Why do people like Death Grips so much

Why do people like Death Grips so much

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they do not actually

did flatlander leave?

catchy tunes. Great vibe, really paranoid and energetic. A good bit of experimentation and challenging stuff for pop music, but always a focus on entertainment. What's not to like?

I liked Exmilitary but was never a fan of anything after that. I can't speak for everyone but I enjoy electronic/industrial music that's why I liked it.

arent they just a meme at his point

they make good music
ride is the only blackbot in the entire world

They're rap that hipsters and edgefags can admit to liking without feeling insecure.

They don't, they just like seeing penises on album covers.

Who likes death grips? Why does Jow Forums have to latch on to stuff and ruin it ad nauseam? like /mu/ and the first king crimson album. It's annoying the way teenagers ruin stuff by being clueless cunts.

just because normies aren't into it


Wow, people like things that you don't, how weird. They are all just dumb teenagers.

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this, some of the DG fans can be so cringe. And this is coming from a huge fan.

White angst is a real thing.
White boys raised in middle class uppper middle class environments suddenly feel oppressed by their lives.

Probably because their lives are so full of little danger. So they need a music to release their frustration.

You lost me, but I'm curious what /mu/'s opinion on the King Crimson album is because that's one of my favorite albums. I never go to /mu/

I like hella and death grips, it's all the teenagers that have to turn everything into a stupid meme.

>catchy tunes
I will have to disagree with that completely. Definitely right about the other stuff though.

Wait I thought Death Grips was a black guy? What the fuck?

They're overrated but good. I really like Niggas On The Moon and Government Plates

You really think every whiteboy comes from a rich family without any problems? This is why people hate niggers like you, fuck you.

> DG
> not catchy
You're objectively incorrect my friend

Lmao I can't walk down the street without being prepared for bullshit.
Blacks are broke as fuck have nothing. Yet are more psychologically strong.

You fucking bitch that you can't get pussy. It upsets you to the point you go postal.

He's a black guy who sings angsty shit whites can jack off to.white guilt and angst combined. And then the whiteboys can hipster out and get off to how unique their taste js

I can't walk down the street either without being fucked with by drug addicts/cholos/nigs but a nig like you would call me white trash for being poor, fuck off.

Ok sure white boy. As if the majority of your kind can even say the same.
Stop being a pussy and hold your own and they won't fuck with you. That's what we learned don't act weak

Hacker, Takyon, Guillotine, Beware, and many others have great instrumentals though.

> descendant of elite race of kings and conquerers for millennia
> end up living among niggers and spics

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>hold your own

I'm not dead or in prison yet so I think i'm doing pretty good.

>descendant of elite race
what "elite race" what the fuck are you taking about? you fuckers are so insecure.

If they are psychologically stronger why don't they work and better themselves instead of shooting each other?

Its just fucking music. Who cares about what other people is listening

>Blacks are broke as fuck have nothing. Yet are more psychologically strong.
Blacks are "psychologically strong" because you have an average IQ of 85. It's retard strength; you're not mentally conscious and self-aware enough to hate yourself and everything around you. You're able to walk down the street like a patch of algae is able to float in a pond, which is to say you're an insentient blob of impulses and immediate gratification.

Neither am I white boy.
Ok maybe were less depressed and likely to randomly shoot people.
I'm just not a bitch who is going to lash out because he's bullied or can't get pussy


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imagine caring about something like this

Honestly I liked their music because of the horror aesthetic which has nothing to do with your gay whining.

>Death grips
ahhaahahahhahahaha learn your genres faggot

I said horror not goth. It definitely has horror elements especially in the lyrics. At least Ex-Military which is all I have heard so far.

don't talk out your ass user

They're afraid of having a genuine opinion on anything, it's on a list/chart of best albums on /mu/ yet none of them even listen to it so it's a meme, same with the album loveless. That's the way it was like 6 years ago, i don't even browse /mu/ anymore.

