Watch right wing youtube video

>watch right wing youtube video
>millions of views, very postive like-to-dislike ratio
>comments all agree with video and criticize the left
>watch left wing video
>either polarized or negative like-to-dislike ratio
>comments all critical of video and lots of disagreement all around
Is the whole leftist propaganda brainwashing really as bad as people say? Because it seems like a lot of people are waking up now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most extremely right wing people are keyboard warriors

The SJWs have created a monster by accident.

>waking up now
Why do you retards think normalfags ever liked SJWs?

Yea this, it's pretty funny actually because you can really tell who the Jow Forumstards are on YT just by the comments they post

Nah, the left just avoids discussion because they either get destroyed with logic or just emotionally upset.

But how does that explain the overwhelmingly positive reception to right wing videos? It's not like you need to discuss anything after hitting the dislike button.

I lost an old friend because she turned into one of those brainwashed sheep who just parrots what she hears via social media. She tried to make a point that we as Australians should feel bad for WW2 because us whites persecuted Jews, when I tried to tell her that we fought against the Nazis and that we weren't persecuting Jews but trying to protect them and she blocked me out and kept trying to say that we should feel guilty for the persecuted Jews because "all whites are basically the same anyways"

because lefties never leave their bubbles long enough to watch any right wing videos

yeah no shit OP
Also depends on the video

Even before the rise of Jow Forums you could see this same phenomenon on mainstream news sites, the absolute most retarded comments weren't by left wingers saying "abolish the military!" its usually by some right wing grandpa or grandmother for whatever reason. I can't explain the phenomenon.

If only Murdoch Murdoch had millions of views.

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I hope you do it, guys. I hope you all kys over petty politics.

t. the devil

Your looking at the wrong channels

The right has the internet, but the left has large cable media companies by the balls

I want to be able to see the idols of the "sjw"'s we have jordan peterson, who do they have

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To whole left vs right dichotomy can just be boiled down to "Huge internet fight" because that's what it mostly is. Batshit insane socialists and progressives writing passive aggressive articles against the right while you have batshit insane ancaps and natsocs making edgy videos against the left. The only difference being that one side is funded by corporations while the other isn't.

Anita Sarkeesian, Hillary Clinton, 90% of Hollywood, plenty of retards.

Hillary Clinton
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Ellen Degeneres
Lena "Sister Fister" Dunham
Caitlyn Jenner
Michelle Obama
Suitcase bomb kid (don't remember his name, probably Mohammed) and other Oppressed Victims of the Week

there must be more than just anita sarkeesian, thats just some low level bullshit, give me something solid they watch to get this the black women is right and asain is next to be right in a answer bullshit and/or where they learn there bullshit, sjw only stuff

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There's the "March for Our Lives" retards as well

this is just media stuff, we didn't learn about jordan peterson from the media, they have there shit to, if you can't do it oh well

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the question was who their idols were, brainlet

you don't even understand the question I'm asking, forget it

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Out of all of these, the only ones I've actually seen left wingers look up to is Bill Nye.

Stop paying attention to politics. It leaves you with literally nothing except a bunch of useless information that won't help you in life. Learn a trade or some skill instead

YouTube adjusts your recommendations and search results to be things that agree with you
If you're a republican for example look up "right wing" and you see videos praising right wing stuff but if you're a democrat you see the opposite
Works like that for comments too
If you're looking up stuff you hate, it's either stuff that hates it too or strawman-tier cherry picking of the worst stuff people only look up to ridicule

I'm so fucking sick of politics infesting every single little thing. I can't go anywhere without hearing Trump that and SJWs this and diversity and sexism and fucking enough already. It's fucking everywhere.

go to reddit if you want to see how the other half lives.

Looks like the pendulum is swinging pretty hard to the right, hopefully it's enough to actually make a difference.

Source needed pleb.

People are starting to wake up to how bullshit libtard ideals are. I'm glad it was just a fad and things are finally getting back to normal.

Lefties like contrapoints, bomberguy, and like 2 ancoms channels get 90-95% likes in their videos. Even in ones where they criticize rightwing personalities like Sargon (who themselves also have 80%+ likes) and both channels again have high like ratios. I guess the "internet echo chamber" memrs are true; though right-wing channels have a larger audience. I blame the abandunce of low quality rightwing channels who make nothing but basic ass "rekt dis dumb sjw lol" videos for allowing channels like contrapoints to grow and gain a following from lefties who are understandbly annoyed by that stuff.

I'm a right-winger buy youtube political video discourse has gone from toilet to shit since 2014; it wasn't good prior to that but at-least you didn't get bombarded with overused memes and autistic slang/terms in discourse

real far left thinking is the cancer of rebellious college kids, and bugmen in big cities. They are a vocal minority. but the vocal minority sways a large amount of indecisive folks. the real majority shows where kikes don't have control. I think conservatives are getting a firmer grasp of the internet.

the kids are alright user