>be you
>be nonmuslim and never bothered reading into islam
>"all religion is same bs, ive read a few lines of the bible and 'koran'"
What do you disagree with here?
Be you
The region of the world that it comes from
Seems to be missing 9:5, which overrides several of the revelations in your picture.
not reading any of that shit lmao
>religion for moralfags
fucking dropped
You forgot the part that tells them to kill non-Muslims.
Allah also allows you to murder and ENCOURAGES you to murder Jews and infidels.
It also allows beating, even up to the throwing of acid on your wife, as it has been shown that hundreds of court cases with Muslim families are being compromised by courts begining to bend towards Sharia Law, and say "Let's treat the case as if it was under Sharia because they're Muslims."
If Allah is a great deceiver, then why would you trust that he even sent Mohammed or that he is who he is?
Jesus and God are of love and truth. In the bible, SATAN is a deceiver and encourages murder.
check pic related. try to actually read the verse and try to understand it. it is referring to those who broke treaties and AMBUSHED the muslims. Clearly self defense. dont be retarded
check pic related. it never says to transgress and kill unless it act of self defense. show me a verse that says to attack without the context of self defense.
my b didnt show up
ITT: people are butt-hurt that Islam even exists
>throwing of acid on your wife
which verse
>hundreds of court cases with Muslim families are being compromised by courts begining to bend towards Sharia Law
implying any of the corrupt gulf countires actually follow sharia law and practice islam.
He was too busy fucking his 9 year old bride to think straight.
"""ambushing muslims""" is what muslims call it when someone fights back after they've been raping and murdering for hundreds of years, retard
Islam is a religion of peace, but many seek to subvert it with their own flawed perception of it. In most cases these people never read the Qur'an, or even met an actual Muslim. All they know of it is the violence forced down their throat by the media.
See, like morons like this.
>aisha born before The Call(when muhammad saw received revelation)
>Muhammad SAW marries 13 years after The Call
>she had to be older than 13.
Yeah she narrated she was 9 but its not fact even if most scholars use that hadith. Histoical evidence points to the fact that she was 19.
Broke the treaty because they are polytheists, and Allah dissociates from them.
Frame it however you like, the Koran commands that non-muslims are to be captured, besieged, attacked at every place of ambush.
And very interestingly this verse was one of the last revelations to the prophet, giving it precedent of previous revelations to show mercy to polytheists.
>hundreds of years
Quran LITERALLY revealed in the 23 years of Muhammads life. most of that 23 years muslims were being persecuted and attacked.
nice try
READ and research before assuming.
treaties were made during the time Islam spread because muslims were being persecuted left and right to the point where Muhammad had to migrate out of makkah to medina
look at 9:6 it came after 9:5.
your point is invalid
stop trying to spread your false religion to desperate robots you heathen
give me a verse and ill be happy to clear your misconeption. in fact the only reason you wont agree with Islam will be because of your ego and pride.
Then why was surah nine revealed to the prophet so late in his life?
It is one of the last revelations, the Koran is not written in the order of revelation.
no its because your prophet is a pedophile warlord rapist.
i believe in the holy trinity and that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior. I would never even consider accepting that false religion
Quran 3:54
Jesus is Lord
comment is unoriginal
so you gonna explain any of this or...
6 was revealed after verse 5 though. Yes they verses came down randomly but they were placed in the right locations by scribes as they were revealed. its one of the miracles of the Quran.
bad translation. which one is it?
Planning is a better translation. the arabic root mkr is harder pinpoint to an exact english word. its like clever planning. like someone thinking they made a cunning plan, but Allah is far more cunning and clever.
OP is just brushing up on his taqiya, aka islam-approved deception of non believers.
>Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy"
>There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name)
>These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
>Quran 3:28 this verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, even though they should not feel friendly.
>Quran 3:54 And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers
Friendly reminder that islam is the cult of a rapist bandit whose most well known prophet is a pedophile.
