Is Emma Gonzalez a hero?

Can you guys think one anything legitimately wrong she did? I mean, he was literally a psychopath and an outcast. She's been brave and stood up to the media and spoke out for the entire country. If you compare her to say a Vietnam vet who just went off to a foreign country, shot up a bunch of unarmed rice farmers, and went home, I think it's obvious who's braver.

IMO, she's a hero. America needs stricter gun control laws and I'm glad someone who can actually legitimately say "I am a victim of the second amendment" is championing the cause instead of some random cunt in a suit. It would be best if they started taking peoples guns away ASAP in my opinion but the Republican party obviously value their agenda above common sense.

You say she bullied the shooter but he was a crazy kid. Bullying is just an evolved adaption to suppress dangerous individual traits, like homosexuality or introversion which are negative for the collective. If we didn't have it society grow weaker and weaker.

Anyway, what are your guys opinions?

Attached: ourgirl.jpg (2000x1333, 303K)

Other urls found in this thread: Cruz girlfriend

I do her in the sex acts

Cruz is the hero imo

Did you even try to disguise this bait?

He dindu nuffin wrong! Nik was a good boy! He liked to post pictures of animals he killed on Instagram and he liked to threaten to kill people but so what! He wuz a good boy! He ain't did nuffin! Dey ((bullied)) dat boy!
Oh wait, he had a gf?

He just threw the pole in the water

Her and David Hogg(ing up the spotlight) seem like they're supposed to be the designated heroes of the story and Nikolas Cruz is supposed to be the villian of it. I'm siding with the villian 2bh.

I have no idea who she is but I assume there are nudes out there of her with that type of haircut. Post 'em.

Of course you're siding with him. Because you think you relate more to him. But you don't. He was just a normie who was mentally fucked. He was nothing like you. He probably would've bullied you if you went to school together then go fuck his gf after.

Is this the b8 you promised? Because this is honestly pretty impressive. Got me to read half way through before I mentally said fuck it and posted this comment. I mean this is really good. Good job dude.

She should have died in the shooting

I'd like to hate fuck her.
Tie her up ram all 7" of my dick down her throat.
smack the shit out of her
get the biggest buttplug i can find and ram it up her ass.
Take a massive shit on the ground and just bury her face in it while i fuck her from behind.
Then hang her up by her wrists and beat her beat red with a riding crop

>negative to the collective
Jesus when are you going to start the assimilation program user? I'll be sure to be in another fucking conutry when you're collective hits you borg scumbag.

Wish the hero could be pretty

Attached: jc shrug.jpg (910x822, 127K)

Liberal threads go nicely with the tranny and bbc threads

wow she's really raking it in huh

He didn't have a gf. I don't know why you keep pretending he did.

yeah, man. did some research and Cruz is definitely not /ourguy/

how come? She's just a girl that was conveniently involved just telling the masses what they want to hear and it's super profittable

You're right. They broke up. Technically he didn't have a gf.

Fuck off faggot I need a gun so I can shoot myself

Her and David Hogg are unironically both probably psychopaths. Like, it's pretty obvious they gave zero fucks about their dead classmates and were just itching for a shot at self promotion. It's an opportunity to them, not a tragedy.

He never had one, you mindless idiot.

Is this part of some psyop you're trying to perpetuate?

She should an hero, all right Cruz girlfriend

Its 2018, learn how to look things up yourself.

Back to le rddit now, soyboy. You've had your fun.

You obviously needed help
>ignoring the fact that he had a gf
Does this fact hurt you user? He wasn't doing this for you.

She's ugly and she sounds like a bitch. I begrudgingly respect her dedication to her cause but it would be nice if she was capable of rational thought.

Can you not say the "fag" word in my thread please?

nigga is u serious

Listen here you little shit, I don't care if this is bait, I'd still tar and feather you for being loyal to the English crown.

Attached: mfw135.png (297x247, 148K)

My girlfriend is lgbtp and it really upsets her, so please don't use it

(rule britannia)

Impossible, she wasn't even in the same building as the shooter

I automatically read that as an hero and was disappointed when I re read it.

he didn't shoot the school bc he was bullied, he barely was, and he bullied more than he got bullied. he shot the school bc he had a lot of extremist irrational views and acted on them.

>Can you guys think one anything legitimately wrong she did?

she bullied the dude, then tried to victimize herself. there. "YOU DIDN'T KNOW THE GUY! WE DID!!!"

I think she's a cutie

Other than that it's just more mainstream globalist marxist propaganda, when she speaks it's old propagandists who masquerade as professors who really speak, it's the media, it's the politicians, she is not just some girl, she is a tool of propaganda

I'm not even in on the gun debate, I'm just stubborn against the anti white establishment

She's a cunt who is using a tragedy for her own fame.

No. Guns mostly kill criminals and allow the mentally ill to hero themselves. I can't understand why people would want to get rid of guns.

Attached: Emma_Gonzalaz.png (1200x947, 1023K)

Who made this? I love how it's in a style stereotypical of leftist webcomics.


>spoke out for the country

She represents a very small portion of people who believe nobody should be able to have guns. Far left loonies don't know how few there are of them, they have false perceptions because the jewish media is behind them.

Gay niggas

Your gf should LGBTKYS

Can someone explain to me why everyone in that school has latino last names

I wonder if she'd look good with hair.

Because it's Florida.

la creature
el goblino

I know that this is obviously bait, but here is my actual opinion on her and her fellow classmates. They've all been placed in a situation more difficult than what most people in first world countries have to experience at that age. I think it's pretty impressive that they're trying to exercise their public voices to try to solve a problem in this country. Are they saying anything particularly insightful? No. Do they come across as particularly thoughtful or tactful? No. But that's hardly surprising. Teenagers aren't exactly known for having thoughtful or well developed positions on politics, or for be particularly subtle rhetoricians. You don't have to agree with any of them, but I think someone would have to be pretty cynical and pretty mean to make fun of someone placed in such a bad situation.