Any robots into high art?
Any robots into high art?
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I'm high on the art of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! Yes Indeedle-dee-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny muggins!
>buyer's market
godlike taste
legit an interesting listen. highly recommend.
Shame there weren't many more compilations aside from the stuff in the whitehouse albums. Wish I could get a hand on his books.
Is Buyer's Market really considered "high art"?
I do love Sotos and Whitehouse though.
Was just baiting responses. What's your favorite whitehouse album by the way?
i made art while i was high does that count
Probably Asceticists with good old Bird Seed in a close second.
Good shit mate. I think I like Mummy and Daddy the most. The whole thing has a super oppressive feel to it that you can just dwell in. A Cunt Like You I think is my favorite song.
Might as well link it for anons.
Is it fetish shit?
yes, it is 100% fetish shit. it's also multiple types of fetish shit.
So let me ask, how do you keep the concentration to write this sort of stuff? I find if I'm making something sexual related I just want to JO as opposed to make something grand. It's like having tunnel vision.
i jerk off while i'm writing it and forbid myself from cumming until i finish writing
That's some fucking dedication user. I admire that.
What the fuck is this original garbage?
It's ok, you don't need to get it.
>Actually using this noise to seem above others.
It's what ever
is it true?
It's true, I heard he has no penis.
must be, also i think the japanese stuff is better than the western stuff, like boyd rice, nww, etc
Do you know if there are translations for Gerogerigegege's stuff? Feel like it would be enhanced if I knew what they were saying.
>meme taste
I was discussing this album (in ...I think either a uni or femanon thread) with some user. Love Buyer's Market. Used to creep me the fuck out when I lived in my basement.
I think we talked. I think you said you lived in Canada (or I assumed from you being the Kiwi of the US).
I like Sotos's theory that the media is a bunch of closet pedos and how their coverage of child abuse cases basically just gives everyone involved a sexual rush.
I would never trust the guy around any kids though.
who trevor brown here
FUCK ive been looking for this shit for soooooo fucking long thank you so much for posting this op fuck i thought id never find it again
literally just visit /mu/
why dont you just shoot me now and send me there permanently
/mu/ IS the worst board on Jow Forums afterall.
goddamn I can't wait till @44271778 fucking dies
Hey, what up my dude. Because of this thread, I'm playing Buyer's Market on my high-quality speakers. It's especially hilarious because my landlady is having Friday night Shabbos upstairs.
>closet pedos
Is that his thesis? I'm not sure if you put him to it that he'd say Nancy Grace faps to kids, but I think humans get perverse enjoyment (sexual or otherwise) through violence and he's just pissy about that.
I think the sexual rush in pedophilia (Jesus, am I gonna get partyvanned?) is very rarely about the child's body, as much as the domination. If there is an accusation of "you're titliated by this story", then it's not a physical, literal pedophilia, but a psychological one. Sotos explains this. Dworkin explains this. It's bizarre how similar radical feminist literature and transgressive fiction is.
Iunno, could be totally wrong and am willing to accept I might be deliberately misconstruing the guy's work to ease my own guilt about reading it.
Not much man, been listening to a lot of Whitehouse today. Mummy and Daddy is a great album. How did your presentation go and did you end up listening to that Xiu Xiu?
>Mummy and Daddy
I think I listened to it awhile ago, re-listening now.
>"Bennet said it was one of the most frightening things he ever did."
Oh, stop, I can only get so erect.
A-! The professor said my portion was pretty good. He was a bit of a dick and called my teammate's segment "dull".
Alas, user, I have let you down.
Disappointing user! If I see you in another thread again you better have listened to it.
A- is good as shit though, glad it worked out. What was it about?
I think Mummy and Daddy has the most consistent theme of being about domestic abuse and violence and has a very oppressive feel to it. A Cunt Like You is so cathartic I fucking love it.
