What don't you become a girl, user?

what don't you become a girl, user?

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Brb.Need to fappy

>"You startled the witch!"

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Press "F" to pay respects to Cosmo, he fell for the "traps are hot" meme shilled by mentally ill trannies

I already have crippling AGP, don't convince me user.

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cosmo needs brackets and a proper haircut and she will be qt

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cosmo is balding, he shaved his head and bought a cheap shitty wig but i cbf to find the pictures.

you wake up at 3 am and narcissa looking at you
what do

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people don't bald on the proper hrt, either she takes something weird or there was some other reason

i don't think cosmo takes HRT tho.

but it is silly
is she gate kept or something

cause as bad as i want it, id be uglier than that. And, im not mental enough to do it and be unpassable.

born 30 years too soon for tech advanced enough to make me passable, and actually female.

Psyop thread
Reported & Saged.

cosmo is actually cute, she is just silly and doesn't get brackets and uses silly haircuts, if you look close to her you shouldn't be especially afraid imo

La Pesadilla...

la quesadilla

I watched his speedruns 8 years ago, and it hurts to be reminded of this shit. His fate is worse than if he had just offed himself.

she always was a girl

Can you not deadname pls?

/lgbt/ & /leftypol/ be gone, trannies are mentally ill men.

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I repress to avoid that. If i did fall for my own delusions I'd get this response and would infinitely hurt everyone else.

this is happening all day on r9k catalog.

fucking rotten females are bad enough. now we have cancer failed normies trying to spread the blood of their chopped cock onto our hands

I have none of it.

she? this is why I hate anime fans

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let him suck my cock

>insane tranny with those chompers on your dick
wrong choice

you'd probably get your dick stuck between the gap in his teeth

I don't have any compassion for cosmo anymore.
Okay we get it, he got cucked, so did I.
But he also had one of the strongest userbase on twitch, tons of friends, a gigantic source of income from playing games all day and smoking weed. This fucker had a great life and instead of moving on, he threw away everything, insulted his whole fanbase, destroyed his sexual identity in a masochistic way to cope with his loss, and he's been extremely spiteful and obnoxious for the past years, surrounding himself with she-abominations.
Fuck Cosmo, he used to be a great dude loved by hundreds thousands of people, now he's some kind of angry freak with no redeeming quality.

why was he a great dude?
fucking streamers are not great dudes.

>guy makes world record while back
>becomes el abominacion

Why Cosmo why


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this is Narcissa ask me anything. also sorry I pissed everyone off or whatever but I had to follow my own path. I speedrun Breath of the Wild now.

hope you kill yourself faggot.

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i won't do that. life has too much potential!