Why are Japanese women so culturally and aesthetically superior to women of other races?

Why are Japanese women so culturally and aesthetically superior to women of other races?

Pic related it's a Jap highschool grill

Attached: DCLt-jRUQAEnc5B.jpg (750x1000, 80K)

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>highschool grill
that's a guy lol

are you blind? it's clearly a girl.

Attached: 29092598_1896956117261243_3231870578507907072_n.jpg (1052x1052, 169K)

I'm not sure I'd go that far, but for some reason when I watch porn these days it has to be jav, americuck just doesn't cut it anymore. After a while I started to be annoyed with how they "act" in american porn, it's like the women are trying to be masculine and it just turns me off.

>potato faces

>girls in my country won't even look at me so maybe girls from an Asian country might like me because I watched their anime and they seemed to fall in love with an awkward autistic character like me
yea they sure are cute

Attached: 1518410911615.png (379x345, 29K)

>he doesn't know

i seriously hope you are fucking baiting.

clearly a dude you fucking faggot

I would suck all of their cute girlcocks at once

Whats with Jap girls (male) having those bags under their eyes?

Attached: dd1c77be1e.gif (480x480, 1.86M)

they get like 4 hours of sleep per night. they go to school for like 16 hours per day

Meh. Chinese girls are better looking. Impossible to find a Japanese girl here unless you go to a Japanese conversation club and find some exchange students. No Japanese people ever seem to immigrate here.

Hmm. It looks like something intentionally done with make up. But what do I know I don't wear make up or go to school.

who is this? cant seem to find anything on google.

I'm bi, so it doesn't really matter for me. Would still fuck.
Besides, I'm into anal and girls cannot enjoy it because no prostate. Emotional arousal from being dominated by a Chad? Possible. Pleasure from stimulating a body part? No.

>i watched a few japanese animes and saw some jav models and i think japan is the greatest place ever!!!!
please stop being a naive weeaboo, op

this. the average japanese woman is ugly with small eyes wide face and no curves

it makes your eyes look bigger and also smile-y all the time. and it's supposed to make you look younger too supposedly but i don't see how


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the absolute state of roasties having to cope with their poor life choices.

Wrong, it's a girl.

Don't know what? You must be a roastie who is simply baiting.

Actually got a gf in japan, currently doing an exchange program over there

It's done with makeup to try to make the eyes look bigger and more innocent ^^

Interesting. So it's the opposite of white women who use makeup to cover eye bags.

>tfw the majority of jp traps are prostitutes
I mean its not really surprising but its interesting to know that you can have a wild night with any posted in this thread if you have the extra cash.

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I guess so! Although Japanese girls still cover up the dark eye bags with concealer like western women, but put eye shadow over the concealer to make it look more clean and nice.

What I find absolutely hilarious is how people on this board get so bent out of shape when they see a guy that doesn't happen to like the same type of girl they like.
Why would you even be mad at that? All that means is more women for yourself.

it started off as a korean trend called aegyo sal, i guess it kinda spread all around asia though.
sometimes the eye bags are created using surgery but it can also be created using makeup

Attached: aegyo sal.jpg (480x468, 98K)

Its not just with girls either. People get buttblasted if you have different tastes in anything. Music, movies, games, anything really.
"They like something I don't like" is probably one of the biggest sources of conflict in the world.