I'm not OP, but here's also further explanation to Quran 3:54 in case he says "It only calls Allah a PLANNER not DECEIVER"
yeah give me a sec. i want to show you the more correct translations and contexts so im going one by one.
like this one says "koran" so im assuming the translation is really off and paraphrased to a radical level like the translation that made planner into deceiver
>God in the bible killed more people than every dictator in history, he killed even animals
>Lucifer didn't kill a single being
>somehow he is the bad guy in all this
Not even a muslim, l despise them as much as l despise the christians and the jews, but you have to be a delusional idiot to believe in "God's will". If he exists he HATES mankind, face it.
The issue is with the people who say they practicing it and how they do so. Communism is a nice idea on paper before people with all their vices get involved too.
The false prophet Mohammed is in hell and you will be joining him if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior
>yeah give me a sec, I'm going to dig up a neutered translation that changes "deciever" into "planner" because I need to practice taqiya
fuck off
Literally you, OP.
jesus> violent lying pedophile sand rat
>ITT taqiya out the ass.
Go suck a pigs dick Mohammad.
Thought Jesus was holding a tube of Colgate from the thumbnail.
No one ever points out that the hadith claims the prophet personally slew over two hundred men and boys in one day.
Except me whenever I see these threads.
verse in question 2:191
read the next verse
>God killed but Allah, literally Islamic God, killed barely anyone
>Ignoring Jihads
>Ignoring honor killings
Pop the ding dong out of your mouth lad
satan deceived Adam and eve into disobeying God and sinning.
God allows people to go to heaven and have eternal life if you believe in him. That's why Jesus died on the cross. He payed the price for our sins.
Satan leads people away from God. that is much worse than a physical death
What makes you think "Allah" = "Lucifer/Satan" ? Allah is the same being the christians and the jews call "God"
That a lot of these come with the caveat that you can't do it UNLESS it furthers the cause of Islam. Like the first one, lying. I can't remember which verse, I'm no scholar, but it says you can lie if it furthers the cause of Islam.
Things are either bad or good.
Also, y'all deny that Jesus was God incarnate, thus calling him a liar while calling him a prophet, thus nulling your entire religion.
3:28 ill just answer here. the full ayat addes dont take infidels as freinds INSTEAD of believers. "Let not believers take disbelievers as allies RATHER THAN believers"
"And whoso will desire for a religion other than Islam that shall never be accepted from him and in the nextworld he shall be among the losers."
Ok. whats wrong with this? God is saying Islam is the correct religion here so follow it. not saying kill non mulims.
where does it say so in the text? it says DO NOT TRANGRESS
just because a school shooter shoots up a school and says it is because hes a proud american and did it for 2nd amendment does it mean all all americans agree with him or that its in the constitution to shoot up a school?
>eating from the tree to gain knowledge is somehow "deceiving"
>Jesus died on the cross. He payed the price for our sins.
What sins? literally anything that god doesn't like is labeled a sin.
Well, the last thing I was replying to was that some user said the christian God killed millions but Allah didn't kill barely any....
Allah encourages the beating of your wife, of multiple wifes and owning her as property, creating hatred in your household, encourages honor killing, punishing rape victims and selling your daughters as wives.
Mohammed did not commit the same loving and selfless miracles as Jesus did at all.
Jesus did not kill ONE, Mohammed killed many.
Jesus rose again.
No point brother. Those hearts which Allah has hardened with ignorance and pride can only be cured if Allah wills. We do our fard to try and invite people to the right path, but they will just mock and ridicule. Anyone truly serious will be successful insha'Allah.
>Lucifer didn't kill a single being
Although Lucifer usually got others to do the killing for him, your claim is wrong: he killed Job's family.