I'm not. It makes me think of Berserk in it's aesthetics. Maybe it isn't scary but it has that horror feeling.

Stefan has a tattoo of a pentagram on his chest. They're clearly influenced by horror aesthetics, Stefan has been since his early days of rapping when he was in Fyre.

/mu/fag here, the board is currently overrun by soy bait threads and 6ix9ine shitposters. sometimes you can get good discussion or recs but they're few and far inbetween

Yea but how is anything catchy? I listened to a few songs and there was barely any rhythm. All I heard was just random sounds.

That's an ugly nigger

Hey dumbfuck, I didn't shame anyone, I was just asking W H Y

They are a pop band dude. They write hooks and melodies like the Beatles. What specific songs did you listen to? Some are mood pieces or whatever but most have a coherent structure and none of it is random. Their album The Money Store is probably where their tunesmithing is most pronounced


i unironically think this is a gem even though the chorus is 80% of the song, its a damn good chorus

am i a normie

Noted. I'll give them another listen.

Why are they such a big deal its just some nigger yelling over a distorted bass drum

its got alot of energy, honestly the mosh pit at a deathgrips show went harder than most metal shows ive been too, you will have a hard time walking out of a deathgrips show not being drenched in sweat

took a while for its taste. Really your mind has to be severely dismembered by this time and attacking itself, the strong paranoia calls you here. Then attack atmosphere is overwhelming, your brain nerves are pulled the fuck out

Guess its funny for others good for memeing but its just psychotic paranoia outbursts, find God user

Death grips is trash fake edge garbage. Pretty much mainstream at this point. Anyone who enjoys this stuff has no taste at all, and their opinion on anything even non relating to music should be presummed tasteless and invalid as well.

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I stopped going to /mu/ after the mediafire share threads dried up, downloaded a lot of good 70s jazz fusion and canterbury scene stuff from those threads.

You're not me, shut the fuck up.

negroid resentment

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Eat a dick, OP. the Death Grips are great. Exmilitary, the Money Store, and Deep Web No Love are the shit.

He left for a short period of time in like 2012 for legal reasons after they dropped NLDW illegally.
During that time, he was able to spend every waking minute developing Death Grips' "new sound" which later became Death Grips' 2.0.

Yeah sharethreads still exist but definetly not everyday. Also Fusion and Caterbury are great and i'm looking to get into them more, any recs?

Two reasons: Their music is genuinely innovative and fascinating, and their antics were, at their height, hypnotic.
It was impossible to tell what the fuck they would ever do next.

Every time Jow Forums tries to discuss music it's a cringefest.

This. Robots tend to have the most inflated egos and subsequently are extremely pretentious about music.

STFU you fucking nigger, literslly no one cares about your subhuman race so go ff with your fellow low IQ friends

>muh innovative/unique music
to the trash

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>buy ticket for Death Grips concert
>concert gets cancelled


I'm 32 and don't even know who the death grips are I guess this is growing up.

I'm 31 and hella have been a thing in sacramento before /mu/ started with the death grips shit. Zach hill could be the next bill bruford but he wastes his talent on stuff like death grips when he should start a fusion band with good musicians.

Because /mu/ or reddit told them to

>muh useful
Kys utilitarian scum.

Deathgrips are faggy industry plants that ripped off B L A C K I E


It's Limp Bizkit for the 2010's

>It's Limp Bizkit for the 2010's
damn dude

they list it as quintessential album of course because it's in top ten of every "music nerd"

they think it's edgy to listen to

Hey, it's the truth and I quite like both desu

Math rock wankery would be wasting his talent, recording no love is fulfilling it

only death grip i know is for masturbation

more like Black Eyed Peas for edgy hipsters

This originallyallynigi

I like them because of their very primal and harsh sounds, Stefan has the perfect voice to fit the music also. It just sounds pretty good and it can really evoke some emotion, alot of the songs get me in the mood to smash shit up.

this faggy thread is still alive?