Any other strayan robots? I'm sure there is some but we never talk about Aussie shit. Anyways, how is everyone's long weekend been? Any plans? NZ allowed as well everyone else fuck off
/aus/ general
well fuck you faggots then
Most Australian posters here are normies friend.
>Any plans?
I didn't buy more alcohol, but my parents friend dropped off some pot for them and I took some so I'm just going to get couch-stuck and try not to cry for a bit tonight.
>working on assigmnets all long weekend
im gonna kill myself soon i think.
>not spending your Saturday morning in a coma
what's wrong with you?
Ive gone to Sydney for the long weekend. And since im a teacher i get 2 weeks off and im payed for it.. feels good man.
Been studying since Thursday, and probably will continue 'til i'm back at work on Tuesday.
Australians are either bogans or pretentious cunts, robots are a smaller percentage here than anywhere else in the 1st world.
That said, I'm going to be performing the traditional robot passtime this weekend of getting exceptionally drunk, browsing the internet and trying not to cry.
>tfw 183cm bearded viking with emotional stability of a little girl
I feel ya man. I know a couple of nice normies but I just can't relate with the majority of people where I live.
On the note of how my weekends going, I just started bipolar medication along with SSRIs (recent diagnosis) and am feeling very very numb. I'm also in a huge tfw no gf mood which is fantastic. Just looking for someone into noise music to be honest with you senpai.
My plans are to stay inside playing vidya and eat fish and chips. I met an autistic bird on okcupid who likes games, anime and weed so that's cool. Things are going okay
>a Reply]
might order red rooster delivery later
i fucked up that post the greentext was a accident
Getting drunk playing blops zombies. Still trying to get out of bed though
I'm australian but moved to california to live with my wife. how do i make friends here? americans are kind of fucked in the head
id buy a pink pussy hat, nintendo switch and soy latte and grow out your beard, might want to become vegan too
or pretend to be mexican
How do I get a job and a flat? Living in a motel...
get experience first, you wont get a job without it
as for a flat, get on the housing list for neets its about a 5-7 year wait though, the shitter the place you will accept the faster it is (ie 1br 8th floor flat with no offstreet carparing in a shit area you will find faster than a 3br house in a leafy suburb)
Brisbanebot here, need to mow the lawn so it looks presentable for guests, but the mower is being a cunt and refuses to work, other than thats its been a pretty nice weekend. besides it being 30 degress outside
been pretty boring desu senpai
been doing nothing but drinking myself to death and watching the footy
might go to a game tonight but i don't know if i can be bothered as i'm so low on energy
might just stay home and play wow and drink again
but yeah life is no different long weekend or not, living that neet life for 11 years now with no sign of anything improving
might kms this year who knows
Has anyone tried therapy? My life has really gone down the shitter (even more than it normally is) recently. I'm have unironic thoughts of suicide at this point. I just don't see how it's going to improve
well shit, whats a weekend anyway? at least I should clear 4k this fortnight after tax, can afford more vidya
damn that's bretty fucking good money, what do you do?
drive trucks, its shit but im alone all the time
It dependes on what therapist you get, ive gone through four and ive only had one good one.
Do you need any qualifications or a certain driving licence for a truck driving job?
>making 4k a fornight
why do you not have a wife and kids yet making that kind of money?
i was seeing a therapist for awhile but she literally couldn't understand how i felt and why, fucking women man they don't know which way their asshole is pointing half the time
I go to Monash but spending my weekend back home in Bendigo. Going to try and fuck my sister tomorrow, wish me luck.
need one of the truck licences, they advertise the clases in every newspaper, you work for some fucktard till you have the money for your own truck then go solo, save for more trucks etc etc
easier to picknup a different hooker every night fuck em and leave em, why would I want one at home that im never at
this thread is dead, make another one tonight see if it sparks up
>tfw debt collector for cenno
don't touch neets though only wagies that betray their neet ways
doing gods work mate
fuck those normie wagie scum taking my retard bucks
why is everyone in this contry a chad or a stacy?
fucking kills me inside
My conversation with my grandad minutes ago
>user we spoke to your parents and they said they want you to come to Sydney (a city in australia) to live with them so they can make your normal again, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try out living. You can go with your grands to buy a digeridoo once you're.
