Tfw no asian gf from Guangzhou (a city in China)

>tfw no asian gf from Guangzhou (a city in China)

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Chinks aren't the good kind, you're supposed to want a japanese or korean gf.

Here's a girl from Guangzhou.

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She goes to a university in Canada.

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I ran across this bitch a couple weeks ago

She was like
>user when did you gain so much weight!!! I almost didn't recognize you I'm so sorry!

Tbh I did gain 20 kilos due to psychiatric drugs but it hurt that being a fattie is the first thing she mentioned to me

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shes cute but shes a chinlet

Chinese girls are money hungry gold diggers and if you don't make enough to take care of her and at least 3 of her family members she will drop you in a heartbeat.
Source: dated one for 3 years

Oh I forgot to mention this:

She's fucking RICH

she's fucking LOADED

I walked with her after class and some organization was doing a (cash only) fundraiser selling muffins and shit.

She pulled out her wallet, it was full of cards, and fucking STACKS of 100 dollar bills. I swear she had a couple thousand dollars in her wallet.

Are all Chinese international students fucking loaded with cash like this?

every international student is loaded man, have you seen the costs to attend schools as an an international? fees are insane

Canadian university isn't even that expensive though. I know it's 3 or 4 times more than what domestic students pay, and the government actually checks if you can pay the tuition. But it's still less than what a lot of American domestic students pay for university.

tfw realdoll gf from shenzhen

feels good man, literally and figuratively

Yes, Canada has provisions to accelerate citizenship for people who invest in Canada, there's a similar thing for other Pacific countries like Staya and New Zealand I think also. So a bunch of rich chinese go into real estate because it counts as investment but they don't want something risky like investing in a company.

Pacific countries are a special case, we get a buttload of rich chinks trying to buy their way into the country, it's not as widespread that other international students are as rich (or numerous).

So you mean they all come here for citizenship?

They don't come here for your pretty face. And they don't assimilate or do anything else than create a real estate bubble.

>tfw wife from hk

I've had a few ching chongs want me to go to China for them. Is this a trap? They seem to want husbands bad I guess once they get to around 25 to 30 and they still look young especially when compared to other races women which typically look ragged and worn out by then.

what's a guangzhou

>Is this a trap?

Depends, are you from the first world? If so, it most likely is.

hoow much did you pay ??

( a city in China)
>click here

>click here
It didn't do anything. Where's the link, user?

yea at my university in the US there are a bunch of rich Chinese students with these tricked-out special edition luxury and sports cars. I've seen one with a Lamborghini and one with an Audi R10

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No this is not a trap, this is my gf (female) shizu