Judging from his "PURE" days his work was mostly a satire of media coverage on serial killers and child rape. He basically claims that the media also abuses the victims and "celebrates" the killers and perverts by broadcasting their atrocities for money and ratings. You can kind of see it in Buyer's Market in both the name and the parts taken from real television broadcasts where they detail the crimes (or make the victims detail the crimes) in such a vulgar manner that you feel like you'll be put on a watch list just for listening to it.
Also I don't think he's disgusted by it, none of his work revolves around "murderers and pedophiles are bad!" It's more of a fascination and an attempt to get in their heads. Take a look at his books and you'll get what I mean, especially "Comfort and Critique" and "Pure Filth." Pure Filth should be robotcore.
>you better
Come the fuck at me, nonny.
The Alberta sedimentary basin. The whole course is about oil reserves so blah blah blah. I also got an A on an ecology project, tooand then I got a fucking 50 something on my statistics test and I know I'm going to fuck up the assignment for this course due later this week because I can't code for shit.
>mummy and daddy
Yeah, I'm listening to it now. Honestly, I am not digging it. I read the lyrics and found them pretty interesting (Philosophy of a Wife Beater could be viewed through the lens of the victim or the abuser IMO and that's fascinating) but the music is getting too abrasive to the point of being annoying. A Cunt Like You was somewhat rhythmic and that's cool I guess but I just felt a slower tone would be better. This is why I like Swans, for instance.
Who here like Robin Storey/Rapoon/Zoviet France?
Understandable, took me a while to get into something as noisy as it but I'm in a mood where it really resonates with me.
Do you like soundtracks for the blind?
See, that I agree with. However, I think saying, "Sotos satirizes media coverage" is different from "Sotos thinks these people are pedophiles". There are many types of voyeurs. There's the voyeur that watches a woman undress so he can masturbate to the image of her body, and then there's the voyeur that watches so they can wallow in this person's degradation and embarrassment.
>totally weird trajectory, but there's this short story I read that was based on never thought I would mention this in a thread about Sotos the Archie comics.
>Big Ethel is offered drinks by Veronica et al. and ask her to masturbate.
>the point isn't that they think her masturbating is erotic, it's that they think she's pathetic
Sotos goes further than that. He actually argues that the killers are aware of the media's blood-lust and capitalizes upon it to further hurt victims (the final line of Gates of Janus, in which he declares the book is child pornography because it was made by Brady to injure the families of the Moors victims is jaw-dropping). This is pretty prophetic in the modern age, with killers like Luka Magnotta, or the general theory that rampage killers copycat.
I think he feels worse about his voyeurism that the media he satires.
>Pure Filth
In the right hands, that could have been a second wave feminist anthem. Nothing echoes my own doubts about watching Efukt and laughing my ass off.
I just don't fucking get it. It's like static to me at times. Am I just not paying attention?
>soundtracks for the blind
Mmm. Prisoner Inside Your Skull is 10/10. That's the shit that gets me. Anxious. The Books have gotten me in a similar respect.
Overall I think with noise it's about how it puts me in either a hypnotic state or puts me really on edge. I mean I hate feeling like that but it's also really fucking cathartic to be in control of something that can cause that emotion (being able to pause it or whatever). With Whitehouse I just like how angry it is and how cathartic the yelling and noise are when combined.
I love the transition to Surrogate 2 in STFTB when it just goes straight into deep drone territory. That album is a real trip.
>bird seed
>why you never became a dancer
See, that track I like because I can hear the words and so the noise has emotional context.
>hypnotic state or on edge
I've never experienced that specifically with this music, but I think I know what you mean. Sometimes I'll be listening to something I enjoy and get this huge sense of dread. I like to spin in circles while I listen to music and I'll have to stop and look around. This dread feeling will take awhile to pass and often I have to stop spinning because I'll keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye. Likewise, spinning is very conducive to complete dissociation from my body. There's a reason Muslims have Sufi whirling. I'm not religious, but that sort of repetitive behavior takes you out and that's great.
Maybe I'm just not angry, haha. Actually, that's not true. It's more that I don't find loud noises all that upsetting or emotionally cathartic.
