Parents Causing you to be what you are now

>"user always always always stay indoors outside is dangerous"
>Never go outside unless its school
>Cant even visit friends
>get viewed as a weirdo
>Years later
>Incapable of any social skills
>Parents have the gall to ask why I am socially inept and never go out
>keep failing at job interviews because I am absolutely robotic in every social situation

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> I grew up being praised for never causing problems for my parents or making a ruckus.
> Now I'm unable to communicate my problems or feelings in a meaningful way to people.
But at least I was the good child right?

I don't blame my parents for anything, because that's like blaming the sun for making the day too hot, but they have always been quite distant in some way that I can't put my finger on because it seemed the norm to me. It was only after I had seen my friends interacting with their parents that I realized it was very bizarre of me to have such a stoic relationship with my parents, but then I realized my brothers didn't have such a distant relation, so I think I'm the problem that has unknowingly been cultivated through this behaviour, simply because they don't know how to talk to me. I'm not really upset about this but I do believe I may be a schizoid now that I've reached my 20s and I really have no idea how to exist in society.

I think that was one of the harder pills for me to swallow. Learning that my parents were just people, and as fallible as anybody else in this world. I'm certain nobody could have known what they were reinforcing within me all that time. I don't resent them for any of that really, it just makes me kind of sad because I'd like to think that I could be a good parent, but will probably end up failing all the same.

>father gets mad at everything and nothing
>always going berserk over everything
>never explains what he was so mad about
>pushes me down and spills drinks on me over the littlest of things
>bursts into my room screaming
>causes me to develop a bad stutter
>get made fun of at school because of stutter
>so afraid of pissing off father that I literally never do anything outside of my school
>just hide in my room all day because I fear just being in the same room as him
>notice that as long as I stay away from him there are no problems
>he also starts shit with relatives and my mom
>mom and him always argue about shit
>father breaks chairs, tables and slams doors so hard that lights fall off the ceiling
>one morning wake up to the sound of broken glass and slammed door
>find my mom crying and glass all around her due to having almost had a light fall on her from father slamming door
>so used to them arguing like this that I casually just sweep up the glass, comfort mom and go back to room
>years later
>he is no longer as crazy but still goes berserk once in awhile
>realize that I got so used to avoiding him that I almost forget he is my father
>never talk to him or interact with him continues
>avoiding him has been healthy for me
>stutter is gone and am going out more often
>realize that I must remove him entirely from life if I want to successful and be happier in life
>moved out
>life improvesdrastically
>less stress
>more motivated
>sleep better
>still get slight fear of him suddenly bursting into my room screaming
>plan on never ever seeing him again
>mom calls and wants to eat somewhere with rest of family
>tell her it's only ok if father doesn't come
>mother hands phone to father
>he starts talking
>I immediately hang up phone

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till highschool
>user if you play with your classmates after school you will become alcoholic.We know what kids do after school from our experience hehe.
>user why do you spend so much time playing video games? Why don't you go out with YOUR FRIENDS?
At least my parents learned from their mistakes and my younger sisters didn't get the same treatment like me.

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Good on you for sorting yourself out as best you can from all that muck, I could never handle that the same way you did, I'd have probably killed him or myself but you're a legitimately strong person user.

>am taught to ask for help when I need it
>don't want to look weak
>never ask for help
>finally decide to ask for help when I need it
>mom tells me to stop being a baby asking for handholding
>tell her no one has ever taught me anything so there is nothing for me to be good at,and that when I ask for help I get shit on and when I do nothing people tell me to ask for help
>she gets extremely upset when I tell her I am shit at everything
>was told I was a good lad for staying inside doing nothing all day even though my grades were shit and I am shit at school work
>work ethic is nonexistent becuase of this
>can't talk to people
>don't want to talk to people
>mom lies about how great I am to everyone because she is a shit parent
>when she gets mad at me she makes a big scene and acts like I'm the one making up all these lies and pins them on me even though they only exist to make her feel better about herself
What a cool fucking planet this is.

Thanks. I started to realize how toxic he was in my life when I realized that so many of my negative emotions and aspects were connected to him. Once I cut him out of my life, it's like someone let the air back in the room.

We need to get the toxic people out of our lives.

I'm the same as you. I'm an only child and they never helped me develop essential male behaviour like exploration and risk taking. Now I've taken that to heart and don't even allow myself to have any goals!

Get that bitch out of your life. If you still need her support (money), I'd say to do as a little as you can with her as possible. Stop trying to please her and stop trying to base so much of your life on a toxic person. Do what makes you happy and will benefit you, and literally just use your mom as a source of money to help get you there. Then, when you can be 100% independent, drop her from your life entirely and never deal with her ever again.

Toxic people will ruin your life, don't let them.

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I already avoid that nigger 24/7. I'm just gonna suck up her money until I get bored and then kill myself because when you raise a shitter up to be a shitter he will live a shitter's life and then die a shitter's death.

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Stay strong user. Life gets better when you're independent.

No it doesn't. It never gets better.

You're right, it doesn't get better, but you get better equipped to handle these situations, and distance yourself from them to begin with.

And what the fuck am I gonna do should I by some miracle just become competent enough to sustain myself? You people that push this "it gets better" meme are sick.

I thought so too but I've changed my mindset and somehow have learned to enjoy the struggle.

