When r9k is mostly white males obsessed with banging Asian girls but gets mad about Black males banging White girls

>when r9k is mostly white males obsessed with banging Asian girls but gets mad about Black males banging White girls

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that doesn't seem correct

Yeah, this is kinda mean. I hope you'll find a nice gf eventually, blackbro

>when OP eats pork but cant stand to watch a video of a wild pig eating a human
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

im not obsessed with asian girls
i dont mind people who truly are in love, but i don't like jewish psyops degrading white women as whores to emabress white people

i don't worry about who bangs who at all and have no interest in incendiery conversations about race so you're not being wholly honest

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>robots are massive hypocrites
Imagine my shock.

I'd bang black girls to it evens out

>jewish psyops

yeah right, its retarded feminists shitting on all men. i only posted porn because they dont understand nice.

Because black men treat their women like shit and treat white women even worse. They are pretty much like how intenet guys portray "chads'

Not all, but about 85-90% cmon OP don't act like this isn't true

so? roastos all over treat men like shit.

I think you misspelled Jow Forums

all you roasties here treat men like shit. even the guy who tries his best to bring positivity here.

but you have to systematically get at all guys by race, until hes forced to stop being so positive.

blame yourself toxic cunts. you could always just leave if you hate us so much.

>Jow Forums is one person

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you don't understand, they need to destroy all white countries to make them unlivable, so that all jews who didnt buy into zionism are forced to move to israel for quality of life reasons. screw everyone else

Well we have a higher chance of AIDS so it is understandable. If I were white I'd never let my daughter fuck a nigga lol

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there is nothing wrong with being a hypocrite
thats what winners do
betas don't want to be hypocrites, and lose

no its women. whatever.

i dont care if you fuck our women, they never wanted me anyways

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I don't see a contradiction here. Whites are the best race and deserve by divine right to fuck but not be fucked by other races

guess im white then

This. It's not like if those women stop fucking black guys they will suddenly find me attractive.

Because "white" males are extremely entitled & hypocritical beings, 2nd only to white women. They believe women of all races belong to them, even if they don't have a preference for some of them.

But this board is filled with whites who are genetic trash, worse than the average black

nobody is "genetic trash".

>*sees picture of blond guy with african girl*
rlly makes u think :DDD

Whites are genetically and culturally superior to other races. We are entitled because it is ridiculous that such a rare and noble group of people should ever be second to savages and mystery meat, especially in our own societies that we built through our superior intellect and creativity. If a women of another race is leeching off our society, yes, she belongs to us.

Looks like this board has been assimilated by the Jow Forums Borg as well. I'll still be back tomorrow though. FUck

mystery meat doesnt have to remain mysterious

>Whites are genetically and culturally superior to other races
>Yet somehow the Jews supposedly control everything, & every other race has some genetic or cultural feature that is superior to whites

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Almost no no one wants to date black girls.
I mean have you seen them the vast majority of them are disgusting.

If you live in the flyovers than yeah, but in nyc for example i see lots of black hotties every day

For me it's brown women

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Explain to me how whites can be robots again

Black culture is shilled by (((us))). You're fucking welcome you cunt
t. Brooklyn joo

Oh yay the worst parts of my culture are shilled for all the world to see. Thanks so much Shlomo.

That's because the former is normal human interaction, whereas the latter is bestiality

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>That's because the former involves my dick, whereas the latter involves your dick
Fixed that for you Amerimutt

Its what makes money though



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>using (You) memes

White women have already taken all the big black cock, so Asian women are settling for big white cock. Asian men get to fuck Black Women if they agree to take care of some stepchildren DeShawn left behind.

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I would originally like to see that

blacks are full of hypocrisy.
personally dont care what they do as long as they stay off my property and leave me alone
that's the nature of fascism. the enemy needs to be simultaneously powerful and weak

Jews are the smartest race but they're so memed out of control that they're exterminating themselves. Both in Israel and internationally. They don't reproduce enough and they've stopped breeding with other jews. Also Jews have a ton of heart disease and are hardly known for their physical prowess. They will die out before the whites do.

They're a perfect example of smarts not being everything.

>Whites are genetically superior to other races


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