I have a 1853 Elo rating for chess. Would women find this attractive?
I have a 1853 Elo rating for chess. Would women find this attractive?
If there ain't a timer it's like so hard for me to lose
Don't let nouns describe who you are my dude
asian women probably. their mom's are always on their ass about finding a smart man.
Women don't give a fuck about anything as long as you look like Chad.
Not unless it's a chess enthusiast girl
What if I beat Chad in Blitz?
do you wait until your opponent gets bored?
How do you cope with the fact that you'll never be 2800? Why do you play chess if you lose half the time?
>When he isn't even a NM
Fucking brainlets when will they learn?
Then you're a nerd who wastes time on a loser nerd game. The Same doesn't apply to Chad though. For him, chess is an intellectually stimulating hobby and a sign of his intelligence.
How much pussy does Carlson get?
Isn't chess still big in the former Soviet states?
A woman could find interest in this, but not more than a passing "Oh thats neat!".
Depending on the woman they just might not care, and you might have to explain that 1853 is pretty good. As long as you're proud of it, generally anything you're skilled at is a plus for women.
Probably less than e-sports guys.
some e sports guys are straight up chads though.
Magnus is the definition of a chad though. He also plays football.
Carlsen has a qt 10/10gf, and he is model for a well know fashion brand
>playing chess against computer online
>can barely win against the second lowest setting
Wew lad. Bad feel.
You need to be 2400 to be worth anything
No. Unless you have monies
God I feel bad for you faggots. Yeah if you guys are good at something that requires thought and dedication they'll say your shut-ins and antisocial or boring sometimes childish. But if someone who of is handsome or has high status does the exact same shit they're considered different or smart.
I had a girl tell me it was cute that I get all worked up about playing and being good at the pokemon tcg but I've seen the same girl call a guy whos the same age but ugly gross for playing yugioh.
Whores are trash that'll never be impressed by your accomplishments in a thing like chess only smart women might.
Oh and for to you op. No unless your attractive or she is equally as unattractive as you or is into to chess autiscly then she won't find it hot. Sorry bud. But if you have another passion that is manly and balances out your nerdiness chicks actually dig that. Like if your into hunting AND chess that's a big plus. Or like working on cars and gardening etc they really like that shit