Wrong translation which has been refuted many times. Actual word should be "planner", not cheater or deceiver.
its mostly about those killing their prophets and a more specific example about specific infidels who are causing michief and oppression.
again in the next and previous verse it talks about not killing innocents and not transgressing and to accept repentance if asked for.
do you really want to me to go trhough all these verses.
i explained 9:5 already. how about read the actual verses and show me something from there first instead of posting a graphic. i think its more time efficient on both of our parts.
i reccommedn sahih international. read that verse you think is strange and read the one before it and after it. see if it makes sense. if it doesnt post it and ill be happy to help
It's deceiving because God said not to eat of it. God is omnipotent and gave them everything and is the reason they exist and let them exist, not the accursed snake.
It IS sinning because it is doing what God directly said NOT TO DO.
This is some pretty basic sunday school shit.
> literally anything that god doesn't like is labeled a sin.
Well, yeah. That's what a sin is. Anything against him is not in his plan and goes against him and his grace and power. He is the father in wisdom and we are children, why would we go against someone with such power, wisdom and love?
The devil told adam and eve that it was ok to eat from the tree after they were specifically told not to eat from it. God just said not to eat from that tree but they disobeyed him and ate it anyways.
Sin is anything that contradicts Gods will or laws
I don't think those things are wrong but I don't think that God has said any of it.
Just giving the message. indeed Allah is the turner of the hearts. but even if one lurker finds the truth and starts thinking, it has been a success in'sha Allah
This is the definition of cherry picking.
Why don't you look into why Sikhs carry the Kurpan and maybe you'll realise why Islam is scum.
>religion LITERALLY made by combining hinduism and islam in cowardice so they can claim to be siding with both during time of riots and war
>literally a fake religion
Here. Now stop practicing taqiyya in our board.
implying the muslims that were transgressing in india during the mughal reigns actually followed islam
please read some earlier posts.
I replied to 9:5 here
again stop posting graphics with poorly paraphrased translations and send me specific verses with a good translation like sahih international or yusuf ali.
Yea you are wasting your time. I'm not going to that false doctrine.
but regardless of all of this why did Mohammed have a 9 year old wife who he hit. and why would they allow rape
(Bukhari 34:432)also want to explain this
This is one of the verse of the last image here.
see how i circled the 5 here: same verse.
read it in that image. its 9:4-6
so... are you going to say anything about the sand nigger who married a 9 year old?
Wth is this supposed to clear up. It's not saying "Lie in wait at their ambushes", but is saying to AMBUSH THEM.
There is nothing good about this, that they either convert or die, and the hatred filled in the book, calling infidels and jews as dirt, motivates them to not show mercy, but to kill anyways, as has been happening for hundreds of years.
And then those who convert are expected to also kill.
How does one disagree with a region? Do you have an argument against a point in time and space?
>Bukhari 34:432
from my understanding, there were slaves captured but nothing really about "rape"
Bukahri is a book of hadith and hence the quran has a heavier weight.
There is an entire chapter in the Quran called the pleading woman where Allah tells men He hears her(a woman's) cries and sorrows and how the man should fear harming women.
as for 9 year old marriage. I come from the opinion that Aisha RA was 19ish.
but regardless. the age of consent in japan is 13, in some euro countries 14 in america 18. What is the correct age? In Islam the age is puberty. we are very accustomed to the 18 rule which makes sense because nowadays age of mental maturation has been pushed due to how much smarter we ahve become and what is required for us to be fully mature. think about the 50s when elvis was dating teenagers and no one said anything. culture changed
again, historical evidence points to Aisha being a lot older than 9. yeah she narrated she was 9 but she narrated hadith at an older age and she was just remembering she was young
no it says wait for them to AMBUSH the muslims.
nonmuslims are breaking their treaties by attacking muslims. when that happens, yeah defend youselves and attack them
DONT attack preemptively
Anyone with half a brain knows he is saying he thinks the place's crime, rape, horrible quality of life, horrible economy and horrible everything really is something any person with a choice would stay the fuck away from.
Just like how millions of them come here to get away from it only to spread your religion of jihads, murder, rape, abuse and owning the wife as property and being able to sell her and to lie if it spreads Islam or does Allah's will.
