it suits me.

A supervillain of course! No moral boundries

a winning supervillain.

vigilante anti-hero is always the best answer btw

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Supervillain all day errday

Can't see myself using my powers for much, honestly. Vigilante are psychopathic normalfags who think they should have the right to choose who dies, based on their own subjective sense of morality. I don't want to hurt or inconvenience anyone, either.

depends what my powers are; if i had mind control or hypnosis then villain, if i was able to fly then id be a hero.

>Vigilante are psychopathic normalfags who think they should have the right to choose who dies, based on their own subjective sense of morality

Yes, and? Nothing wrong about enforcing what you believe is the right thing.

My idea of right is not imposing it on others using brutal violence and murder. There's people who'd gleefully murder people for liking loli, or someone they'd find annoying. I'd rather just let things be.

Supervillain,you gotta have fun,if you don't have fun what's the point? :^)

A super antihero who may or may not end up being coerced into joining the dark side at some point but then might switch sides again if I change my mind

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I just want superpowers, and not really try to be a publicly-known hero because people in large groups are stupid and will find some way to try to kill me for saving people. I wouldn't be a villain because I don't like to hurt people who don't deserve it.

Sauce on these?

I want to end all life on Earth

I don't know.

Probably a mixture of both, I believe in keeping balance, no force can exist in the universe without an equal opposite force. People need something to rally against.

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Is it weird if I have a mild and specific fetish for girls transforming into superheroes

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tanks doc

Whatever I feel like doing at the time.

It doesn't really matter to me as long as I get to do cool things.

Saving normal fags is probably worse for the world, so villain

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>start out as full supervillain
>ravage a good portion of the earth
>disappear for a number of years
>return years later with my appearance slightly changed
>work with remaining populous to rebuild civilization however I see fit
>become the neutral god of earth

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Depends a lot on my power, how many other people have powers, how the government handles people with powers, and what the general power level of the setting is (on a scale from, say, Avatar: TLA to Dragonball Z)

e-hentai, search for tags 3d, monster, rape, it should appear. Forgot the name.

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that's just a ponzi scheme because once they rebuild you will become the villain again and it starts all over

I'd be a hero in the vein of Light Yagami, albeit much less smert. I would love an
>I... AM... JUSTICE!
power fantasy. In fact, I'm having one right now. Power, and seeing people in a position of weakness, literally gives me a boner.

A superhero. I'd be Nanoman and use my nanomachine swarms to efficiently deal with criminals on an industrial scale.


I designed a tinker character like that, except he's a villain and fills the air with microscopic nanobots to keep 24/7 perfect surveillance over the territory his gang controls.

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neither. I wouldn't go out of my way to help people like a super hero but I wouldn't do evil shit like a villain.
I would mostly use it to benefit myself in my day to day life, but if I came across a situation that I could help in I would.

Ah yes, the True Neutral. The best and most boring of all character alligments.

This user gets it. Once the boredom of being the ruler of a rebuilt civilization becomes too much to bare, the only thing left to do is press the rest button.

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Super villain.
The hero is expected to save everyone, a d when he inevitably fails, he's spurned and hated. It's a no win situation.

Super villain, if you win, well, fuck, good for you.
If the hero wins, fuck it, slink back to your bad as castle of doom and start planning your next doomsday adventure.
Rinse and repeat.

Antihero, kind of like Loki, I just want some fun, and if catching a few criminals will be fun, I'll do it, but I would still do illegal stuff for the lulz

I think I'd be a superhero, depending entirely on whatever powers I had.

I like helping people. Still, I wouldn't want others to depend on me so much that they forget how to fend for themselves, however unlikely that may be.

ive seen this before.SAUCE

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Unless you are literally Batman or never need to pay rent/eat (like Superman) you can't be a superhero full-time, that's why many works featuring superheroes have them working for the government in some capacity (My Hero Academia, Incredibles, etc.)

its posted on the thread, at least how to look for it

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I'd be a villian, and this'd be my power (rolling) http:// powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random


Depends on your definition of super villain.

I'd completely wipe out the government and judicial systems of north america, forcing the people to start from scratch and start again

I dont want to moralfag
I could have a cool secret base with a harem of sex slaves
I could kill all the people i hate
World domination sounds pretty sweet.

Whatever the god emperor is

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I've got my own fucking life to live, I don't have time to be playing superhero.

>meta combat
absolutely fucking broken

It would depend on what my powers are, and whether you think the ends justify the means.

super amoral-do-whatever-takes-my-fancy,
not really 'villain' because i rarely want to dominate or hurt others.
I'd probably just wander into kebab shops or maccys, telekinetically assemble my meal in front of the staff and walk out again.
if the police interfered in my low level hiijinks i'd just swat them aside as non-lethally as possible before retreating into my lair to enjoy my meal

Why would anyone help out some normies? They don't deserve it. Be the "villain". But it's okay to incidentally help people; for example, by wiping out Israel.

I would be a 90 s antihero

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jaded superpowered individual who tries to stay hidden and on the down low

Super-villain, since I would have unlimited freedom that way.

Depends on what the powers are since potential applications are so different. Need more info.

doing what is right is called villainous these days. I would still be a hero

What superpowers would you have to achieve your desires though? We talking about op stuff like being able to wipe out all humans just by thinking about it or something that at-least requires effort and time in achieving? (Even if you always win at end)

It would be much more fun if it at least requires a few years with a decent amount of effort to wipe out civilization, and a few years to rebuild it.

Yes, and what superpowers would you think would be best suited for that?

Just post the full link dude. powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random

Either mass mind control or extremely powerful psycho-kinetic powers. Both would require at least some strategizing, and a decent amount of time to reach to destroy or rebuild civilization, but both can achieve it through different ways.

Hero I guess given the power. powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Virtue_Inducement?useskin=oasis

I'll just fight to protect those I know and love if they're in dire need or trouble and I had powers

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I would be one of those useless joke villains that after years of getting shit on gets a T.V. special in which I am a significant threat.

Anti-villain obviously.


Do I win?