Come join the discord server, we really need new people right now

come join the discord server, we really need new people right now


Attached: unnamed.png (300x300, 43K)

is it a channel for robots? Chat makes it seem like its a dedicated circle jerk.

I hope the channel is not full of triggered incels and that kind of degenerates.

Imma give it a try anyways.

the mods just bombed the server and we just finished rebuilding. yea, it's a server for robots

Then why are people calling eachother by first name in chat? Seems like an uncomfortable place to be for a robot.

And yes, as I thought the server has triggered incels having a circlejerk on their own spineless cuckoldry.

Have fun OP, Im going to pass for this time.

some of the people in there are irl friends

and some we tell each other our first names after some time, when we get to know each other

Chill server /BXsHF7

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>joining an existing circlejerk
>everyone is talking to women
not a robot server. maybe try asking me to join when you ban roasties, they ruin communities by causing competition and cause anxiety with robots.

Reminder that servers are a shitstain on Jow Forums and discord itself
Report these threads

this is false
we all know none of us have a chance

Until chad waltzes on in and makes a show of it in front of everyone, then she spends most of her time privately chatting with him instead of everyone else, and anyone that even remotely liked her wants to kill themselves.

>some of the people in there are irl friends
>and some we tell each other our first names after some time, when we get to know each other
these are the types of people who own r9k now, burn that into your brains.

it hurts, I want 2014 r9k back


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tell us about your chats if you want us to join them


Retards, mouthbreathers, drug addicts, degenerates and isis affiliates as long as you aren't a faggot you're welcome to join.

nah this place ain't chill- the owner spergs out regularly. BEWARE

it takes a few seconds to join them, see there's over 25 people and leave. actually now the invites tell you how many are in so that's even easier. Oh but you say, "I'm not so picky, I don't mind if there's 10 thoooousand people" well I guarantee you can see within a moment if a server is nothing but garbage right away. is the first thing you see a giant wall of 'O so important rules? garbage. is there a pathetic "moderation" class system in place? garbage. is there a million nonsense channels that will never be used including ones labeled nsf because discord will definitely get mad at you if you don't label nsf once people use the non-existence report button to tattle on you...garbage.

do you want to talk about it, you seem angry

I love the discord program, it's very well built for what it was intended for.
and seeing it used for evil is sad.

I heard you fags like drama

White Supremacy and the ceremonial usage of Yopo

It's on you if you're incapable of making meaningful relationships with people in a setting where you aren't forced to interact with the same people on a frequent basis

Attached: Shaun%20Sammy.1.jpg (400x600, 244K)

ur all gau lole
send nudes


Suh bro. long time no see
Hos's the wife doing?

leave me alone you jerk

Join lids!

>it's a server for robots
>some of the people in there are irl friends

Do any of these discords have an asian girl i can orbit?

was in there, there's an 'in' circle. If you want to be an outcast as usual, join this discord. If you want to be a third wheel in every conversation, join this discord. lemme know when there's a real robot discord.

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how to become part of in group: post more often

why the fuck would a robot put in the social effort to force themselves into an established social hierarchy.

Fuck off

perhaps offer a real robot discord next time.

you don't have to if you don't want to
this user said it best tho

>claims to have a server for robots
>insults and refuses to understands robots concerns

this is not a robot server.

w-what are you talking about

without getting into subjectivity of insulting, i'll just say that you've had a surprising unwillingness to consider robots for supposedly having a robot server.

this is because you do not have a robot server, you have a /soc/ server full of people from Jow Forums.

please go in detail
i don't know what you mean : (

read the thread a few times until you do

i don't think you're talking about my server then

>add several servers
>too scared to join people

Attached: why.png (660x632, 15K)

stop playing dumb its fuckin obvious to literally anyone readin just the last 5-6 posts of this thread ur just a cunt, get ur stupid fuckin server off r9k

hmm.. is there something you want to talk about user?

stop trying to bump this shitty thread so ppl can join ur even shittier discord

i think you are upset, user

>robot server
>girls are allowed
>people have irl friends
You're not very smart.

ur still trying to bump this shitty thread for ur shitty discord server