How do you feel about your parents user
How do you feel about your parents user
Love em but I shouldnt have been born
I swear they talk louder just to make you hear them. Like some kind of wakeup reminder to fix your life.
I want to suck my daddy dick and mommy nice ass titties
Regularly repulsed by my mother. Stupid bipolar attitude, stupid dances and songs she does. Constantly bitching about cleaning; thinks shes the shit now because she got a part time job again after years of not working. I give her a month before she quits.
I love them and would be heartbroken if anything happened to them.
fuck man, get well.
You can suck my daddy dick, user.
love them both, saw my mom wearing her first real pair of "old people shoes" the other day, hugged her right there and then.
they getting old m8s
The only mistake they ever made was me
They think I'm retarded and are disappointed in me, I know that but they deny it. I want to get away but they give me no reason to hate them and bring up more reasons I should stick around and discourage me from doing things they deem unproductive. I have no hobbies because it wasn't school, I have no interests because talking about something with any passion was weird and obsessive. I have a more successful older brother so I don't know why they keep me around when they could retire on him in the future. I should have gotten out, now my apathy hold me here.
> They're getting old m8s
she sounds hot, pics of her feet?
Mom has pretty bad anxiety issues and can be pretty overbearing sometimes. I wasn't really close with my dad growing up, and have only seen him a few times a year since I was 16 (he took a job out of state, then my parents divorced when I was 20), but I've been talking with him a lot more lately and he has gave me some great advice.
Lmao. Sick faggot, what about that sounds hot? She smacks when she eats too, and goes AHHH really obnoxiously after drinking something fuckin gross and annoying.
My mother is also "Bipolar"
Which basically means she can't control her fucking emotions and thinks she's still 16.
Partying every weekend, fucking every dude who would give her the time of dick.
Thankfully she gave me an excuse to never speak to her again, took some credit cards out in my name 7 years ago, haven't spoken a word to her since.
The idiots she surrounds herself with may not want to teach her a lesson, but she's lost her son for good because she can't stop stabbing everyone in the back for meager gains, dumb bitch.
I have more money in my bank than she's ever seen at once in her entire life because her work ethic is trash and she quits jobs because her bosses don't kiss her ass.
>great advice
Like what, dont get married or have kids
Weak, lazy and full of excuses.
At least they are Normie's and can be social with almost anyone...
I used bipolar as hyperbole, user. She is basically stable but when she is under duress (aint hard to get her there) WATCH OUT. Shell fucking tell her lungs out about dumb shit like laundry or sweeping and mopping. Fuckin sad. Dont get me wrong the House is clean as fuck, but I dont wanna be bitched at because I forgot to uncuff my jeans. (Yes they still do my laundry). Highly fucking possessive over HER washer and dryer.
You ever seen Bates Motel?
My mom is like that without the incest.
She's fucking crazy and wants to control my life. My dad was always just around. He worked for the most part. We never really talk and he never really gave me any advice on life. I don't have any male role models, let alone role models.
Pretty much the reason why I'm a robot.
>mom is like that without the incest
Ive been triggered. Now I gotta watch incest porn.
They're aight
A little overbearing though
Love my mom, dad got his life together at 40.
waiting for my stepfather to die so I inherit millions.
He is kind of a dick so I don't feel bad, and I will take care of my autistic brother with it
Hate them both, my dad is a cuck and my mom is an ignorant, the bright side is that because of their stupidity i can get away with my shit, i've stolen from them several times plus the amount of lies i tell them on a normal day makes me feel like i am living with a mask, once i finish my major i'll ask my father for some money for a car and then i'll disappear
They're pretty cool. A little overprotective (only child), but they have done a lot for me
my dad is an emotionally abusive and manipulative alcoholic dickhead. He thinks i'm turning into an alcoholic (i am) and always shit talks behind my back about it, my depression and failing college. Not a huge fan of him but he also pays for everything so i have to be thankful for that.
my mom is a born again christian, kinda condescending but she's always been nice to me. She's so fucking wholesome it hurts and she's always trying to push me to be happy with my life despite what others might think of my life choices.
i think i got pretty lucky overall.
A couple old alkies. Watch the movie of pic related.
i will, thanks for the suggestion.
A literal one?
Not a literal one, but even tho he is the one that sustains the family he lets my ignorant mother control the house, like i said i get away with some things but her whole bullshit rants are still annoying
I secretly hate my dad for beating me as a kid. I think it made me such a pussy and a wimp most of my life.
My dad got drunk yesterday again and started screaming at my aunt about argentina losing 6-1.
My mom had a secret husband for the past few years and is now living with him in Spain forever.
