Misandry Thread

Why do you hate men? There are countless reasons and they're all rational, but what personally irks you about them?

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I hate that I don't have a penis, not even a feminine penis. Damn males, hate them with their cocks and all

You're not going to make me believe you're a girl that hates guys.

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there are no women on this place. the whores won't find a family op you are worthless and you stink like soiled fish from your axe wound between the legs

I also hate that you don't have a peeper

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post your tumblr and then you address and I will fucking murder you

Stfu, you cray slut

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how much they worship the almighty pussy

Why do you want a penis?

because they hate me
I hate girls too
I hate everyone
No one has ever liked me
The only people who don't throw rocks and spit at me are people who pity me
throw me in a river, kohai

Hay a man and its hurting me. I have never hurt on one. Im not a rapist or a rasist. Yes ther is bad and Good men out ther. But ther is bad and good women out ther too. And if dont see that you are not better then the men you hate.

that implies that I care whether one of us is better or not

That's ok femanon, you can put on a strap on and bully me with it, we'll pretend it's a penis

A lot of men in real life that I've interacted with have been decent to admirable, but goddamn would it give me great pleasure to personally lock all incels etc. into a giant gas chamber.

This is REAL Misandry

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I can lend you some penis

>itt women cant come up with a single reaason to hate men
do we even need women?

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I hate men because every single time i give a reason for hating men they reply, "hey, not all men..."

Hey, not all men respond with "not all men"

>"boy i sure do hate men i wish they had never existed"
>phone disappears along with every modern appliance, energy grid disappears, roadways disappear, train tracks disappear, houses disappear

I can put mine inside of you if that would help.

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you just made it weird

>"boy i sure do hate women I wish they never existed"
>literally the same exact thing happens

also, entire human race disappears

What's with all these threads lately about hating and killing men? Is this board just going to split into a bunch of woman hate threads and man hate threads? Why can't we get along?

>Why do you hate men?
This is coming from arguably the most misogynist board on Jow Forums.
Even for me, it's too much sometimes.

because gender war memes

that happens regardless

becasue we all hate ourselves


The fem"bot" cancer infesting this place aren't getting their asses kissed as much as they expected so they get grumpy and throw a tantrum, creating bait threads to get the attention they so crave.

I hate their sex drives
Repulses me how all it takes is an attractive woman to flash her body parts and they turn into dogs
Porn all over the internet
Almost every movie has a nude woman in it and a sex scene
Sexual industry
I hate it. It's primary audience is male.
Can't even trust a man to actually care about you, he's watching some porn video with his pornfu and if she walked in he'd be gone.

I'm a bi virginal male and this.

Most men want to get their dicks wet like fad dieting women want carbs. Down to the sneekiness, self-loathing, temper tantrums, etc. Its really hard to blame women who hate men because of the bad experiences that result.

As you can see, there is nothing ITT. So it is just new form of normie hysteria like traps etc. The truth is women hate you because you are not a chad. Of course it is not misandry.

Men are the number one harassers, abusers, and murderes of women worldwide

Women are 100% responsible for the creation of all murderers, rapists, criminals both male and female. They have been doing it as far back as history is recorded!

Because they gave birth? That's retarded. In that case, men are also responsible for fathering them. By your logi, every single person is responsible for every attrocity every descendent has caused, making the first living thing the guiltiest.

If we are closing eyes to facts and statistics, he is right, you know.


nuff said

Of all the men you could have thought up in a misandry thread - rapists, murderers, thieves, warmongers, torturers - and your first impulse is to gas the creepy losers with no social tact who can't get laid and write online posts about how women are stupid whores.