Reminder that if any of the following apply to you then you are a normalfaggot and you should get the fuck out
>listen to hip hop
>watch capeshit
>like 80s retro nostalgia shit like Stranger Things
>have ever had a gf
>want a gf
>are not a lanklet
>are under the age of 23
>like Disney Star Wars
>use social media
>are female
>go to Starbucks
>graduated from college
>wear flannel
>wear jeans
>have ever been friends with a girl
>are a Jew
>like Harry Potter
>have brown eyes
>drive a crossover or a minivan
>would rather be in the city than in nature
Reminder that if any of the following apply to you then you are a normalfaggot and you should get the fuck out
Other urls found in this thread:
More than half of those apply to me. I come here to laugh at turbo autistic NEETs screeching about normalfags. It scratches the same itch as watching rage videos. You can't make me leave.
>More than half of those apply to me.
Most of these are pretty much the definition of soyboy so consider killing yourself as soon as possible.
>Have brown eyes
Yes having a negative attribute is very normalfaggot
Isn't wanting but never having a gf the whole point?
Made the cut boys.
Confirmed for loser.
>tfw all of those apply to me but I'm obese at 5'6 and want a gf
W-was I one of them all along?
>he doesn't listen to hip hop
Jam with the best or be depressed with the rest
>le epic soyboy meme
You could probably get a few spoonfuls of cheetoh dust from underneath the crown of your cockhead, niggerfaggot. Assuming you could fish it out from under your mountain of folds. Go back to Jow Forums.
>Only under the age of 23, but otherwise totally out of this list
>>wear jeans
I don't get it
Hop hop sucks nigger dick i hope you get cancer
>people who like things I don't like can't be a part of my secret club!
this. what's wrong with jeans?
>drive a crossover or a minivan
Care to explain?
I don't know why the jeans thing is there, but I find that funny because I've started to hate wearing jeans and pretty much exclusively wear shorts or pajama pants.
No. That just makes you a failed normalfaggot. A true robot has transcended such base desires.
Brown eye fags are normies and don't belong here. Blue eyed Nordic people are by far the most autistic and robotic race.
Jeans are for normies. Robots wear track pants.
Fuck off, Jow Forumstard. For the real list, you can not be a robot if
>you are not khhv
>you are friends with a lot of women
>you are well liked by women
>you have, or have had a gf
>you can make casual conversation easily, and enjoy it
>have brown eyes
Welp I'm off to reddit then
Well I guess I can't browse this board anymore. See ya later virgins
They look so >happy
It makes me >envy
>80s retro nostalgia shit
Does Vaporwave count?
Now that's just nitpicking
>Does Vaporwave count?
Not really. Vaporwave is its own thing and it doesn't really belong with the likes of Stranger Things and Ready Player One.
Most vaporwave is still shit though.
China's space station is about to go Gundam style . Station drop SsshhhhhIIIIIIII!!!!!
Only one applies to me: I've had a gf lmao
reminder that if you think kotor 1 > kotor 2 you are a normalfaggot. kotor 2 is goat
Kotor 1 better story. Kotor 2 better gameplay
>a copy of the OT is better than the most unique, complex, deepest, and most well written story in all of Star Wars