Be burger

>be burger
>always wanted to try a prostitute
>online ways to do it are shady as hell so put it off
>really want to try it now
>US law just passed making it basically impossible
>eros headquarters raided by feds, backpage and reddit removed everything, and the remaining escort sites are next

That's what I get for procrastinating

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wow what an amazing blog post you made, to bad no one gives a shit. kill yourself faggot.

do you not have brotherls in the usa?

Its legal in nevada

the thing that i dislike about interracial couples is they are more focused on being edgy to offended uptight racists than they are just loving/lusting after one another.

>[citation needed]
This is news to me, as I hired an escort in January.

Yeah its completely illegal in burgerland. Unlike chad Australia where we have legal brothels.

>4 inches and im socially crippled
God i hate my self so much


The thought of paying for sex directly makes my autism ruffle so hard.

Attached: ryan gosling intensifies.jpg (600x498, 27K)

it's gotten too fuckin risky. And a bust for that will wreck your life here.

I gave it up a few years ago. If you want to do it. Dont go see her at her place/hotel, way too risky these days. If you just want to try it once. Go to Germany and go wild

Not completely. There are brothels here, but very few, and I'm pretty sure they're all in Nevada (desert wasteland).

Never understood why governements make prostitution illegal, it's still going to happen, add people in prison pointlessly, and it'll make it even more underground and fuck more up more prostitue's lives.

Just nuke the fuck out of pimps instead and work on proper education and making it easier to live so people dont turn to prostitution.

>10 inch dick

Surely this isn't common

I know, i'm aussie that's why I was asking.

>vagina starts at 4 inches

Attached: 14123.jpg (598x600, 68K)

Women really don't want certain males having sex.

As someone who's done this type of shit, you've missed out on nothing. Backpage/Craigslist hookers were universally trash, and every single experience I had with one I left thinking "damn, what a waste, should have just saved my cash and watched porn." Escort sites are pretty much the same deal unless you're like a hedge fund manager and can afford to shell out a couple of grand for the real professionals (who probably aren't even that great). I've never been to a Nevada brothel, but from what I've seen it's just busted ex-stripper bitches charging retarded geriatric men obscene prices because they don't know better. Much like everything else in Vegas, it's pure tourist trap garbage. Streetwalkers are actually your best bet if you're in the states, but you have to be willing to tolerate high risk and have a sharp eye plus street knowledge to find the good ones. Massage Parlors can be OK too, if you're into the who Asian thing.
All of this pales in comparison to what you can get in a foreign country though. If you really want to fuck attractive hookers at a reasonable price, literally any country in Latin America will offer you so much more. SE Asia is also a good bet, and certain spots in Europe (Germany, Eastern Europe) work too.

Q predicted this


the way society is today, was designed down to the last detail by rich shit heads in board rooms 70+ years ago. Incels, neets, the sexual revolution, chads, stacys. all of it was by design.

>Streetwalkers are actually your best bet if you're in the states,

^ you're insane. Anyone on the street now is gonna be some toothless crack addict at a truck stop.

Oh, and if you wind up in a reverse sting not only will you get your picture in the paper you will get your car impounded too. extra fun

as to the rest. Yea, Burgerland isnt worth the trouble. Find an excuse to go to eastern europe. Dont say why you are going, and dont just go to bang hookers, but when you get there start fucking right off the plane.

>massage parlor
Tell me more

I can see that, just see Trump with his old man views trying to say violent video games are bad for you and the shitty video that got published on the white house youtube channel (which got removed fast cause of 99.9% dislike rate)

You know those low rent spots which just have some shitty neon sign in the window that says "massage?". The ones you drive past at like 10:30pm and think "damn, why are they open, who would be getting a massage at this hour?" They'll jerk you off in there. Maybe even more if you're willing to pay.
>How do I find one of these places?
Google Rubmaps, or just look at a crime heat map of your city and use Google maps to find massage places open late in higher crime areas.

It's nearly mythical. Even the niggers in blacked aren't 10 inches

it's a 1,000 times more fucked up and beyond that
You're welcome, OP. Just lurk a bit.

> add people in prison pointlessly

Thats exactly the point, to support the prison industrial complex. Half of these bullshit laws wouldnt exist if it wasnt for the fact that for-profit prisons are a big thing in america.