An abstract feel.
get Jow Forums and beat the shit out of him
overbearing parents made me lose every ounce of confidence i've ever had, made me depressed and suicidal. my verbally abusive father didn't help but he's a good man, worked hard to be where he's at, same for my mother and they provided me with a lot. my father has his own demons from never being able to connect with his own father who had 9 gf's. I didn't get my gpa's genes on that standpoint.
I recently finally convinced my mom that she has abused me for my entire life
I made her have a realization
I think she loves me now
what did she do to you?
i am VERY original
>be me
>work hard and do well in school, get to know profs etc
>parents acknowledge it but dont really care
>birthday 2 weeks ago and still havent gotten a present from them
>have stacy sister
>doesnt do well in school
>parents let her do whatever she wants
>buy her a brand new car
>let her go out to parties and fly across the country with her boyfriend
>i get lectured for having a few beers at a social gathering
It sucks being treated by your own family like a fucking autist, even if it is true but still you expect more. The only reason why im staying at home and still working so hard in school is because I love the thing im studying so much that I dont even care about money or anything like that. If it wasnt for that I would just leave home and take up a trade or something.
treated me with disdain. I made her realize that whenever she would treat me kindly, she would feel uncomfortable.
Missed chances to form a meaningful relationship has lead to me being indifferent towards them and preferring to just not be around them. I don't exactly hate them, but they are terrible people and I want nothing to do with them at times.
My dad yelled at me a couple of weeks ago because I told him I wanted to kill myself.
God fucking dammit!
I love them, but they messed up badly. Zero sports, "do what you feel like aka, stay close at home playing vidya and reading books but no you cannot go out late at night, no you cannot go alone there i must accompany you"
Probably the worse part is that mother was and is so anxious that when i started having some indipendence she started questioning everything i do.
End result is a manlet skelly failed normie also gay, because why not right?
It kinda hurts more knowing i could have been a normie instead
What were they saying? Was it true?
>do attention whore stuff
>father is a loving person, get mad at his son
>probably want to help him going through therapy ecc
>complain on a taiwanese basketwaiving board because need even more attention
>whine about supposed attention whores
>give them attention
You're not very smart, are ya?
Nha, stupid doctors dropped me when i was born and now i post on r9k
>Thankfully she gave me an excuse to never speak to her again,
same, my mom put me out on the streets in the middle of december
I never knew my father. Never met him; he died the day I was born.
Mommy fucked me up BIG TIME. Almost like she did it deliberately and with skill.
Also, I have a really weird father/son incest fetish. That may or may not be connected somehow.
>How do you feel about your parents user
They tried.
Fucking two faced manipulative whore...
my mother's a bit fucking insane and goes off the wires sometimes, but aside from that they're great people.
>tfw dad is starting to give off that nauseating old people smell (Nonenal)
When my parents leave their closed room after a whole night sleeping in there I literally can't enter until it has been ventilated for half an hour as this distinctive smell is really slow to fade.
my dad's an angry, arrogant tyrant and my mom's a manipulative, crazy bitch.
i haven't spoken to either of them in months.
>Parents never married
>Most likely didn't mean to have me
>Dad hits me for a year before leaving us
>Mom blames me for this for the rest of my life, constantly putting me down and emotionally neglecting me for my entire teenage life
They could be better
Fuck, right on the nail.
They're really great people. Poor but hard-working and managed not to fall into the pathetic trap of drugs like me, fucking worthless in comparison. I always had food, was encouraged to do good in school and pursue my interests and was never abused. One time my mom hit me when I was 14 but I deserved it. I was a little shit.
At least now that I'm 25 we are on good terms. I don't live with them but I'm constantly having coffee or dinner with them. They're nice company.
Hate them.
My teachers probably hinted like 4 times to my parents I should get help.
I never got it and now I am a fucking social retard that doesn't want to improve.
my parents are divourced. I learned today that my dad (who I have not spoken too in 7 months) is living in a storage unit and shooting up meth with another meth head twat.
I live with my mom and I had to stop her from bothering my alcoholic step dad so a fight wouldn't break out.
I'm just trying to keep the peace, that all I ask for is peace and quiet, most days I can't get that.
theyre pretty great
parents are great but i dont want to be alive or achieve any life milestones, they bitched and moaned a lot during my childhood, would have had an easier time if theyd continued to wear a condom
i use to hate them when i was kid, i leave my house as soon as i got 18, now im older and i dont hate them anymore, i dont think they were good parents, they were pretty bad at parenting, but they are not bad people, i dont think i will ever be able to get over the fact that i got a bad childhood and is mostly their fault, but i dont want to hold it agaisnt them, the sad kid i use to be is long gone, and so are the bad neglecting parents, none of that remains,now there is just a 30 yeras old loser and a couple of old people, there is no point on being angry anymore
they are terrible people, so if I have kids I plan to be nothing like them
I wish my biological parents were fucking dead.
