Nazis were raci

>nazis were raci....

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We need to the spread the word, anons!

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Racism towards one group does not mean racism towards all groups.

The problem is in order to achieve this goal he needed to get the other races out of Germany, and the only way to do that was through mass violence. I've yet to see Jow Forumslacks tell how a "peaceful ethnic cleansing" is going to occur

>"peaceful ethnic cleansing"

>tell them to leave
>the law abiding ones leave
>only criminals remain
You know what we do to criminals in the Reich, don't you, user?

Kikes aren't a race retard they're a religion

Actually they were leaving peacefully prior to WW2. Hitler allowed the Jews in Germany to leave to what became Israel with their assets intact since he just wanted them gone. It was only after several years into WW2 when they resorted to radical measures due to the nature of the war. If France and Britain never declared war on Germany, the Holocaust would never have happened.

I think this is technically true, but it doesn't absolve the Germans of the burden of what they did.

They're an ethnoreligious group, retard. They're both an ethnicity and a religion, but you're right- they're not a race.

Ashkenazi's (i.e.: kikes) are an ethnic group.

what a fucking meme faggot

are you racist faggots really this deluded?
or are you just memeing?
either way, you are still a racist.

That seems more like an objective fact to me than anything else. What about it do you think is deluded?

seems like they are trying to make be it seem like you can be less of a racist, no such thing imo, you are either a racist or you aren't

I didn't say the comment you were replying to. It just seems to me like he's saying that not being racist to one group doesn't mean Nazis weren't racist to others. Don't see how that's confusing.

Well, yeah. Racism isn't a black-and-white thing. It's a spectrum. And there are different levels and scales to it. As well as there are multiple versions of racism.

you guys are either trolls, brainwashed morons, or some really hateful mother fuckers

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you arent racist for wanting to get rid of a problem.
jews were the problem that needed to be taken care of.
the jews hide behind the word racism and are still a problem today. everything you complain about that is wrong with society is because of jews. they control all the money. the control the laws. they control what you do. they are at the top of everything and have all the important positions in society. they also hide and pretend they are white people because the average normie just thinks they are white.

>23 and me can tell exactly what % Ashkenazi you are
>hurr Jews aren't a race

reminder that hitler wanted to kill all the commie jews infesting europe. he wanted to establish an Israel for the ashkenazi and gas anyone that refused to leave

the idea was that if you didn't want to live in Israel, you had an agenda to infiltrate europe

and he was right

that not true hitler did not want a war. it was other outside forces that forced him into a war. he could of got rid of all the people peacefully if he wanted to.i saw a picture on pol before that explained it. he wanted to build a city instead of fighting a war.

>jews were the problem that needed to be taken care of.
>everything you complain about that is wrong with society is because of jews.

there are women out there that will actually date and fuck men who think like you.
that shit just leaves me in awe and disgust to be quite honest.

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He kept taking and taking and would never stop. He always wanted the next biggest thing. People of his time thought that too, but everyone kept drawing lines in the sand until he broke them and they'd say, 'okay but don't cross THIS line!'