Zombie team image limit reached, here is the finished team

Zombie team image limit reached, here is the finished team

Attached: team(4).jpg (1920x1536, 1.06M)

Truly an inspiring squad

Attached: 1512335946502[1].jpg (971x565, 139K)

I don't think this team could of turned out better.
>the jews are behind it all.

>not having the image as the scientist

Hopefully some drawfag gets on this.

Originalli perfect

weak edit man

Attached: team.jpg (1920x1536, 1.34M)

>those dubs

horeh shit

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Can a drawfag draw our squad kicking some zombie ass pls

kek is clearly fucking with us

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Perfect and perfectly original

Seconding this. I really want to see this come to life.

kek is here

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Oh come the fuck on. This proves meme magic.

if someone does draw this, pls make everyone wearing a labcoat

the doubles....

Attached: raven think.png (571x722, 129K)

>those trips
checked senpai

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>them digits

what the everloving fuck

guess I'm having another drink tonight

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>Megatron handing out weapons that are way too big for everyone
>the doc giving a couple of zombies a lethal dose of TNT
>Fazbear 47 kicking ass
>lobster barking orders from the back
>KSG kid in the background blowing his brains out because he snapped under pressure
Make it happen

Kek is in this very thread

i'm pretty good at drawing but i don't have a tablet

So I got to big brain thinking, if everyone in the image is a scientist, and the scientist is an image of everyone else with the repeating image In itself, does this mean we created some sort of infinite loop?

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ms paint exists my dude

nigger i don't want carpal tunnel

We have created an infinite supply of teams
Truly, the power of science knows no bounds

there is nothing the team won't be able to accomplish with so much S C I E N C E

Shid. Those dubs confirm

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Oh my. Oregon

>tfw shuaiby will be killing himself for eternity because the self replicating scientist singularity will keep bringing him back

Attached: the ride never ends.gif (241x210, 179K)

If trips Everything changes to shuaiby