This chink bitch rejected me for being asian. SHES FUCKING ASIAN HERSELF WHAT THE FUCK
What the fuck is wrong with this world. She barely got to america a few months ago too wtf is wrong with me
This chink bitch rejected me for being asian. SHES FUCKING ASIAN HERSELF WHAT THE FUCK
What the fuck is wrong with this world. She barely got to america a few months ago too wtf is wrong with me
There's always another day.
What am I looking at tbqh
Black men reject black women too. It's normal.
It's all good, she ugly anyway, even for a gook bitch. In my experience the best way to get Asian hoes is to not like them at all, or constantly berate them for being Asian.
Or b niigger
Why did you decide to be Asian?
>to get Asian how's is to not like them at all
Fuck off chad
Fobs are just like those white backpacker roasties, she's only interested in the foreign meat. Screw her
Gookbot here. I know that feels. Asian grils only like white guy or if you asian you need super mega money or big famly name or 20/10 look.
Mfw only fat black chick like me
>he posted the Guangzhou trap
Bullshit all the manlet chink boomers have chink wives.
Sorry asian-male anons, it's time for you to start looking at black women more seriously.
Iktf bro, get over here feelsbad
rich boy is trans now?
>tfw 21 year old kissless virgin Korean guy
>had a sexual cuddling partner in my first year of uni
>almost dated one girl in uni
>both were Chinese
>qt rich Chinese girls everywhere on campus
>meanwhile I can't even seem to run across a Korean girl
>so Chinese girls it is
Am I delusional that I want a qt Chinese international student gf who's so rich she'd pay for everything and buy me everything? There must be some Korean worshipping Chinese girl who's really into kpop and kdramas and shit
Yes you are delusional.
Do Chinese girls not like Korean men at all? Chinese men are so good at sucking up to women and it doesn't help that they're so fucking rich too.
The two Chinese girls I knew in my first year, they're dating the same Chinese guys since the end of first year for like 2 or 3 years now. We're in third year now.
Wtf? Are they going to get married or some shit?
But still the fucking bitch sends me emojis and stickers of her hugging me, kissing me, and hearts.
I thought chinks check for sending flirty texts like that, do they just not care?
Holy shit! Kek. I was just singing his peanut butter in the mouth songs the other day.
> AhRih awe P poo beah dat mah deah homie fuh dat ottuh sheit leh geh dih breah homie
>dat boi wuh onle fit teen yeahs buh wuh dey say he dih?
Worse part da say if I go to Vitnam I'll get lot ass. He took me 2 year ago. Nothing. Still virgin. Should I fuck black grill now?
does she use those big glasses to hide her man face ? women are deceptive
You should do it user.
Spic user here. I was in similar situation, couldn't get laid but then family took me to shitty spic country and sure enough fucked 2 different chicks cuz american. That shit gave me confidence and then I started getting laid. Tried whites, blacks, asians and of course more spic bitches. And I gotta say, compared to them all, nothing beats good ol American black twat. In fact asians fuck the worst in my experience. Do it user. Also remember more to love to bro.
TLDR fuck black hos not asians.
that chin, fuck
> even gook bitches hate manlet ching-chong pimple-dick Moo Goo Gai soy boys