They need to get it for being cruel to dogs and cats. Self defense and accidents are the only excuses
Anyone who kills a Cat or Dog Should get the Death Penalty
Reminder that loving dogs and cats and not being a vegan is hypocritical
Not even vegan, you have to be rational, so instead of being vegan I just value all animals lower.
Sure you can be invested and attached to a dog/cat, but ultimately they are interested in food only, thats it
Why? I love animals but for example cats are invasive species, an ecological disaster because they kill so many small wild animals and birds. If anyone loves animals and nature, first and foremost should not keep cats and discourage others.
Also regarding killing them, why is it not ok to kill cats and dogs when its ok to hunt animals for sport, or let millions of farm animals die everyday
There is nothing wrong with an animal killing another animal for the purpose of its own survival. Cruelty that goes beyond just killing the thing and harvesting what you need from it is just in poor taste.
Anyone who kills a plant should get the death penalty.
hunting for sport is wrong and letting food that comes from animals go to waste is disgusting. i don't think anyone is hypocritical enough to say those things are okay and still claim they love animals. there's a difference between needless killing and killing for food.
Of course, agree 100%
But chinese kill dogs for food, now from what I know they often do it violently and causes a lot of needless suffering (but its likely they have same practises in farm animal slaughter hauses too)
So if they done in a humane way (killed dogs) for food, that would be perfectly ok, dont forget there are 2 billion of them and I can imagine that sometimes there actually might not be enough food produced (and that was clearly the reason why they started eating dogs in the past)
Canine of peace reporting in
>he eats watermelon!
i usually don't take this stance on most issues, but when it comes to the chinese eating dogs i really don't care. completely different culture and values. id prefer if they killed the dogs humanely though.
what about for food
Completely tangential to what youre saying but I never underestimate people's ability to be hypocritical enough to do anything
no it's not good. Even Chinese shouldn't be able to eat dogs or cats
Why not??.?
because they are our friends and companions
Well dont kill your personal dog, but not every single dog and cat is your companion, there are some dogs that will bite arm if you approach it. Dogs maybe domesticated but they are still animals
Those dogs have been abused by mean owners.
>Muh hypocrites
You don't have to be a vegan to support animal rights
I don't want to stop animals from eating each other, why should I stop myself or anybody else from eating them ? Animals right is wanting animals to be treated like living beings, which certainly isn't the case today, with the chinks boiling dogs alive, skinning dogs alive and other inhuman shit
You can kill/torture an animal in the most gruesome way wherever you want in the world and you'll easily get away with it, the police won't investigate it (too busy punishing hate speech on the internet)
No one cares about what's happening to them even though they are the most innocents being in the world, they're too busy giving money to cure Stacy's AIDS, and if you're fine with it you don't belong here
Not every dog is nice and cuddly. Some are born violent and aggresive.
So are cows, pigs, and chickens you hypocritical bastard.
you don't cuddle or become friends to chickens
The scale at which we breed and mass slaughter animals in intensive farming is cruelty
Take a look at how they are slaughtered and the pain we inflict on innocent, sentient beings
We were all brainwashed to believe the food on our plates got there without cruelty and things like "free range" can justify our treatment of other animals
As the predators at the "top of the food chain" we have a duty to protect and preserve the balances of nature and harmony within the animal kingdom, not to abuse them and keep them in captivity from birth unto the slaughterhouse for our own taste buds
If you could help end a holocaust with a simple life decision, would you do it?
Could you really kill and eat pic related?
that duck makes me hungry desu
Could you snap its neck like a twig, pluck the feathers from its corpse and spill its entrails?
After you're done killing the animal and gutting it, could you butcher it yourself and serve it to your family?
First you will need to dispatch of the ducks head and wait for it to bleed out and stop flapping. Wash the feet and force down on the abdomen while rinsing its asshole out with a hose to wash shit away.
If you choose to skin your ducks you wont have the skin and fat on the carcass to keep the meat juicy when you cook it.
Once you have the carcass skinned or plucked, you are ready to start disemboweling.
The gizzard will be attached to the other end of the intestines. You will need to stuff your hand into the body cavity to pull it out. You will most likely pull out the gizzard, liver, and gall bladder in one big mess.
Next, you should find the heart.
If you dont like eating the gizzard, heart, and liver, cook them up and feed them to your pets or your chickens.
Remove the neck and feet by cutting through the ligaments that hold the bones together at the joints rather than trying to cut through bone.
Wash the carcass thoroughly and chill as quickly as you can to prevent bacterial growth.
Tip: Keep a small bucket or container of bleach water on my table to clean my hands and knives in between birds, or in case feces spills on the meat.