When you're so whitewashed you see shows like full house and saved by the bell as just regular shows and not "white...

>when you're so whitewashed you see shows like full house and saved by the bell as just regular shows and not "white shows", but see shows like family matters and fresh prince as "black shows"

>white neighbors mow their lawn too often

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Gib whitewashed qt black sister pls

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>watch tv

How's it feel to be a self hating nigger? Even the leftist cucks have more dignity to you.

this is proof that culture is more important than race
Jow Forums queers btfo

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>muh dignity
using such an abstract concept as an argument is fucking retarded, kys

What is opposite of whitewash?
Like the bbc, britains national network, making a tv series about ancient greece Troy and all the greek heroes are black actors?


hmm, i see what youre saying.

then again this guy he gets it

Every society will have their nigger tiers, but when there are insults and crime that cross racial lines it causes more butthurt

that's not "white washed" retard the white shows represent the majority and especially in the middle class they represent.
>muh equality of outcome fuck reality

Whitewash means to cover something up.
What you're describing is actual whitewash because they're trying to cover up British culture with a foreign one, and actually history with their idealized 'multicultural' alternate history.
What OP is describing is not whitewashing, it's just the reality of living in a white country.

I call it white washed simply because other blacks who grew up in the hood deffo see shows like full house and sbtb as white shows and family matters as just shows.

It's getting BLACKED

Probably because they are marketed as such. When does "full house" ever mention how white they are?? Meanwhile the other shows they are pretty open about how they are "black" shows so to speak. You're fine.

Thats only logical. Blacks are a minority in the West, so naturally any Western piece of media that has more than 13% black cast should be labelled as black media.

Are you admitting you have no concept of dignity?

>tfw love edm, other blacks see it as white music

>tfw love shrooms and acid, other blacks see it as white boy drugs

>tfw don't care for Jordans personally

>tfw dont care about being ashy sometimes

>dont care about being ashy
That is not very redguard of you user

Why do white people mow their lawns so much?

Why do black people have to use lotion or get ashy? As a white person i dont understand this at all. I can go my whole life wothout touching a moisturizer and never get slightly ashy

I see it this way. black people are obsessed with edging up their hairlines, and white people are obsessed with edging up their lawns. two sides of the same coin lmao

it looks good and smells good.

there are countries where national identity is the only identity. Racial segregation is mostly a germanic thing

Sorry but no. Blacks are 12.5% of the country. Whites are the majority. So the majority of shows should have more whites. You niggers have your own nigger channel BET and nigger shows like blackish. So fuck off with your FUCKING NIGGER SHIT!!

I'm curious though, as a white guy:

Do you feel like less of a "black man" for having normalized "white culture"? If it's what you are, it's what you are, right?

I have many white friends who are very into hip-hop and other aspects of black culture, but they know themselves as white. Are they blackwashed?

I'm genuinely not trying to be a prick, I'm just interested. Do you feel called to identify with certain things like black culture?

This, but without the anger.

i'm from a mixed country and I just can't believe how incredible racist the usa is

I never saw family matters or fresh prince as black shows just as regular shows
I saw Bernie Mack, Jamie Foxx, Martin Lawerence as black shows

>tfw honestly think most if not all black comedians suck ass

not even being "self hating" or pandering. I just seem to have a "white sense of humor". all of my favorite comedians are fucking white lmao.

>tfw sound white as fuck

>tfw have had sex with mostly white girls and never saw it as an achievement or anything cause I grew up around them

1) nahhhhh, the idea of being insecure about yourself cause you dont fit into a box doesnt rly fly w me. I am wut I am like u said as corny as it sounds

2) I mean in a sense, yeah.

3) and no. I feel "culture-less" desu. I dont feel like i belong to any culture and i like it that way. even though I may sort of embody white culture I dont identify with it, and I dont feel the need to identify with anything in black culture just BC I'm black. I'll identify w something if i like it

So when people look at our houses, they don't think "I bet a nigger lives there".

Kendrick lamar is white people audience music right?

family matters and fresh prince were just black shows to me

the ones you named were like SUPER BLACK shows.

Live in majority white country. Refer to this as "whitewashed"
Cmon nigger

Blacks are the perpetual victim of their own actions. Just ignore him, he would rather ignore facts that accept his problems are his own fault.
Feel free to fuck off back to africa.

>ignoring reality

the fact that I live in a white country doesnt negate the fact that "being whitewashed" is still a thing in today's society.

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This isn't anything special if you are black and raised anywhere but the ghetto you will end up like this. My cousin binge watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and That's 70's Show.

>racializing sitcoms
I pitty you

>dont care about the word nigger

i mean its just a word BUT its clear usually when someone calls u it they're trying to massively disrespect you. IMO its not about the word but the intention.

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its important to have a good handle on where you come from and what that means in society, but this just sounds like baggage robot.

