
Rosemary bread come home rosebud
Easter edition

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Or rather good friday.

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She's starting to look rather old.

Checkin in my good man.

She's aged well imo compared to her peers. Fat sarah isnt looking great.

Hello friend how are you?

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will epi ever come back?

Barely hanging on my man.
>She's aged well imo compared to her peers.
Indeed. Which reminds me shell be 32 next month right? A few more years before her dad's genetics kick in (i hope not).

her diet and lifestyle will catch up to her eventually. on the bright side at least her twat will remain tight and cute since its unlikely she will ever have children at this point.

no idea who fat sarah is, i dont really compare girls to their peers.
32 is old as fuck

fat sarah is sarah barnes, one of her classmates she was close with during her qmul days. she is obviously quite chubby.

Sad to hear. Why are you barely hanging on?
>32 next month
Yep, although I'm sure she'll still be looking good.

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No girl will ever top Rose.

Oh nothing major. Just the usual effects of Isolation ( I live on the rural outskirts of town.) Rose videos have immensely helped getting through sad days.

i know that feeling all too well. unless you do something it will only get worse.

My social skills have fallen to zero at this point and you are right it will only get worse. I have made peace with it tho. Solitude also offers its own kind of comfort.

the solitude is emptiness it is nothing and will become nothing just hope you dont develop any substance abuse issues like others. when did you start browsing /rose/?

Who is this girl? Should I be able to recognise her?

Why did rose use so much makeup and skincream in the last three christmas videos?

also, what was that odd bright filter she use?

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she wants to look the same obv. the filter is probably part of the act.

what does rose eat for breakfast?

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Dont worry my man. I am well aware of the horrors of substance abuse and the hurt it brings especially to your loved ones.
im new to /rose/ just started last 2016 when I was very ill. Her videos helped me get through. Thank God for her.

mark will be a good husband. and a good friend

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>Just the usual effects of Isolation
Is there a single rosebud who was not isolated at the time of infection?

n8 seed

>No girl will ever top Rose.
It's all in your head, bud.

Does mr. pierre qualify as a rosebud?

>mark will be a good husband
That's a good one, at the best he'll marry a chink.
I'm sure he's a good person, but come on.

Yes, of course.
Pierre is one of the biggest rosebuds. Understandable, I'd be too if I was in contact with her for so long.

>one of the only rosebuds still actively posting and lurking
>somehow not a rosebud

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just like any intelligent and high-browed girl, rose cares more about your personality than penis length
she's not well-endowed either remember

She doesn't care about your penis length but she sure as hell cares about your traps, shoulders and your jawline.

>she sure as hell cares about your traps, shoulders and your jawline
jop(e) pls

Do we have doxx on jope?
My current life goal is to be like him as much as possible.

Just to clarify, I don't want to wear his face as a mask.

I just want to be as good looking as him and his entrepreneurial side is also inspiring.
This reminds me, he wouldn't spend his time on chan boards when there is work to do.

daily reminder rose loudness and annoying personalities more than facial abnormalities

How does one get a jope jawline.

Is that arm tattoo to hide self harm scars?

rose is not the kind of person to stoop to self-harm

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Thanks for keeping me company guys. Its pretty late in my time zone. bye and happy easter

Youtube monies and n8n cum.

Where is epitome of autism?

I want to breed Rose.

We know, n8n.

eww, id pay to put all her eggs in hosts, but i wouldnt want wreck her midriff, or lady junk, or risk her health

Visit Dr. Barry Eppley.

>eww, id pay to put all her eggs in hosts, but i wouldnt want wreck her midriff, or lady junk, or risk her health

lol a battle scar doesn't make you ugly usually. the question should've been recessed jaw vs annoying personality

cut down to 10% bf, then tren up.
fillers are a good idea, surgery is only needed if you're subhuman

>that gap
>that thigh curve