Why do balls hang so low...

Why do balls hang so low? Isn't it much safer for them to stay closer to the body and not be in danger of swinging around and hitting stuff?

I feel like nature really messed up on the design here, why do male mammals have their most important parts hanging loose?

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user how exactly low do your balls hang?
thats not normal

Temperature regulation, the nuts need to be cooler than the rest of the body.

Your body temperature is too high for sperm production I think, so they have to be outside the body

(((Nature))) org

Not all do brainlet.

Maybe like 2 inches? I dunno, it's only when they're warm i think

this. OP is a retarded faggot that can't use google

so that makes it ok for them to vulnerable as fuck?

obviously but why couldn't we just produce cummies at body temp?

If the sack were any tighter they would have a higher chance of being crushed because they couldn't move around so easily.

Not only that, but the act of sex requires for your balls to swing around, which in itself is dangerous

not to mention testicular torsion risk

I have a huge fear of this happening, scares the shit out of me

Probably because we grew in size and also because of what temperature proteins denature at

i woke up one night with a stabbing pain in my balls before i knew what it was and just went back to sleep. next morning i told my mom about it and she called the doctor and they said i had to go to the ER. didn't have tt, but now i'm scared shitless about it happening. i think i just slept on them funny that night

I've seen someone have torsion happen to them, you'd be screaming in pain if you had it and theres no way you would have went back to sleep.

Yes you can and it's inefficient. Alternatively one could just simply have the body cool around the testicles but again that's also inefficient. So they're retractable and vulnerable.

The vulnerability also seems much more reasonable when you realised we evolved from creatures who walk on all fours with the balls near the back. It became much more of a vulnerability when we became bipedal.

In any case the pros must have outweighed the cons.

because we evolved on four legs and then some genius decided to walk on two and now here we are.

because proteins get denatured and sperm can't form at body temperature because biology is just a retarded monkey smashing a keyboard and seeing what fuckin works.

In order for your testicles to produce viable sperm that can be used for reproduction they have to be kept at a reasonable distance away from the body because of the heat produced

I know this because I have a varicocele which also prevents cooling

do nofap and they will be as tight as a lemon