Why are black people so paranoid about white cops, and not other black people?
Why are black people so paranoid about white cops, and not other black people?
The same reason whites are paranoid about Islamic terrorist and not white criminals
because other black people made white cops paranoid about black people
Try to imagine what it would be like if every white cop were black instead. Feeling like you're being ruled over by a foreign, hostile other is frightening.
>The same reason whites are paranoid about Islamic terrorist and not white criminals
ok but most mass shooters in the US are white, so maybe they be scared
>Islamic terrorist
We're actually scared of all of islam
The solution would be to send black cops to black areas, which is super illegal, or to not send cops as often, which is what ends up happening and then the blacks complain that we dont care about them. another solution is to send beta soyboys to get beat up by tyrone which happens in the UK, so that hasnt worked so well.
I think we should go back to being segregated, y/n?
I think we should send them all to Liberia.
because every time you see a white cop, they kill you
not every time you see another black person do they kill you
>all of Islam hates me because I'm white and Christian
>only .0001% of muslims commit terror
>Islamic terror only became an issue within the past 35 years
>all of Islam hates me because I'm white and Christian
Yes? It is in their Quran and taught in modern day mosques
>only .0001% of muslims commit terror
Yeah gang raping, stoning to death, fucking kids, and "join us or die" isn't alarming at all
>Islamic terror only became an issue within the past 35 years
WHAT ? Take a history lesson fucking god pal
they know that other black people will shoot them
they aren't sure if white cops will shoot them
>It is in their Quran and taught in modern day mosques
wrong nigga its in the hadith to murder all heretics
you are supposed to not forcefully convert or kill "people of the book" meaning jews, christians or mandaeians or any other abrahamic or pseudo-abrahamic faith that came before islam and is mentioned in the quran unless you are at a state of war with them
you are supposed to apply heavier taxing to them and they dont have to fight for you unlike muslims in your state who pay lesser taxes but have warfare obligations
excuse me I meant heathens here
but kill all heretics is in there too since that refers to intrareligious differences
the legally protected war-exempt status is also called dhimmi and has been applied to non-abrahamics too (hindus as a major group)
Even if your propaganda was correct, crimes != terrorism.
Also name me a single Islamic terror attack in a western nation prior to 1985
I said we were scared of ALL of islam pooskin >Also name me a single Islamic terror attack in a western nation prior to 1985
All of civilized history... islams terror attacks in modern days are fucking tame compared to what they did back in rome. christians, kikes, and mudslimes have been at this for 2000 years. kikes stir the pot, muslims burn the books and kill, and christians run away and hide
Yes, you're afraid because they hate your civilization as stated in your pic, as evidence you listed some crimes that people who happen to be muslims commit, but don't even commit the most of, e.g. they're not the majority of child rapist or street gangs. If committing crimes = hates civilization then every ethnicity hates every civilization since every ethnicity commits crimes.
I assumed that wasn't your point since you couldn't possibly be that stupid and focused on terrorism because that's explicitly political. And now you're claiming that muslims have been committing terror since Roman times but have STILL not given an example prior to '85.
I'm gong to assume you're not talking about something like the Crusades or the siege of Constantinople because you can't possibly be THAT stupid.
> they're not the majority of child rapist or street gangs
Who is first, sea asians? Because I'm pretty sure muslims are first, child sex is simply legal where they live
>If committing crimes = hates civilization then every ethnicity hates every civilization since every ethnicity commits crimes.
wat? huh? seriously what?
>And now you're claiming that muslims have been committing terror since Roman times but have STILL not given an example prior to '85.
If you're wanting something from the west in the past 400 years to my knowledge we've been pretty segregated in that time for good reasons. islam continued to be cancerous in india and indonesia, but who cares about eastern countries
So with this can conclude that islam in the west is bad and will get worse, and we kept segregated for centuries because we cant get along, until this globalist shithead kike agenda came along
Haha wow, you are actually that stupid. So an army destroying property is a terror attack, which means every state military that has ever fought a battle is a terror group now. I'm done with you.
