R9k colony thread

We discuss the setting up of a colony of robots. There is a discord somewhere supposedly.

One of the ideas is to use capsule pods as rooms, and have a bunch of communal areas.

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If some millionaire robit actually did some colony shit, it would be essentially a ghetto project full of drugs and grime. Only difference between /r9ghetto/ and an actual ghetto would be the lack of slutty, trashy women who would be replaced with slutty, trashy men wearing dresses.

Imagine moving to an r9k colony, and a social pecking order naturally develops and you stilll end up being a robot?

This. I wouldn't ever want to live in the negative environment most of you would contribute to creating by wallowing in your own mediocrity without making a single effort to improve your mental and physical health. There are only some people on this site who are worth spending time with.

It's bad enough to come to a board that's full of negativity, spite for life, and suffering, the last thing anyone needs to do is live somewhere like that. Can you imagine how filthy it would get after like a month? Fuck that.

>lives at /r9colony/
>doesn't have a cum-corpse

You would actually only need 20-30 or so robots each contributing 8k to start up a colony. You'll need a willingness to get a job too, no neets should be accepted, unless their neetbux or investments are that good.

There would be no drugs allowed, none at all to avoid slippery slope into degeneracy. Traps would only be allowed if they agree to be fucked on command by any robot in the colony at any time.

I have 1.7 million in savings and stopped suggesting this when I realised it would be a bunch of unskilled lazy people who wouldn't want to work 8 hours per day.

The cheapest way to do it would be with A frame cabins, they would be cozy and we would make money through goats, producing goats for their meat and milk, we would make goat soap too.

It's just too much work though, look at how negative and hostile most robots are here, now imagine that irl.

Pic related I actually do have enough to fund this. Unless you are putting up money you wouldn't have a say in the rules.

This is the problem with robots, they all want to be in charge and make the decisions when the simple fact is, you can't even control your own life.

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If you make a community of robots, a social ladder will be formed all the same. You cannot escape the machine together, if you escape it, you must do it alone.

>Unless you are putting up money you wouldn't have a say in the rules.
I don't know who you think you are, but just because you thought of the idea, doesn't mean you're in charge, you're a bitch, and I'm in charge here.

actually, a colony of neets would be ideal. you get one Goldstein bot to become landlord of a low income building and he rents out to NEETs using low income housing. the government subsidizes the rest of the money, so we're basically always bringing in excess cash from the government. if he were a fair Goldstein, he could redistribute the NEETbux among all of the NEETs and live off the government subsidy (NEET pays 20% of cost, government pays 80%)

And this is exactly why an r9k colony would end up in ruins kek.

> Keeping 1.5m in the bank

Fuck bro buy some Vanguard funds ffs

It's an old picture I spread it out across 4 banks and brought property.

Is it from crypto?
How much CGT did u pay?

this is how cults starts, i might be a pathetic waste of a human being but im not going to lose my self and move to a cult,this is bullshit


Have neets contribute their neetbux to live there. Give everyone rooms not fucking pods so we don't have to see each other if we don't want to. Use the communal neetbux to keep the building supplied with tendies. Have a LAN r9k to post in. A few small movie theaters stocked with anime and a manga library.

Sounds like heaven desu

why would i want to live in close proximity to anyone, especially you guys.

I don't think those pods will be able to fit or hold the weight of robots.

Discord is KrnDE5E

We want to incorporate as a business, sell each share to robot which entitles you to a pods and some of the income the colony makes. We want the colony to function like an investment group more or less.

OH MY GOD! 03/04 is my birthday, this has to be sign.

Robots are generally skeles

Fat posters lurk /ck/

Join the discord user, it's a sign

Why do you want a colony of robots?
Are you a chinese organ harvester?

Attached: vsco_062217.jpg (750x737, 92K)

Imagine the smell. Fuck no.

To escape the normies

Its pretty telling that everyone itt is assured that the colony would be unsustainable instead of coming up with ways to make the colony sustainable
This why everyone on this board is a failure - its all about 'this won't work' not 'here's how this could work'

The discord is completely different, but these threads are mostly a lot of people commenting on it won't work because of some problem we've already dealt with

>not buying a massive woodland and just living innawoods
>people can move freely so if they find someone they want to hang with the just pack up and move to a different part of the woodland

are there normies in your rooms right now?
You still have to get food, are you telling me the robots are going to farm under the sweltering sun on some commune full of pods?

We'd just buy food user

Maybe we could make a task force of robots who would be trained to remove those that are making a mess and haven't cleaned it after warnings

So you want to gather all the mentally weak robots so you can scam them out of their neetbux?
I guess that is a solid plan. Like a NEET MLM, get in at the top boys if you want to make the most.

This is an interesting idea, but the smart thing is to test it with a temporary arrangement, like renting a big house for a month, or a group campground. It could be tested for $500/person pretty easily.

The colony is an apartment building, each robot feeds himself any way he likes

I believe what you are describing is called "jail".

I realize that this is a LARP thread, but why not start small and see if it works? Like do a regional 3 day camping trip. If anyone wants to organize one in california I'd go

I could post my adress and robots wouldnt come
Its a waste of time

It's not a LARP it's just a massive process to actually do this. Right now we're just trying to amass some numbers and figure out who's wanting to got and where.

To be a robot means to be true neutral
He is not a leader or a follower he just is
He will not get the fellowship of followers or the sense of pride of being a leader
He will just exist like a plant and live out the most miserable existence until he snaps or expires
Robots are neutrinos

I propose the colony to be in Neets Bay, Alaska

Subsistence living wouldn't be hard there, plus we'd all get paid just to live there.


Every interested in this, what different jobs would we need.

bamp bamp bamp

security and janitors

hunters and prostitutes

I like the idea til I think of all the smells. It would be a 24/7 fart and shit battle.

>everyone has poor hygiene
>nobody cleans or does chores, too busy playing games
>almost all are extreme degenerates that will congregate around the cutest person and try to fuck them
>whoever this cute person is has about a 75% of getting raped
just a short list of issues that would come up
Why the fuck would anyone want to live in that kind of cesspit

Simple solution is to not allow cute people. Let them suffer the life of a normie.

I never said cute, I said "cutest", which could still be ugly
Whichever fag robot decides to start acting like a "nyaa sugoi" anime character is going to have all of the inhabitants orbiting them because robots are that desperate

Rapists aren't real robots anyway, how does someone with social anxiety commit rape, think this shit through.

robots are a bunch of guys who think they're entitled to sex, now trap them in a space with someone doing the "hehe im a cute trap" thing and eventually you're gonna get rape
they'll probably think the person is just playfully screaming NO just like in their Brazilian puppet shows

You sound like a roasty tourist who has no idea what robots are like.

My goal is to build a homestead. Might invite some robots at some point. I have enough money to do so I just wanna save up more money as security

Fuck that. I hate most of you anyway.

>Only difference between /r9ghetto/ and an actual ghetto would be the lack of slutty, trashy women who would be replaced with slutty, trashy men wearing dresses.

>You sound like a roasty tourist
Never understood if this is some sort of hope or anons really think that there are more than 2 women posting on r9k.