>real trip
I love the subtler notes. I don't pretend to be a hardcore motherfucker. I'm a delicate flower.
Doing it late at night gives me the greatest feeling of dread to be honest. Lying there in the dark while you hear mutterings of this shit is kind of like a high to me (as lame as that sounds). Do you watch disturbing movies and stuff to get the same feeling?
>late at night
Not at all.
>disturbing movies
I can't watch gore.
>same feeling
Not really. I can psych myself out more than any film. That scene in Poughkeepsie Tapes, where the dude is wearing a plague doctor's mask and he appears behind the boyfriend and you can see it in the black mirror of the window always makes me nervous in my parents kitchen because the place is loaded with reflective surfaces.
>most art is a criticism of capitalism
>back when the ussr used to fund art most artists critized the ussr for not leting them paint what they wanted
Im tired of politics
I prefer the existential sort of feeling you can get from some horror (or even just some regular films). Atmosphere >>>> than jump scares. Gore is whatever for me, I don't find it that impactful and it can be a bit nauseating depending on how hard they go on it. I have a phobia of needles and shit so when I see the Poughkeepsie Tapes scene you're talking about it makes me super uncomfortable.
With the disassociation stuff do you have ways to pull yourself out of it? I find that I can get stuck.
I know Peter. I also made friends with Philip and Sarah. They live in Austin, Texas now and put out chapbooks. Small world.
Anyone else think Live Through Me on SFTB is really underrated? I love the pulsating drone sound and the part where the guitar strumming comes in is glorious and works so well with the drones
proof that I know Sarah hehe
How in the fuck do you have this?
that's old, though, he doesn't look like that anymore
I have it from when I was friends with them separately, I knew Sarah a long time before I knew Philip, she was wild too
That's dope as hell man. Crazy to think that someone is in the thread with that close of a relation.
he's getting older, this was from a couple of years back
>tfw not in the same country so will most likely never get to go to any talk he does
>tfw the books and shit he writes will never be available here either
Life is fucking suffering desu. I hope he's doing alright.
where are you? you can get his books shipped to anywhere in the world but they're really expensive because they usually sell out in a couple of days
how do you read his work if you don't have any of his books?
I have everything he's ever written but I'm not selling anything right now, if I had some extra copies of anything I would just send you a copy but I already sold all of my duplicates
Me and a friend like making fun of Sotos. Is he as much of a creep in person as he seems to be at the talks he gives? Seriously, I've never seen someone exude so little charisma.
In Australia. I have found torrents of some stuff but not everything. A lot of it would get ceased at customs because we have fucked up censorship laws.
he doesn't ever seem creepy to me in person or at talks, he's really fucking shy and timid desu
nice trips
they sell his material on amazon in australia, just look it up, but like I said it's expensive so expect to pay hundreds to over a thousand for one book depending on what you want to own
most of his stuff I bought as soon as it came out and got it signed and for really cheap
total abuse is the only one I paid a lot of money for but it was worth it, he's a genius but hardly anyone knows what he's really doing and it's the same with philip best, if you read his new stuff like captagon, it's cryptic and obscure for a reason because most people have no idea what in the fuck it's all about, there's a lot of code words and it's like putting together a puzzle, you have to really work your ass off to appreciate what these people are doing, they've gone to jail for their art because they believe it is that important, and I believe the same, society will wake up one day and find itself eating its own limbs off one by one
Why, yes I am.
It was nice of you to post this thread on two different boards just in case I missed it.
I was listening to that album earlier. Venetian Snares kicks ass.
Halfway through it for the first time actually. Is find Candice any good?
You're welcome original famalam
It's not as good as Doll Doll Doll. It has the same aesthetic but the quality of the tracks are a bit lower. Still worth listening to but I would recommend Winter In the Belly of a Snake more. If you liked Doll Doll Doll you'll probably like both releases.
good thread holy shit why cant we have these more on /mu/