Endless despair

>33 year old virgin
>Have a guinea pig named Biscuit
>Trusty companion for 3 years
>Kept me company in my time of loneliness
>Met single mom on tinder
>Get along just fine so decide to date her
>She wants to take it slow which is fine with me
>Show her my guinea pig one day
>She's not really a fan
>Have to go out of town because of work
>Need someone to feed Biscuit
>Ask girlfriend to look after him
>She agrees
>Gone for 2 days
>Come back home
>Went to pick up Biscuit
>Biscuit is gone
>Girlfriend tells me that Biscuit died
>Complete shock
>I ask how and why
>She said he just stopped moving
>How can this be when he was a healthy piggy?!
>I ask where his body his and I want to bury him
>She said she threw it away
>She said she figured I wouldn't want to see the body
>Don't know what to say
>Feel like bursting into tears
>Just stay completely silent
>She asks me if I'm okay
>I quietly leave and tell her not to call me anymore
>She tries to stop me but just go
>Go home and cry alone
>Couple days pass and she's been calling me constantly wanting to get back together
>She says she did nothing wrong and I'm overreacting
She killed my Biscuit, I know she did. I took him to the vet last month for his semi-annual checkup and he was healthy as can be. He showed zero signs of problems when I left, he was healthy and spry. My poor piggy, how could she? She never liked him but I didn't think this would happen. Should I give her a second chance, am I overreacting? I wanted to at least give him a proper burial...my poor Biscuit.

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>Should I give her a second chance, am I overreacting?
You absolutely are not overreacting. She's a heartless cunt and she'll fuck up your life up beyond repair if you get back with her.

However, this doesn't mean that all women are horrible, you should keep looking for a relationship imo. Although I do understand how this incident would discourage you big time.

Why do you randomly have to go on a trip after you get a gf? Have you never left before? Who did you have take care of your fake guinea pig then?

I don't think I want to keep trying anymore.

I go on business trips about twice a month. I usually paid a pet sitter to look after Biscuit but I didn't see a point in doing that this time when she was there.

Wow that sucks dude.
You found out this woman was garbage early, but at too high a cost.
Rip in peace Biscuit.

>there's people in this world that'd kill a guinea pig
why fucking live

I had a little pet bird
Friend killed bird
I had a friend

I had a pet bird once
Friend killed bird
I had a friend once

>Press 'F' to respects

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This guy is absolutely right. On both counts. She would've fucked up your life/mentality and you're better off without her. That said, you should not give up on women.

>having a guinea pig in your 30s
I see why you're a virgin.

nice larp dummy

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That's horrible, user ;_;

That cunt did plenty wrong and she's a terrible person. Don't give her a second chance.

If she wasn't a shitty piece of trash, she would have told you immediately.

If you randomly beat her up at night, Jesus will forgive you

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this. fuck her user, not literally. stay away from that bitch but take some revenge to soothe ur angry heart

Had a guinea pig that was just 3 months old when she one day suddenly died. Her lips and ears were pale and she was stumbling around the cage as she couldn't breathe. No signs of problems prior as she was a very lively pig. It came out of nowhere. Though that woman shouldn't have thrown the body away. Should have wrapped the body in paper towel and placed in box or something. Sorry user.

If she can't take care of a simple Guinea pig then how the hell is she going to maintain a relationship?

God damn user, that is so sad. You're not overreacting or anything, but think, if that bitch couldn't even take care of a guinea pig that was a precious thing to you then don't even give her a second chance

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>kills your pet and throws them away

You dodged a bullet holy shit

If she will kill for your attention just imagine how crazy she is

Sorry for your loss OP but get her out of your life as soon as possible

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im so fucking sorry user.dont trust single mothers

source:raised by a single mother

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I've had plenty of rodents when I was a child and them just dropping dead all of a sudden is sadly quite common.

>Trusting a woman
why op

you only have yourself to blame honestly

>single mother
Why user why. They are inherently fucked up.

So it couldn't be that your "piggy" died of grief because of its perceived loss of it's partner? You left him, animals can be very sensitive.

rest in peace biscuit. hes in a better place

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Chad probably threw it against a wall while full of testosterone before he fucked her at your place. Rip biscuit.

She threw the body away
She has no respect for your pet buddies
Tell her to go fuck herself.

