Omegle thread? These are nice. Can't remember if they break the /soc/ rule.
Tags are r9k + omegler9k, get out there, anons.
Omegle thread? These are nice. Can't remember if they break the /soc/ rule
oh look it's another
>give facepics to anons so they can post it later
no thanks.
Like this?
>why doesn't Jow Forums use omegle anymore???
I keep getting permabanned every time I go on there
where is everyone? Get in here please.
What's wrong with posting photos?
Sorry for skipping you user, but I'm not going to be held hostage while you say that you're going to kill yourself. Go see a social worker and turn your life around. I'm just an anonymous person on the internet and this is just text on a computer screen but I believe in you.
I know I dont go on r9k omegle anymore because some ass posts literally ever face he runs into for some reason. It's just uncomfortable, why do it.
>hop on
>a chad flips me off and skips
Dunno what I was expecting.
Why do people immediately skip?
It's fun to post photos and reminisce. Honestly though hardly anyone gets posted
Just put only half your face in it then it doesn't matter
I saw you jpeg
>leave cam on
>get posted
>leave cam off
>get skipped
>>why doesn't /R9k can omegle any more again????????
>>>why dont r9kk can omegle anymore again???
No one gives a fuck bout ur face kid
>he retypes quotes
>misses the point in an attempt to make himself feel better
>i'm replying for no reason because you baited you're self lol
>I'm replying because I have to have the last word
do i though?
But he's right though, originalio
No i meant me
>tfw dont put myself on camera since all the screencappers
feels so boring
Why do you post a different variation of the same thought several times in every thread?
what does this even mean
what are you implying
you are incorrect user, i have not.
Oh hhehe okk then my bad hehe
I want some qts to play the omegle game with me
or even flirt and e-date...
You're better off choosing one qt to develop an unhealthy obsession with that you can project your ideal traits onto and dream about forever.. not that I have experience with this
cappers and tripfagss killed these threads. the golden years of r9k omegle are well over.
I already did.
Then the rebound too.
The sad part? Both thought I was initially cute or hot.. then changed mind, before I went friendzone eratic :(
I'm certian you probably do have experience with it.
Sadly SHE is still ideal, long hair, gentle smile/smirk that could melt a glacier, a voice like honeyed ambrosia, just, somewhat doll like but completely addictive, intelligent, fun, politically savvy (sadly a libtard though)... I mean...
I need something more though, a voice, a name, a face, this isolation user this.... horrible PAIN.
Only *I* could try my hardest and blow it in like a month or whatever with the only person my type to ever like me back...
And then even with a lower standard than them have the same result too once zoned by ... being what? Myself? By being needy or confessing vulnerability?
Why do only hateful femdomme types and cashcow fat ugly mean chicks with soyboy husbands in poly type relationships even notice the existence of males who are remotely vulnerable?
youre the most pathetic sperg on this board
Probably. :(
I don't even want pity either.
Sympathy > Empathy though. One of those is stupid and worthless and what normies do to absolve themselves of any guilt or shame and/or be happy being fat/ugly/old/weird/popping drugs.
>run into girl
>freeze up
>start panicking
>she skips
>tfw she ghosts you six times and eventually you give up
Roasties only come to these threads to find chads, sorry user, they arent interested in talking to robots.
Just play it cool maaaaannnn
roasties only go on omegle to get their daily validation, anons should know that by now.
I'm going to die alone just like everyone else, I just wish I wouldnt freak out anytime someone even remotely attractive was talking to me. I should just shoot myself this was a mistake, all I feel is pain, everyone skips me male or female. Why am I so mentally fucking deficient at socializing, I dont think I'm THAT ugly, there has to be a reason everyone skips me.
i just want to eat fermented shark guts with an anglo girl and our 10 icelandic fliurguluhkk
I don't know. I still freeze up around fucking SIXES and I'm middle aged. :( It used to be because I just wasn't good looking enough/ready now it's because I know I'm ugly and I'm old. Meh.
Every former female friend, former female best friend, former love interest in my life ever...
And hell most male platonic friends desu because they're fucking BETA but the ALPHA hate me too.
bump, no one's on right now ):
>tfw I want to go on omegle and meet friends on r9k tag but
>18 y/o beta
>i haven't showered in 4 or so days
>I'm completely naked and my room's a mess
Should I bother getting up and showering to eventually get skipped?
how about you start off with no cam chat, learn some conversing skills and build up from there.
survival bumper
I can't believe this thread survived the night, good job anons
I think I talked with her months ago. What's her name?
>arab chad will never give you legit advice on how to make your life better
I miss that shirtless motherfucker.