Hey Jow Forums. Being put into a mental hospital ruined my life. ask me anything
Hey Jow Forums. Being put into a mental hospital ruined my life. ask me anything
How long were you there for? What did you do once you were released?
I have major depressive disorder, I lived in a psychiatric ward for 2 months when I was going through a psychosis. 1 months in a closed ward, 1 month in an open ward.
I was in there for about 2 weeks. From late January 2015 to February 10th 2015. After my release I went right back to studying for the winter semester. I got back on the anti depressant Prozac right away. You might be thinking that 2 weeks isn't a long time, but I left with a speech impediment and minor vision loss (far farsightedness). The latter which was fully recovered. But over 3 years later I cannot verbally communicate well to save my life.
What's it like inside a mental hospital?
What the fuck did they do in two weeks that changed your speech pattern for the rest of your life?
I just got released from a section 2, luckily my symptoms subsided so they had no valid reason to forcibly medicate me, and before I was put in a shared room I could open the windows just right and you'd get a constant breeze, also the view from the shared room was pretty nice so you could kill a good few hours staring out the window at the hills
also other than being attacked my experience was pretty good, they did mention insulin shock therapy which I'm still considering desu but yeah mental hospitals are only break you if you're weak to begin with
I'm assuming the 30+ pills a day and injections of other medicines/drugs. I felt my speech degrade by the day while I was in. I could barely enunciate simple words after getting out. However, I was extremely hopeful that I could recover my speech fully and have been working on it since I got out. Although, I accepted the fact that I may never be able to verbally communicate at a decent level again and I have learned to live with that.
>insulin shock therapy
>I'm still considering
Nigga you wut? Do you live in the fucking 1940s? What the fuck are you doing?!
you're thinking of electric shock therapy, insulin shock is much safer (in most cases you're not even conscious) also I've been on most anti psychotics and anti depressants and they've all had issues
I wish you were still there, you know, in the hospital.
Extreme, mind numbing boredom. I would pretty much wake up at around 7 am be forced to take pills. Eat breakfast by around 8:00ish. Thereafter, I would roam the hall ways for about 4 hours; take a shower a few times in between. At noon I would eat lunch. Then walk around for another 2 hours until 2 pm where I had computer time for about an hour until 3 pm. From 3 pm - 5 pm I would roam the hallways until dinner time. Eat dinner, then roam the hallways from 5:30 pm until around midnight. Thereafter, I would go to bed. Medication was provided after every meal and at night.
>30+ pills a day and injections of other medicines/drugs
What exactly did they commit you for? As far as I know this level of medication for a first-time patient is ludicrously unheard of.
No I'm not. Inducing a what is basically a diabetic coma as a treatment is crazier than you are. There's a reason that sort of shit fell out of practice like half a century ago around the same time as fucking lobotomies.
it's still used in the UK so I can't imagine it's that bad
It is. OP is just lying because he's an attention whore.
"Mania symptoms". While I was in I was extremely irritable due to drug withdrawals so they labeled me as "psychotic" and I was also diagnosed with "bipolar disorder". So the medications I was forced to take were Lithium, Zyprexa, Thorazine, and a few others I can't recall. But the majority was from Lithium carbonate and Thorazine which was about 10 tablets daily for each drug. The magnitudes of the Lithium and Thorazine were 300 mg and 100 mg respectively.
Basically you had your brain damaged, your sexuality damaged, your male hormones damaged, given acne, etc...
why do they do this to people? It's STUPID AND INHUMANE.
It's much more humane to let someone die than call a fucking drug zombie state "living"
It's not like any of us get adult jobs in the white collar that make enough money to buy a good sugar baby.
I was in a psych ward three times, the last one being two months. It was two months of constant boredom, at this point in life my thoughts start wandering in the middle of a conversation if i'm not extremely focused on the talker. Still it seems that it didn't impair my other intellectual abilities, i got a job at a major game production company as a game developer where i look at and write c++ code all day and im performing really good. They think i have autism because of the whole mind wandering thing.
Wasn't your life already ruined?
Not really. I'd like to think I had a chance at getting a Mechanical Engineering job before the hospitalization. Now, I got no chance.