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It's not about being whitewashed user. Being a nigger shouldn't be expected of you just because your black.

to be fair family matters and fresh prince are white shows too

>functional families working things out
>actually care about each other
>live comfortably in a nice house
>they dont speak in ebonics or act like chimps

those shows have nothing in common with the average black person except for skin color

this desu. Let it the fuck go dude.

cuz retards like to advertise anything with a black in it as "muh representation" instead of "a fucking tv show" because social justice retards care more about tv than actual problems

>leftist cucks have more dignity to you.
No they don't

Leftists have no dignity

my parents came straight from Africa, so I mean that's that. I have a good handle on what my physical phenotype means in society generally so I don't think I'm fucked in that area at all. I deffo get creeped out when I walk by cars sometimes ppl might think I'm about to break into em. might be all in my head but its very real for me

>too often
They're much more cleanly, at least the non-rednecks compared to most blacks.
>Whitewashed is somehow worse than blackwashed
The modern "black" community is ignorant and blames their problems all on whites, despite whites being the ones who gave them welfare, made this stable nation, invented many more things besides Russians and some others and were still the only country to take immigrants while others were still racist af.
Thomas Sowell is one of, if not my favorite black political speaker/debater/writer. You should look him up. He discusses the current state of most blacks becoming like that of rednecks. He also shows how blacks committed much less crime in the 20's because their ideals and morals where different and were actually productive, not welfare NEETS and criminals.

>>when you're so whitewashed you see shows like full house and saved by the bell as just regular shows and not "white shows", but see shows like family matters and fresh prince as "black shows

can't relate to the second part but during it's original run i somehow never noticed friends had no black regulars, now i can't even watch that shit

kek, friends fucking sucks anyways.

Thats pretty neurotic dude. Try to relax robot, you haven't done anything wrong.

>it's a self-loathing black does a minstrel show to entertain beta whities episode

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>>when you're so whitewashed you see shows like full house and saved by the bell as just regular shows and not "white shows"
Wait, do black people really see Full House and shows like that as "white shows"? I'm Afro-Cuban and used to watch those shows as a kid and never cared or thought about that kind of stuff.

not that user

>Do you feel like less of a "black man" for having normalized "white culture"? If it's what you are, it's what you are, right?
Somewhat, maybe. Im too "white" to be black by blacks and whites, and not black enough for blacks. I personally identify more with my economic class (upper-middle class) and nationality (American), but that goes to shit because im a minority of minority and get lumped in with the rest of my race, so ill get judged by my ethnicity before anything else. I'd be more of a nationalist, but that very quickly leads to talking about going full ethno-state, which just fucks me right over.

Dont really feel like I have a line to stand behind with anyone.

>I have many white friends who are very into hip-hop and other aspects of black culture, but they know themselves as white. Are they blackwashed?
Not really, no. You can enjoy the fruits of something without having to necessarily having to go purchase the orchard. Compare this to being raised in a barren field where your parents never learned how to farm and not see much need in learning how to. if you're born into shitty ghetto culture, thats what you'll either try to get away from or start to expect from yourself. if you aren't born into it, but you're from the same ethnicity as those that are, mostly, then that's what will be expected from you.

>Do you feel called to identify with certain things like black culture?
Nope, but that doesnt stop people from expecting it, or judging me by it.

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Holy fucking shit, the picture in the top left looks almost EXACTLY like I did in high school. I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't me. The earrings reassured me that it wasn't me. I hate piercings.

did you see the cosby show and a different world and living single as black shows?

>he thinks hes perceptive and serving a ground shaking redpill

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I mean... id assume so. black people see rock and shit as white music as much as they claim they made it. so it only makes sense a show like full house would be seen as a white show. when I say they I mean hood black people

>so Jow Forumswashed that I use nigger and spic as insults despite being black
Is this unhealthy?

Females and Mexicans do the same thing user. Anything targeted to the white boy is just the default setting.


who do u call these names

Random anons. Especially in threads related to dragonball.

>Do you feel called to identify with certain things like black culture?

Assuming you genuinely want to discuss this:

I don't but I'm not given a choice. I'm black and was born and grew up in a black majority country. My identity didn't involve being black and if you asked me who I was then I'd probably have said my nationality. Few years back I moved to a country where I am not the majority and, while I still feel the same, people identify me as black as soon as I walk into the room. And they identify me with the worst parts of what they believe is black culture before I even open my mouth. It's been an adjustment.

lmao its probably not a big of a deal but its weird

>he thinks stating the truth is a redpill

only a degenerate would think that

No. I didn't care about those shows having black families just as much as I didn't care about other shows having white families. I used to like Family Matters as well.
I'm just giving you a reply to acknowledge you and let you know I read this comment, but have nothing to add to it.


>he thinks people saying "redpill me on x" isn't the same as saying "tell me the cold hard truth about x"

lmfao what a retard

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