>single mother
There's your problem. Single mothers are used good scum because they and their spawn probably went with Chad/Tyrone, or got divorced (either HER fault and if not, she probably has a comfortable alimony).
>but what about widows
Single moms and widows aren't the same thing, if you say single moms, you don't mean widows

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Grow the fuck up, how many chicken burgers did you have today and how many chickens had to die for it?

>single mom
Does she have a young daughter? You are one lucky guy (you can justify doing it as taking revenge for your stupid rat, if you are that much of a cuck)

>being this tryhard edgy

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Heh I actually meant what I wrote

Ow fuck I cut my eyes reading this. Careful with that shit.

What a piece of shit that woman is. No, you are not overreacting at all. I'M ANGRY FOR YOU.

Where is she located at? I need to do some damage. I don't care about prison, it's just a shittier NEET life.

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RIP Biscuit

hold up griffith, you've ruined enough lives already

shut up and have some respect

r.i.p biscuit

You can burn some incense and make a kind of altar for Biscuit.

>Heh, I actually meant what I wrote
fuck off

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Press "F" to pay Biscuit respects

>single mom

You fucked up a long time ago, get out of that asap.

I would kill if someone ever hurt my pet. Go kill her child as reparation. Pic related, its my only friend.

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Oh shit, watch your arms m9

Im really sorry, user. How on hell that evil cunt managed to end Biscut's life but is a mother and knows how to take care of living things is beyond me. I think it was on purpose, though. She obviously has experience taking care of living things, she gives 1/10ths the fuck about your piggy as she does her kids and has no respect for you.

I wouldnt give her another chance. Im sorry for your loss, but he's in a better place, man. Slaying guinea pig puss, i promise.

I will rape more.

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you are not overreacting, gpigs can live 5-8 years if well kept, that bitch didnt care about it, and if shes the kind that would just trash it, thats pretty fucked up too.

1.file a report to the police and try to sue
if that does not work, 'kill' her but use protection
2.try to find body and bury


Didn't you post about meeting the single mom in an earlier thread a month or two ago? If so we literally told you that she was cunty and not worth your time.

And no, ignore the woman as she is cunty and not worth your time.

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Saddest story I've seen in here in ages. For some reason the fact he was called "biscuit" makes it far sadder. Rip biscuit

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Isn't a guinea pigs lifespan 4-8 years? Seems a bit to early for it too have passed this quickly. Guinea pigs will die of starvation within 2 or 3 days without food, so she probably starved it to death/ didn't feed it. Either that or she sold it.

That is the goodest good boy I've ever seen. I too, would kill if someone touched an animal I loved. Especially if I was in OP's position and I had nothing left to lose. Why OP hasn't yet gone on a rampage is beyond me.

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Hey op, get yourself another pet. It may not replace biscuit but animals are better friends than (((humans)))

Shes a girl and yea. People have bullied me my whole life, but doggo here loves me unconditionally. I gave her the award of honorary human. Pets are better than therapists than therapists

Heh, lurk for 10 years and then kill yourself, faggot

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Why did so many people got triggered by that?
I though r9k is an honest board full of honest robots, are you saying all those infinite feels posts are fake and just shitposting, you are all chads just pretending to be robots
Really I am confused now


She probably killed him so she could dig her hooks into you. She is an awful person, never let her back in.

>>Should I give her a second chance
I seriously hope you are not considering this. Killing your pet just because she didn't like him shows she has zero respect for you. If she did she would have agreed to look after him for you. I'm telling you OP, if you give this cunt a second chance it's the invitation for her to walk all over you. Cut contact with her and maybe threaten police action if continues trying to get you back.

You've learnt a lesson here. If you want companionship get a pet because a roastie can never be trusted.

cats will eat your corpse after you die
animals are not your friends
they just tolerate you because you give them food

She didn't even care enough to give you a quick call or message that Biscuit died.
Stay away from her.

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holy shit you dodged a bullet there m8

Post bitches info. Nypa suspended for this.

wtf I was g on esea and never once have I heard someone call out dumpster or heaven is this EU callouts


I will do 10 pull ups for Biscuit tonight

No fucking way OP, not memeing but she knew Biscuit was your pet and your posesion and she still let him to die, that only shows that she does not respect you or even care about you at the minimum.
i would never talk to someone like that ever again


Biscuit (2015-2018)

bro this is a perfect sign that she is bad for you dawg. She killed Biscuit. A living breathing creature. She will do the same to your heart bro

Post a pic of biscuit; I wanna have something to remember from him

This. I want to put a face on that poor little fucker

It's a dumb dollar guinea pig versus a potential relationship