What's the longest you've gone without getting off? I haven't fapped in two weeks. Have you gone longer than that?

What's the longest you've gone without getting off? I haven't fapped in two weeks. Have you gone longer than that?

Attached: mustnotfap.jpg (400x293, 42K)

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Is there any danger to not fapping? This is longest its been for me.

13 years. then, I found porn after that, the longest was 4 days

How'd you feel after 4 days. I swear my balls are actually heavier.

I am a weak man. I found the time and that was 4 days without jerking off

Why'd you wait? Any particular reason?

I was on a trip with other people a few years ago and I shared a room with three others. one would almost never get out of the room. I did not want him to hear me jerking off in the bathroom. on day 4/7, he went out for a few minutes and that's was my time to jerk off

So you needed it. I'm pretty much doing an experiment in seeing how long I can go without jerking off. I don't know what's going to happen. I've never done this before.

Longest I have nofapped was 3 months. Currenty didnt fap since beginning of feb but relapsed last week, ejaculated only once so the negative effect was minimal, felt like shit for couple of days now back almost back to normal nofap state (80% there)

If you don't mind answering, what motivates you to abstain from fapping?

At first I fell for the meme, superpowers and stuff, I never planned to nofap, but also some people said that its a very unique, emotional and physical experience that cannot be simply expressed in words and one has to experience and it will change a person, so I though why not try because at the time my life wasnt bad but it was lacking and it seemed like its worth a try (didnt cost anything either)

About 6 weeks.
Sometimes I just can't be bothered for weeks on end.
Recently 1 or 2 times a day.

60+ days. Think it was 61 or 62. It stung when I finally came.

Not counting 13 years, 3 weeks.

52 days. It was easy because I don't have much of a sex drive.

I didn't plan it either, but I got annoyed with it being a habit rather than something spontaneous. Know what I mean? It's just not satisfying at some point that way. Better to wait for the right cue.

No I dont.

Nofap itself is hard for me but the nofap effect exists and it is very satisfying.
I know a lot of men do it to increase their sex appeal and self confidence mainly for attracting female sex. And when that doesnt work they get frustrated. If thats what you are talking about then I wouldnt know because I dont do it for females.

a while back i went 4 months. Then when i did rub one out it felt amazing.

The most I've gone was almost 4 months.

Right now I'm on 2 months

My libido started to fail when I was 19. Haven't wanked in probably 2 months.

After falling back into porn after a long streak of nofap, I feel like absolute garbage and have horrible headaches.

Any anons also experience this? Is this the depression meme?

This is what happens after you lose all control after long streak

18 years, then I fapped continuously till 2015 where I go off and on. Currently at 3 weeks and counting.

Never fapped. Not religious, just; No privacy+maximum apathy+2 inch dick+aspergo supremo.

100 days, I was 16 at the time
I worked out 5-6 days a week and also had a bible in my room but if religion isn't your thing being "spiritual" and meditating may yield similar results

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post moar blease

I didn't start no fap because I heard about it, at the time there were no discussions being done on it; I came to the conclusion myself that fapping might not be the healthiest thing.
So I started slowly but surely working my way up to 100 days. First 3 days, then 5, then I went to a week. The relapses bothered me I would fap 3-4 times those days. The longest streak I went besides the 100 days was around 2 weeks, after that I aimed for 100.
It's a process and it takes times to build up to that.
The hardest thing is just starting but if the urges are your issue install a free porn blocker like I have below
Besides that you can get free bank caledner to mark your progress by checking off days you've completed without fapping.

Best of luck to you.

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You keep building arousal, going deeper in your most disgusting fetishes, you keep getting rejected by women so the frustration gets incredibly hard to bear.
Then you finally give up, find a twink on grindr and become gay for a night.

Probably because the longer you go without flapping, the more sperm your body can produce.

I've gone 90 days before.

I wish I could go back to that feeling.

Seriously, fuck internet porn for fucking my brain before I turned to Jesus.

Are you navy user?

About 18 days then I had a few extremely stressful days, I caved in. It's hard, no pun intended. My last streak was 14 days no fap.

My reasons for trying to stop:
- it's hedonistic
- it "wastes" time
- I believe it illegitimately satiates the body/mind's need for a true companion or lover, it feels like it's cheating the system

For me when I relapse, it's to the most vanilla stuff. It's like my dick turns into a hair trigger.

13 months, did a no fap year in 2012-13
That day I fapped after I was able to cum 5 times in a row with no recharge

I went about 4 weeks before my balls were hurting a lot. Like, struggle to walk hurting. Then I sprayed a warm shower of cum all over myself and went back to daily 3x fap.

I am indeed Navy user.

I've pretty much decided that if I don't stop jerking off by boot camp, I'll use that to break myself of it forever. I don't like jerking off when I'm with other people, even if I can do it in private. It just feels wrong. And when you're in the Navy, you're almost always with other people.

Probably a day or two. I produce way too much semen, so it hurts.
That's amateur shit though. Try 5 fap bursts three times a day.

How do you jerk off when you're in the military? Seems like you'd never have the time to yourself.

You play with your privates.

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I think for me it was about.. 7 or so weeks?
It wasn't that hard for me since I lost my sex drive long ago.

Didn't you start to feel sort of uncomfortable and clogged up after awhile though? No sex drive is one thing, but it doesn't stop your body from producing sperm?

It's not a fucking endless faucet, jeez.

You lack any biology education, don't you.

1 year and 3 months. I'm still keeping on it

Yea like 10 weeks just cause I didn't feel like it
But I fap on average maybe once every two weeks anyway

Yes it is if everything is working correctly. You can abstain from fapping, but nocturnal emissions are hardly enough to prevent said discomfort for most.

I hadn't felt any discomfort in said time.

I mean, dude, I have pretty big loads, and I never had any discomfort. I mean, mentally yes, and it got worse because I was getting horny so I'd get blue balls, but other than that, no.

None? After a week or two I feel like they're going to explode. Or like it's literally backing up into my prostate and I'm swelling up.

It may be in your head. You're thinking about it all the time, so you get horny, so yeah, you get blue balls.

It's like sleep, the more you think about it the worse it gets.

So in a way then it's more like sating an addiction than a physical need? I guess that makes sense.

It's absolutely an addiction. Think about it, every day you tell your brain that you're having sex. It thinks, great, things are going good. You get a surge of dopamine every single time.

And porn doesn't help matters.

139 original days

I didn't fap in a little over 3 years, depression and meds murdered my libido.