My parents who fostered me, not so much
My dad is an uncaring piece of shit who didn't want a child at 50 (actually agree with him here) yet I at least respect him because at least he was hard working and didn't have an easy childhood so he tried to be better than his dad.
My mom tried to raise me but she was too overprotective.
They talk a lot of shit behind my back at night and it's getting on my nerves, like ffs kick me out if I'm such a fucking burden to you.
Absolutely hate the both of them. My father is a cunt with anger issues who basically said to my face that he hated me multiple times and we used to have constant shouting contests with each other. My mother was an enabler who I used to like until I realized she was a part of the problem and she was a bit too overprotective.
I seriously believe I would have turned out okay if it weren't for my bad upbringing, it can fuck a kid up mentally.
The only reason I'm alive and suffer is because my mother was a whore at 17 and spread her legs for any guy that would give her the time of day. She's bipolar and probably passed that on to me, has no sense of responsibility or never acts like an adult despite shitting out six kids, and is a narcissist of the highest order. At least she didn't raise me but she still likes to pretend she had some role in it despite doing jackshit for me my entire life.
Never met my dad. Mom was a pump and dump for him; doesn't even know I exist. Sounds cool from what I've been told. Can't hate him nearly as much as her.
Are you me? She also likes telling everyone how much work she does around the house even though we all have full time jobs and work our asses off and she'd be lucky to vacuum once a month
Hurts only thinking about them. They tried their best and always support me but I still turned out a loser hermit. So ashamed of myself, I do not even want to get on the phone with them because of the feels it induces.
I cannot bring myself to hate them, they genuinely are the best people I know, no biases. I just dislike how absent my father has been, leaving me with an overprotective mother that made me weak and fucked my reward system. They also give themselves pats on the back because of "how well we took care of him".
I feel bad for them. My mother is dying and my father is working 20 hour days just to keep her alive. I'm doing my best and have finally started working for pay now that I got my degree but I can never leave the house because there would be no one around to take care of the house.
I do not really know.
I get judged alot,
Verbal abuse over the years has made me so insecure. I'm so sensitive around my parents. I just cant control my feelings around them. I can break in seconds sometimes.
I once told my parents that they don't like me after they broke me. I got called crazy and the laughed at me.
I guess fuck my dad
I can forgive my mom because she is my mom.
But my dad, not in a million years. He keeps asking me who hurt me. Is he not self aware or something?
Is it really that hard to be nice to your own kid? I just want someone to be nice to me.
i can't stand my mum as she was borderline abusive when i was young (violent and would constantly insult me) and plan to cut all contact with her once i move out
genuinely great person, i have no idea how he ended up in a relationship with someone like my mum. he's ex-military and is a really diciplined man. i look up to him a lot and he made me much less miserable as a kid.
last time i spoke to her was at her wedding nearly a year ago. she's 12 years older than me so didn't live with my family for most of my life, meaning i never became attached to her. she's a pretty nice person though.
he's a few years younger than me and is a really sweet kid. i ended up being a pseudo-mother to him when we were both young because of my mum's awful behavior and we're very close because of that. he's taken from me a lot. i really hope that we stay close once he grows up.
They sheltered me while ignoring me, and gave me zero chance to develop as a human. They were always too busy with either working themselves, or my older siblings. Even till this day they continue to look down on me, and continue doing things only for their own benefit. I attribute most of my failures to their horrible roles as parents. I wan to despise them, but they're completely oblivious to everything.
Would have been better off not being a part of this family, or not being born to begin with.
Dont really care about my father... He wasnt present much because he worked 60+ hrs a week... Said he did it for us but he almost never spent that money on the family... Just on videogames for himself...
Fucking despise my mother... Ever since my parents split, shes been using my brothers and I to get back at my father... Ive seen what she was doing so I just stopped talking to her but my two little brothers are too dumb and naive to see it... Shes was only.nice to us when it meant she would be getting money from my father.... She is by far the most SELFISH person I have ever met.... Im like.100% sure if we would of lived in a time era where selling your childs was legal, she would of sold us
My parents have been my biggest bullies in life.
At some point you have to realize that whatever you've been through, unless it's being a child soldier with non stop anal rape, it's your job to move on from your shitty starting position and change your life on your own without constantly abusing what you've been through as an excuse.
I believe in you user.
They're complete control freaks who rule most aspects of my life.
They check my phone, my internet history and purchase history on Amazon.
I'm 22 FML.
>mother has had dementia for years
>visit her every week
>she forgot i was her son
broke my heart lads
I don't have parents anymore, OP. In retrospect, we had a rocky relationship but it's because we were all varying degrees of autistic with a victim complex. We could have talked through our problems but no one ever wanted to admit any wrong doing or apologize for hurting feelings. It was basically taking shots at each other, blowing up and then sweeping it all under the rug. Would like a do over, but it is what it is.