>okay I'll think about it and let you know
Looks like my family can't take it anymore.
How are you going to get your sister to fuck you?
Adelaide here. Living comfy NEET lifestyle in the hills :)
/workingholiday/ here, australia is a sick cuntry, ausbots dont know how good they've got it.
Country nsw is a bit of a shithole desu but the money is alright (harvest shit)
Impossible for Aussies to be robots considering all the gorgeous women they have
>All the women are attractive so that means you can't be a robot
Think about what you say, retard.
>Tfw decent looking and still no gf
>24 ausbot
>Still no job
God i just want money for whisky and weed
Security or labouring. Labouring jobs pay anywhere between 15 and 25 an hour for entry level positions. A cheap bottle of whiskey is 22 from Dan Murphy and you can get a quarter oz for 90 bucks. Work one day and you have enough to smoke weed all week and drink whiskey most days.
Get off r9k and go lift bricks or some shit
how would i go about getting a job like that though? I've tried gumtree jobs and shit like seek but either cant find anything or dont get a response back. Would the kind folk at centrelink help me in this regard?
Woke up at 5:00pm today, fed the dogs, now going on a 2-3 hour walk.
Applied for autism bux 6 months ago but got rejected because of lack of treatment. I need another year treatment with my psychologist and psychiatrist, but I currently get NEET bux without the job searching responsibilities, and I get a pharmaceutical bonus.
30 btw
aus r9k discord here, pretty active just don't be a normie, attention whores are banned on sight
hard to appreciate the "how good we have it" when we aren't invited to participate in all the good times
we are social rejects mate, all the girls won't touch us with a gun to their head and all the blokes don't like us because we don't fit their standard
now fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from
What do I need to get bux here please tell me I think I'm losing it and I'll kill myself before I get a job, even if I could get a job with my record. I swear I'm an inch away from just nicking a tent and walking until I find a bit of bush no one can see me at and living as a hermit.
Nz poorfag here.
Another day has been spent not leaving home, I'm realizing I truly don't have any hobbies or anything I'm good at.
Wish i had some weed or any other drugs but I'm completely sober and also broke
aye i'm getting doctor notes so i don't gotta do that job search shit but i haven't gotten into a psychiatrist yet
i think autism bux is still a very long way off if i can even get it because there isn't anything wrong with me physically i just want to kill myself and everyone around me most days
Gumtree all the way. Just get your white card and mass apply gumtree. If it takes you to a recruitment page then don't bother. If it just has some guys number give him a call, make sure to act like a loose cunt and boom you got a job
tfw I just started working on ships and they are striking next week
G'day cunt.
Newy is full of robots.
just make fun of all of them until they get used to being ridiculed for the faggots they are.
i was going to go clubbing but i have an injury on my face that makes me feel ugly so i'm getting drunk by myself instead :))))
okay chad i guess youll have to abstain from sex for a week (:
Suicide pacts still a thing?
Fuck uni.
any /victoria/ here?
Yeah me what are you gonna do about it?
Oi cunt your minimum wage is like 2x what it is in europe, you're all stupid cunts and the women are vapid and intolerable (havnt made a single aussie friend in the year i've been here) but your wages are more than enough to have a good time on. Brothels are legal here and your beer is expensive but good, shame about your internet tho.
oi watch your fuckin tounge cunt or i'll smack you in the mouth
no surprise nigger, giving uncultured bogans who work povo jobs a high minimum wage and you get a bunch of stupid faggots acting like they're richfags.
Bill Shorten was a mistake
/GoldCoast/ here surrounded by chads and stacies and cant get a job
>Attention whores are banned on sight
>Whoring out your discord on r9k
>Tfw no gf
Imagine having a companion that you love, she loves you back.
Someone to wake up next to every morning, cuddle with, laugh with, make food with and who you generally spend all your time with, who you are completely comfortable being around.
Just imagine how great that would be...