I assume they do it because they can get away with it. Besides, how can a patient accuse them of inhumane treatment. They would just use the old "oh don't listen to him he's crazy" defense.
This reeks of malpractice. I would seek a lawyer if I were you. Get that cash money.
one of my good friends got sick in highschool. no doctors or naturopaths could figure out what it was, eating food with sugar would cause him to get angry or just crazy in general. it pretty much deteriorated his brain and he became this really like spaced out guy and was a shell of his former self, as corny as that sounds. his parents forced him to go into a mental hospital which just fucked him up more. one of the last times i saw him he said he saw a girl slash her wrists so he tried to break out which just made them think he was more insane. he ran away after that and made it about 600km north hitch hiking until he got caught. its been about 3 years and i dont know where he is or how hes going and its impossible to get in touch with him. i miss him
This is why I can't take psychology seriously. It's literally pumping random drugs into people based on the theories of a psychotic perverted Jew,
Yeah sure, like I'm going to respond to you where I have a 66% chance of catching your brain sickness
> you thought you fooled me
I can't prove anything nor can I afford a lawyer. Besides there's also the statute of limitation so it maybe too late at this point.
if it weren't for the ruskies the psychotic perverted jew wouldn't exist today.
I'm not an antisemite, most jews are not psychotic nor perverted.
Hospitals keep records and there are many, MANY avenues to seek legal advice and representation for low income individuals. The statute of limitations on medical malpractice can extend up to a decade in some states as well. It is also extremely flexible in cases like this. For example, if you're still being perscribed this medication the statute of limitations would extend from the last valid perscription, NOT when you were actually in the facility.
>have to shit with open door
>have to shower with somebody in the room
>watched 24/7 through windows in the room
It's really humiliating ,never tell somebody that you are suicidal
Haven't had a drop of lithium since February 2015. Yes, I plan on getting those records. However, going the legal route may paradoxically comprise obtaining justice.
you told someone you're suicidal and all this happened? did you even try suicide?
Let's be real, the only useful Jew was Einstein and his discoveries were made before World War 2. It wouldn't make any difference if they were exterminated thereafter.
I got my Prozac at my general care physician's office. The day he was not available his
What about the other medications? If any of them are still up you're golden. Also stopping any of these cold turkey is malpractice in and of itself, unless you deliberately chose not to. Cutting someone off is worse than not helping at all if you have serious problems.
I was in the mental hospital for one night back in December worst day off my life maybe I went because I had been cutting myself I think it's was from this research chemical I had taken
so you got sectioned against your will because you said you were suicidal?
assistant redirected me to a psychiatric clinic and one thing led to another.
I'm not talking about usefulness, but personality. Idk, my best friend growing up was a jew, and his parents were certainly not part in any conspiracy, although they were uber liberal.
I see jews as I see niggers. They have a gigantic chip on their shoulder, which makes them act irrationally.
Attacked by staff, or other crazies?
so you sectioned yourself? or you agreed to a sectioning?
For one you're psychology has nothing to do with prescribing drugs that's psychiatry and two they don't use freud in modern drug Discovery
Technically that is psychiatry--psychology does not involve drugs, just telling you to read dimestore paperbacks.
I took 70 pills of antidepressants, the other times I said something about suicide when I was at the open ward. I was like 7 times in the closed ward
Yeah, I'm not sure they are trying to help. I don't have serious problems I've been off lithium for the past 3+ years and my mood has been at a stable 5/10.
Not the same person, but when I was younger I was "sectioned" technically voluntarily. They told me I could go voluntarily, or they would do it involuntarily and my parents would be told. By going quietly, I lost some rights, but they also agreed to tell my parent's that I was being watched due to an infection that was causing me to pass out a lot (and totally not the drugs).
I did not wanna be there and I was extremely clear about it. They thought otherwise, I needed to be in there to get "help".
so you got assessed and placed under what section? what was the section number?
Legal shit aside I would try and explore fewer and different options. I've been on Amitriptyline for anxiety and bipolar depression for 3 years with pretty great success. It has great synergy with Prozacs too and really helps getting some sleep at night. Speaking of which I gotta get some of that now. Good luck user, I hope you find your way.