>horrible economy
qatar, kuwait are richest countries in the world
But what does that have to do with the Qur'an?
It's like saying you hate western philosophy because you don't like high fructose corn syrup.
I disagree with religion because i dont think i should put all of my faith into big foot and dont think that people should be inhibited from doing what they please as long as it dosent interfere with other peoples lives
>Just like how millions of them come here to get away from it only to spread your religion of jihads, murder, rape, abuse and owning the wife as property and being able to sell her and to lie if it spreads Islam or does Allah's will.
>tfw most of americas doctors, engineers. and brightest minds are muslims and jews
>tfw muslims have harder times with affirmative action than whiny white christians and are still more successful
>tfw more killings in america are being caused by "home grown lone wolves"
>tfw project hatred on immigrants and blacks because suck at life
>most of americas doctors, engineers. and brightest minds are muslims and jews
Jewish false flagger.
>Muslims are just defending themselves, the Quran says for them not to attack first unless they want to attack them first or will
I'm out of this taqiyya practice day 3 thread.
jews are rank 1 in americas income, then muslims
thats just facts. both religious groups have average household incomes of over 100k
i think you should at least wait till the girl is done with puberty which clearly he didn't. Also he physically abused her
OP still here?
In the first page there's literally mention of killing everyone who doesn't love allah and how awful hell will be for them
Was I talking about income or occupations, Schlomo?
This shows the allowing of murder and ENCOURAGING of murder in Islam. If the Quran also somehow condemns it, it is contradicting and therefore an erroneous and imperfect and ungodly text.
root word of messiah is masr which means touch.
does messiah mean toucher? no it means savior.
mkr root word means cunning decptive sure. but makaru means plan.
look at the example top kek.
>the "decieved" to kill Jesus
>Allah decieved to rescue Jesus
makes no sense.
Obviously planned is the closer translation
decieve/mislead is dalal
learn arabic if you want to talk about word meanings. dont just open a dictionary and think youre an expert on language
pls refrain your anger and read what you post
>there are people who actually think "Allah" is a separate deity from the Abrahamic god, and not realizing "Allah" just means "God" in arabic.
wew lads
literally says you go to hell for killing
am i missing something?
This post shows your reading comprehension quite well.
affirmative action does not benefit whites. it sure as hell would benefit your sand rat ass. most of the killings are done by blacks, not whites. and if you look at this chart created by pew research you will see that Catholics have a higher percentage of people making over 100,000 a year
Islam isn't the problem, sandniggers are.
>be muslim
>get arranged married to qt3.14
>regular attend friday prayers and make friends with the community who welcomes you wholesomely
>have kids that have morals and follow the ettiquete OP posted
>live happy on this life and the next
>does messiah mean toucher?
No it means anointed which means he's smeared with something or "touched".
>"people just cant interpret it"
>misinterpretations go on for 1400 years
There's no reason to believe that doing that will affect you after death. Even if there is an afterlife we know nothing about it since God hasn't said anything about it.
this puts "brotherhood of islam" the pro-black separatist group which makes up most of the black "muslim" population which is also most of the "muslim" population in america. however they believe that elijah muhammad is a prophet which contradicts shahada so they technically are not muslims.
Find a graph that shows sunni/shia islam separate from "muslim"
He has in the Quran
Jews are such conniving, money-manipulating pieces of shit it's hard to swallow pride and give them credit for what they do. Break up banks and what have you and they'd all sink after complaining about discrimination. But as I said, I suppose credit's earned where it's due.
>be muslim
>choose 4 women to be your wives
>family structure
>circumcised cutfag
>no alcohol
It's a lot more likely that the stuff in there didn't come from God at all.
i can't seem to find anything but since you claim that most of Americas "brightest minds" are Muslim why don't you source your claim?
Remember, when muslims and christiams fight, jews win.
islam is wrong.
Christianity is the way to go
Abrahamic religions are wrong. If I have to choose one I'm choosing the one that I get the most bitches out of.