Personality disorder test

hello r9k

rate your results

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10/10 would touch my pee pee

Attached: 21st century schizoid man.png (760x441, 104K)

Wizard reporting. I suspect that for some disorders the test is rating you as Moderate/High based on only one negative answer, but I would have to test this idea further. Maybe I'll do that later. What answer do you think caused you to be Rated Low as a Narcissistic?

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I'm new to this test so what did my results mean by this?

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Pretty accurate. Am I fucked boys?

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Here you go marketer.

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I am just a spoiled child in an adult body.

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l don't deserve to be on this earth

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this is originally fine

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Just off yourself originally.

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You may want to read the results:
> and then avoidant.html
And maybe download the book, should be easy to find on Libgen.

Did some reading and turns out I might possibly be a narcissist. I feel really bad.

Literally not a single """robot""" wasnt rated high under 'anti-social'

l wish l had the courage to...

Anti-social is about aggressivity and tendency to criminal behavior. Schizoid and/or avoidant are the ones related to being a robot.

ey, looks like i'm the most fucked up so far

Attached: treh.png (878x631, 141K)

>witnessed how horrible BPD can be
>get "high" on borderline
Well shit.

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Was hoping a higher antisocial rating but this is accurate overall

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I disagree with the schizoid portion, I have strong interpersonal skills but will not lie, building long term relationships is a bit difficult for me, its a bit hard for me to just chill, especially at work. Coworkers seem to think im a bit boring, but its just that I focus on work and thats it. I have a gf and weve been together 5 years, I truly do NOT want to be alone.

Overall I think im fairly well adjusted given that I had two parents who both legitimately have some form of aspergers.

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Not that accurate though. I'd say I'm moderately paranoid at most. Borderline maybe high, but not very high.

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how can you be schizoid and avoidant

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Pretty much what I thought it would be

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i bet daniel is on this thread

you're completely sane and neurotypical, daniel, you're just a faggot

lets try this...
Schizoid and Obssessive-compulsive. Not a surprise.

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Anyone else having a problem where all of the more info links to schizotypal?

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