Not some miracle you whiny bitch, through hard work. I'm not trying to tell you pretty lies, I'm trying to say that I hate hearing assholes like you whine that life is so hard. We all have to deal with it, you're not special, it's just that not everybody goes around crying like a bitch about it all the time.

You don't need to be competent, you just need to try. There's an alternative exit somewhere, keep looking.

Yeah, God forbid someone talk about their problems in thread about talking about their problems on an anime website.

Haha, no.

>parents own restaurant and work hardcore 6am - 9pm everyday
>because of this they feed me and my brother shit because no time to cook
>average breakfast would be 1 or 2 frozen pizzas, a coke, and some eggos
>probably 350lbs by the time i enter highschool, can't get rid of my bad habits
>actually get my shit together and slim down to 220 during these last 3 years, want to get below 190 this year.
>brother is still a 400lbs neet, to this day i'm convinced he has never had a real friend, he even tried to an hero last year.

I don't agree with what my parents did, but i don't blame them either, i blame myself for not getting my shit together sooner, and i still believe in my brother, when i started changing my life around no one told me anything, there was no life changing event, my brain just clicked one day and i realized i was wasting my life and it was my fault because i wasn't doing anything at all to fix myself, i just hope that happens to my brother soon too.

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>Born into rich family
>Have maids do everything for me from a young age
>Was still being fed by maids at 11 y/o
>Was still being bathed by maids at 14 y/o
>Essentially raised by maids
>My every move being watched 24/7 and reported to parents even today
>Never went outside unless it's school, can't even visit friends; exactly like OP
>Viewed as a weirdo at school, naturally
>If I wanted something had to ask parents
>No money given to buy things myself
>Couldn't work because "what will people think of us if they see you working part time? Just ask us if you want something" so no money earned to buy things myself
>No privacy
>No independence
>Essentially a prisoner and/or pet
>Dating also not allowed
>Fast forward to now
>Dropped out of engineering twice because can't handle responsibilities or going outside
>Never even learned how to drive
>Can't handle normal social interaction due to extreme awkwardness
>Still a NEET living in my little prison
>Everyone looks down on me
>My room is now the only place where I'm comfortable in
>Parents keep telling me I should go to college to get a career and be more independent
>Keep blaming me for being what I am today
>Don't even care, I still have my room
>Bought a drawing tablet
>Helplessly learning how to draw so one day I can do commissions and save some money to move out and never look back
>No discipline or work ethics though, so not going good
>Every day think about killing myself
>Vydia and anime tiddies are the only things stopping me from actually doing it
>Another day goes by, and I just got a little bit older
>Happy 25th birthday user, let's see how long you can still last

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Alright then, if you do end up killing yourself, remember to record it live so we can get some more OC.

> Never allowed in the front yard
>Don't go outside except for family business
>Strict upbringing made me a goody two shoes when i was younger
>Awkward as all hell, no actual female friends until high school
>Never knew what to even talk about with remaining friends
>Only spoke when spoken to
>Became a quite kid, spent recess in the bathrooms
>Only friends were a Ghetto kid who I'd act like a Normie around, A childhood friend who stuck with me through the years, A Fat six foot tall Polynesian kid who was into anime and Onaholes
>Never invited to outings
>Never got texts or calls
>Spent school breaks locked in my room with absolutely no sunlight
>Shit internet so i spent my time studying different languages
>Became the weird kid that knew alot of languages
>Became boring since all that i knew about was languages and anime
>Only talked to by the art kids wanting to know how to say something in French and the soybois who would want to know how to say something in Spanish or French for love letters and stuff like that
>Had to hide that i liked Classical music and the piano because it's kinda Fag-ish in semi Ghetto neighborhoods
>Singled out because i was awful at every sport except baseball because my family pushed it on too me because they thought it would make me more like an all American boy
>Never experienced a childhood, because there were no children in my neighborhood and my parents never allowed me to meet my closest friends,my cousins, until i was 16 because they were too rowdy and their mother and father were republicans ( I grew up in California, so being republican where i'm from is a taboo) and though they would be negative influences
>Only saving grace that i had as to not get bullied was not having a soyboi physique, being able to act like a normie for conversations and a 7.5/10 face

But at least I'm not Ghetto trash like the kids i went to school with are now i guess.

I could write a fucking novel on how much I hate my parents and how they've fucked me over (and my brother), but getting back at them by leeching off of them for the rest of their lives will have to suffice. I hope they both die of a stress-induced heart attack.

I blame my parents for many things, but I also acknowledge my share in my problems. It's just very difficult if not impossible to undo 20+ years worth of damage. My parents just wanted me to be safe, but they ended up sheltering and helicoptering me instead. It doesn't help that I have autism and already hard time fitting in. If I was just let to experience and learn things by myself, let me fuck up and learn from my mistakes, learn to be social like everybody else, maybe my life would be different.
>dude, just be yourself, lmao
>dude, nobody can love you if you don't love yourself, lmao
>dude, learn to like yourself, lmao
Gee, thanks. It would be so much easier to "be myself" and "like myself" if it would actually add up to something. The truth is that nobody likes shy and awkward guys, nobody. Not even the girls specifically state that they like shy guys. I'm not even ugly, and even then girls will abandon me after they realize my shyness and isolated behavior is not "Hollywood shyness" but the real deal.

I could force myself to be more outgoing even though it would be super exhausting and would absolutely destroy my soul, and of course then I wouldn't be "being myself" anymore.

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