Anyone know of any robot books? like something that just ends horribly for the protagonist with no happy ending

anyone know of any robot books? like something that just ends horribly for the protagonist with no happy ending.

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Dune Messiah.

The book Annihilation is a good fit I think. Mysterious and unsolvable, where ultimately the protagonist leaves with nothing. Don't read the other two books in the trilogy, the first is a very good self contained story.

And there's always American Psycho, a robot staple if ever there was one.

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Stephen kings the revival

notes from the underground. underground man is the OG robot

By definition, The Stranger

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The Dwarf. I forgot about it, until I found it whilst clearing out my stuff. The little dude is so delusional, petty, and envious. He's like a marriage between Jow Forums and Jow Forums.

is don quixote a good robot read? i have a copy that i never read so i wouldn't have to go out and buy anything

Came to this here thread to post this

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Catcher In The Rye, obviously.
Of Mice and Men.
The original Sherlock Holmes short stories and novellas by Conan Doyle, if only for the fact that Sherlock was a severely autistic (not even hyperbole, he legit was severely autistic) drug addict obsessed with obscure hobbies.

Lolita is /ourbook/

This book is GOAT, one of Dostoevsky's first novellas, and really set the groundwork for his later works such as BK and C&P.

Camus' The Stranger is also very good. If you want something heavier read The Fall, which I think is Camus' darker interpretation on Absurdism

If you want more books about nightmarish worlds and no happy endings, try Kafka's The Metamorphosis - The basic premise is the protagonist one day wakes up transformed into a giant cockroach. In fact most of Kafka's works are robot-tier.

my diary desuk

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Unless you are literal /lit type, the answer is no. Its absolute shit, its boring and not engaging, the ideas expressed are simply stupid.

>The sorrows of young Werther by Goethe
I essentially put off reading it for years as I thought it was some shitty romance drama that wouldn't be my taste, but boy was I wrong...

"[spolier]"I essentially got a relatable intresting story in the form of diary entries about a comfy NEET who falls for some roastie who is already married, only for him to orbit and obsess about her to the end of the earth, needless to say it never works and he is torn apart by it.
He then goes back to his wagecuck life of nothingness and comes to fucking despise it so he becomes a NEET again, but this time round he slumbers into a state of absolute cronic depression and becomes really bitter and twisted about life until eventually he an hero's."[/spoiler]"

Needless to say it's my favourite book of all time packed full to the brim of philosophical concepts, memorable quotes and down right feels of how relateable the protagonist is; to the point it's a powerful book that has changed my entire world view on a whole manner of subjects specifically relating to suicide, wage slavery, love, romanticism and consumerism.

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>packed full to the brim of philosophical concepts
No thanks I like to enjoy what I read, its a form of entertainment

Or I will study a text book if I need to learn or understand some new information.

Try The Road, they made a movie about it and it's really fucking dark. it was based off the book im too lazy to read it

>Essential robot /lit/ hasn't been posted yet

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Norwegian Wood is a good one. Depicts the life of a young guy in college who is suffering from an existential crisis amidst 60s/70s Japan years after his best (and only) friend commits suicide for no apparent reason. The girlfriend of the dead guy also comes back into the main character's life, and he has to help her through a major struggle with depression.

Really great book, I would recommend it for robots who are trying to find themselves in life. Also, there's an okay movie adaptation of it which you can watch once you're done reading it.

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Is 1984 good or just a meme? I liked it when I was a teen. Same for Crime and punishment

1984 is good but its short so you won't feel like you wasted your time if you end up not liking it. crime and punishment is my favorite book

It's a short and easy to read book that is required reading in High School. It makes normalfags feel smart when they want to put forward entry-level commentary on politics such as "1984 was supposed to be a dystopia, Not a guidebook!!" whenever they see CCTV cameras. (If you have ever said this, please kill yourself) Newspeak and the idea of the state manipulating language so that the people are literally UNABLE to dissent is an interesting concept that I don't think has been explored much, instead everyone stuck with the "DUDE U'RE BEEN WATCHED LMAOO!!!"

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but like, dude, the goverments filming us and shit