Tfw no anime bf

>tfw no anime bf

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nigga go tah sleep

anime ain't real

Give up and go to sleep. You will never find your bf.

>1 friend

Yes it's pretty sad that no one else has been good enough even for that

What do you even talk about with people then? Do you expect something out of them without returning the favor?

How much money for you to date me?

I just talk about whatever I prefer to get to know them before doing anything anyways
I expect them to be decent human beings and that's it but other things obviously help
It's not like everyone I've removed is degenerate just most (8/10)

But how does it usually end? Do you just get fed up with what they're saying or do they genuinely say something disgusting to get you to delete them? I refuse to believe it's just because everyone you add is some sort of fucked up degenerate.

These threads make me angry. 'Tfw no bf'? Fuck you. How about
>tfw no fucking friends

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I stopped caring about women a while ago
Now I'm just /nofriends/
Tho I always push people away and ghost them
Maybe I'm meant to be alone forever

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>I refuse to believe it's just because everyone you add is some sort of fucked up degenerate
Obviously they add me, and it at least should be obvious to you that the majority of people on Jow Forums are degenerate. It's not even up for debate as far as I'm concerned.
It's usually not just one thing it's just as I get to know them they become clear normies, underage, degenerate, or anything in between. I do remove people on mutual respect sometimes and I sometimes feel sorry for it but rarely.
A lot of people are boring which I mean is whatever but a lot of people are too shy to even add me and some are too shy to talk to me when they add me which kinda defeats the purpose, but it's fine I suppose, I don't blame them.
At this point any type of person you could imagine as added me.
Chill out wojak friends are nice too

What do you define as normie? Do you havbe the meme r9k beliefs of anyone who has a job or knows people irl as normies?

If you find people boring, what kind of conversation are you expecting out of someone who is not boring?

>anyone who has a job
No that's dumb and a good work ethic is attractive.
As far as irl friends go it just depends.
I think most people are normies just because of how I am but some are tolerable normies. It's not really a definition that I can easily define.
I like deep meaningful conversations while sharing opinions (without sperging out) feelings stories etc
Or just casual shit is fine

It all depends on the person my dude

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Ok, I kind of understand where you're coming from. My trouble with the deep meaningful conversation shit is that it tends to all come to the same conclusions. I mean give me an example of what you consider deep and meaningful.

Well idk about deep but as far as meaningful goes it could be a lot of things. Like getting to know someone personally is meaningful to me.
But deep shit is like life desires, depression, childhood trauma tier I guess but I don't talk about that.

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I find the depression talk goes to the same place of self pity and no answers are generally found from it. I can understand airing childhood trauma though.

When do you feel like you've gotten to know someone personally? Do you have a roadmark as to if that deep connection has been made?

There are milestones about getting to know someone and connecting, but personally for me it's more of a feeling rather than knowing when or how.
It always takes me a while to feel truly connected with someone but sometimes I attach too easy.

But talking about depression can be helpful it just depends if you're doing it to get help or vent or whatever I guess

I've full vented with people before and it just ends up with me being frustrated that they don't understand their being a huge gap in life that is very hard to fill. My concern is also it pushing people down if they themselves have depression. I love to wallow but I would never put someone in that situation myself.

Why do you guys even post these sort of threads for?

My problem is that when I do it I find no one can truly relate with me, and that's fine I guess it's just the normie quote "I know how you feel" can be annoying sometimes.
Of course there's relatable feels but the complex ones are always the most upsetting I think.
Sometimes I'm not sure what to say to people when they're depressed but I'm socially retarded.
Talking about depression can be relatable and helpful but I guess some people might get put down by hearing it.

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Issues with relating with other people can be tied to having unresolved mental health issues. Have you seen a professional?

It's impossible for other people to relate to specific things by another person

Need me an irl Tomoko, whats your contact info?

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>tfw no chaotic tomoko fembf

I always come here to get more Tomoko reactions for the one day I avatarfag again, but this thread has had some pretty good conversation going on. Better than a lot of other threads.

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almost like you've never been to a chaotic thread

>der mann von shad

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Do you enjoy being called a Chaotic/Cebruz clone and being banned?

Wow, you sure got me.
Chaotic threads really brim with the lifeforce of this board. Like those two threads where one dude who got rejected by the guy and started sperging out, or all the rest where its flooded either with guys who think Chaotic is a fembot, or people continually telling the world this is spam.

it's a 50/50 of genuinely great or thread where you get to laugh at spergs

I didnt even know who cebruz/chaotic were when I started. Then there was that spergy mod that continually pruned my threads. I didnt really enjoy it, not enough to continue making threads, which I was genuinely interested in, fall to page 10 after 2 posts.

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Truly a thread for everyone

You sound like a newfag who just needs attention to me user

Basically. Though not really a newfag anymore.

You are forever newfag status unless you were here 2006 or before
Even chaotic is a newfag according to this but I think he's been for a long time before he was called chaotic unless I heard it wrong

>I think he's been for a long time

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Almost a fucking decade I'd have killed myself

Hardly used it back then to be fair and there was a 2+ year period where I didn't use it at all

I lurked /b/ without ever posting for a very long time


i have been banned for posting a thread with tomoko because the mods thought i was chaotic before and apparently this is common because people have said this before in his threads

lul mods used to be really desperate about this due to all the salt he induced
it happened on /v/ too back in the day
rangebans are a thing to avoid btw

>tfw all these bf threads are guys instead of fembots

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u donut say gay

Your games list is shit and you should feel like shit.

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My games list is ebin you fuck

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