Ignore all Aus discords desu
They say don't act like a normie but they're the ones that had a meet up like a week after the servers creation and I pretty much got run out by two fags because it's all a popularity contest and I didn't immediately try suck their asses.
Started working out again after abandoning it for 6 years. I do 100 goblet squats a day with a 12kg kettlebell I've noticed slight changes to my body in just a few weeks
I've joined 6 discords and only 1 of them didn't turn out to be a a popularity contest, worshiping the one girl in the server or norman shitfest filled with faggots and soyboys.
A 3 bedroom town house 30 minutes from the city is about $850,000-1,000,000. Not a house, small town-house.
Yeah, most Discord servers are trash, but for some reason every Aus based Discord server is just truly worthless in every sense of the word.
boring, did some work, having packages delayed for 2 days is pissing me off, killing spare time with hoi4 and jalopy
greetings adelaide hills NEET, from the barossa
>Last about 2 years not being a shut-in
>1 year into uni now
>Haven't done any work in 2 weeks
>Haven't left the house in 2 weeks
>Eating junk food and drinking untill I vomit every day again
>Probably going to end up back in the psych ward
any new zealand bros want to come live at my house and smoke weed everyday while we watch anime and good films?
i legitimately have ZERO friends.
lived in the same city my whole life, not a single person to speak to.
does this bother you or not
yes, but not weed, will you let me for free?
It's been shit so far. Nothing ever goes right for me at all. Could be because I self sabotage a lot, idk.
I've been close to this point one time. It's a dark place, hope you get better soon user.
Me either, I stopped talking to them and became recluse about 3-4 years ago.
its comfy. i like being a lonewolf but its also a shame because i feel like ive had nothing but the wrong people around me at the wrong times. it just never worked out.
im not socially awkward anymore, i am very good to other people, im funny, i dont look like shit and im a good listener but ive got no one.
seems like its too late now, i think im fucked.
>stopped working October last year because autismo
>haven't left my house since
>sometimes convinced I'm legit going insane
Extreme isolation literally causes brain damage and can induce personality disorders. I completely fucked with my head by being a recluse for almost a decade.
Really? I've been a lonely recluse three years now.
My vocabulary has worsened, I lost the little social skills I had, anxiety and depression has gotten much worse. Over the last year my memory has worsened very badly and I have developed very bad and regular brain fog.
What else should I expect?
My vision drastically worsened due to being inside every day. I gained a lot of weight from constant binge eating. my ability to speak fluently was destroyed. I can't emotionally connect to people now. And I ended up in in the psych ward twice for cutting up my face and nearly drinking myself to death
what'd you cut your face with?
Pencil razors and shaving razors
My mental acuity didn't diminish too much. My memory definitely worsened and I find it more difficult to grasp new concepts but am unsure how much of that is aging and how much was the isolation.
The thing that really changed was my personality. I'm very very different now. I used to hunger for friendship but now I'm totally happy being alone. Nothing really elicits any strong emotion from me. I don't think I am schizoid but I've developed many schizoid traits.
Oh and yes my social skills completely evaporated and for a while I had crippling depression and social anxiety to the point where simple tasks like making a phone call to book a gp appointment or going to the grocery store became impossible. I even started fearing my father knocking on my room door.
That's mostly fixed now after working for a couple of years but the pseudo schizoid stuff seems to be here to stay.
>girl smiled at me as I got on the tram
>thought about it for the rest of the day
>"Look at that loser over there"
>"He almost tripped on his fat rolls getting onto the tram"
Yeah it would only be for a few months if I get to know you properly, what's your discord?
why a few months user? where in nz are you?
>cashier is nice to me
>imagine all the things we'd do if she were my gf
oi lad
originally original
>tfw no friend to push shopping carts into rivers and throw rocks on peoples houses at night and generally cause mischief
Anyone keen
Does anyone want to be a serial killer with me?
any north shore fags up? hornsby-epping area
Where you at?
I like /mischief/
chlorine bombs included?
soft cunts
Sounds tempting.
Where abouts are you from user.
Coffs Harbour
wait did you go to the same kfc I went to the other day?