That's just not true, muslims and Europeans have been in contact with muslims since Islam began in the 600's
Pic related, old European in the Muslim world. Why wasn't there massive terror attacks in the 18-1900's when these states were territories if muslims are just batshit crazy and hate western civilization?
>So an army destroying property is a terror attack
That was absolutely a terror attack, what else would destroying the largest archive of books that existed be? They purposely went after the books and killed many of the teachers because they didn't like pagan concepts like education beyond the shitty book about their beliefs. Islam was a backwards shitpile religion back then and the only thing thats changed now is many of them are filthy rich from oil
>Why wasn't there massive terror attacks in the 18-1900's
Yes those peaceful times.....
>hate western civilization?
They do... I don't blame them. I'd rather we stay segregated, too.
because blacks only kill drug dealers
whites are the ones who get off killing the unarmed
Oh and to add, your insistence that terror attacks never happened before 85 doesn't stop any of the ones that did after, or the general sense of doom many western countries are feeling right now by letting muslims in. You can take a look at Dearborn Michigan to know these people really dont want to assimilate, preach some pretty hateful shit in their mosques, have a tendency to breed like crazy, and that's freaking people out.
They were born into it but they'll most like choose to remain that way, again i can't really blame them. But I wish they'd go away along with the kikes shitty wars for isreal
I forgot this thread was about cops and black people
>whites are the ones who get off killing the unarmed
cuz a nogs are criminals
Because a white cop is more likely to kill a black person than a random black person? They're more likely to get killed by a black person but everybody is more likely to get killed by the people they're around every day. Black people live very limited amounts of their lives interacting with police and in those limited periods of time they get shot a lot.
This being said police may still be the lesser evil to getting shot by other black people because other black people still kill a ton more black people than cops.
BLM is also mentally retarded.
>Because a white cop is more likely to kill a black person than a random black person?
Woah, maybe if you read the rest of my post, you would understand why posting that image in response was retarded. The very next sentence of my post is talking about the facts discussed in that picture dipshit.
This time, first post really is the best post.
I'm not afraid of white cope because I'm not a criminal.
White people are generally pleasant.
Other blacks have tormented me my entire life, and I do understand why some whites dislike us.
Islam isn't even 2000 years old fucktard
We aren't always afraid of what's most rational to be afraid of. It applies to everyone. There's always something. It's kind of like how people are more afraid of plane crashes than car accidents.
The idea of an outsider (for them a white person) shooting them when they've done nothing wrong is more frightening than getting shot by another black person, even though it's honestly 0% likely to happen. In a sense, they're right to say white people don't understand their situation, but that also doesn't mean their situation is either logical or someone else's fault.
That chart disproves what you said though, you are the dipshit
>crimes != terrorism
Bruv, you're not looking at the bigger picture.
Even if a minority of people commit the crimes themselves, a much larger network, in fact the majority, tacitly support their actions, as evidenced by literal surveys of Muslims that prove this. It's an entire ideology that seeks to firmly impose itself wherever it goes and we're too busy huffing our own farts to realise this might be a problem.
More like our kike overlords make it so. Burmese try to toss out the disgusting rapist inbred savages that invaded their land? Entire world comes down on them. Isreal shoots the shit out of 30k mudslimes that are marching back to the land jews stole from them? Radio silence
Welp let me explain this
>Be me a nigger growing up in shit parts of london
>get annoyed by roadmen
>don't rob or attack you as long as your not involved in gangs or make gang signs
>now thepolice
>stop and searches every time
>still 85% of stops and searches got nothing
The fat retards stop innocent people because the only people in gangs mainly go about alleys or go out at night. There's a reason everyone hates the police they don't like going after actual criminals because they're too scared although I don't blame them they stop random people to fill arrest quotas and the most they ever get are people who smoke weed. The USA's problem seems to be they have shit trigger discipline and get scared easily or are on some huge ego trip which can be seen on liveleak on there cam recordings
Its a bit harder in America where anybody can have an automatic weapon and pump you full of lead.