You probably were like me and lied about your symptoms to get drugs. Some people have severe mental issues, people like ours is just minor and goes away over time and only needs a small amount of dosage.
>naked fat woman walked around
>nazi wanted to punch me and said I insulted him with telepathy
>insane people who yelling gibberish at you
>one guy only talked about getting raped and pedophiles
>a guy shit on the floor
>people punching random people (also woman)
>nazi spilled coffee in a woman's cleavage
Never go to a closed ward
I can't say. I don't know what the section number refers to.
pretty much this user. I was on Prozac for about 6 months, fixed a few things and then stopped it.
Certain jurisdictions refer to different types of holds by the section of legislation.
So, for example you might get a 72 hour hold due to drug induced psychosis, vs a longer indefinite hold based on chronic suicidality. Different sections will come with different powers, such as review by second dr and involuntary medication.
Sounds like your average political protest
did you get assessed by several doctors then brought to the psychiatric hospital in an ambulance, could you leave the ward?
Did you try and fuck any of your fellow nut jobs?
No, I couldn't leave the ward until my lithium was up to at least 0.6 mmol/L. I am happy to say that today my lithium level is 0.00 mmol/L.
desu. There were a few qt 3.14 girls in there. And no, I was on no fap and I wasn't gonna break it in a mental ward. Otherwise, the stay would've much easier as I would've just stayed in my room and jerked off to pass the time.
How do you fuck there with the nurses watching you all the time? I had a person in the closed ward tell me he fucked a girl with small titties the first week there, I did not believe him at all. I think he was there for being a pedo too, I overheard the nurse saying "I can't believe we're helping a pedo"
I'm not sure what type of hold it was. All I know was it was involuntary and I couldn't leave until my lithium level was up to a "healthy" range.
Just trying to explain. Most people don't know the type, and it will vary state by state so the question really means nothing on here.
Also working on a thesis on this area, so interested in general.
Where is this? I never had it this bad in Canada.
The worst that happened during the two months was
>a schizophrenic patient punching the nurse
>an old lady with borderline personality disorder (probably) yelling all day and banging on doors all day when she gets locked up in her room for being abusive
Fuck you, I am a psychology student.
Sorry to hear that user. Did your parents drop you on your head when you were a baby?
That's why you don't fall for the suicide prevention jew.
Presumably America, because our mental health care is an even bigger joke than our regular health care. God I hate this country.
For me, even in the closed ward the bathroom was behind closed doors. Sometimes when I was taking a shit or piss the nurses would come by and ask me if I'm inside.
The showers were personal as well.
They was both posted by me, I am in Germany, at least I could keep my phone there, read a lot that people had no phone there
Huh, a mental patient on a robot forum
original boi
Yeah I had a bitch nurse who took away my phone even in the open ward. Maybe it's because she saw I was on Jow Forums. Never had a different nurse take my phone away since then and I did not see that nurse again
Let me guess: Merrican?
I was put in the loony bin twice in my life, but on both occasion it was a life saving intervention. I was on a psychotic downward spiral that proofed to be rather life threatening as further I progressed into madness and insanity, and the men in white helped me getting out of the abyss back to my former self in a rather short time, and I have to thank them a lot for that.
Granted the place is chaotic in a sense and they don't really know what to do except throw pills at you and see what sticks, but it still helps. If the environment itself isn't like.. well like it is in america I suppose.. and they don't overdo the pill ramming down your throat and show some restraint and still do the best to treat you like a human..
All in all I give my two weeks, second time three months stay at the local europoor loony bin a 8/10. qt nurses would even play ping pong with me so I wouldn't get so bored after I felt better. could still have my smartphone and internet access and everything, despite being in the high security closed section ward, so yeah.. not so bad at all.
I stayed in a psych ward in the UK. Because my idea of the typical psych ward came from American ones - which seem to home really insane people - my experience was pretty underwhelming.
You basically had two types of people 1) the older folks with dementia or similar problems neurological disorders you get in old age and 2) the younger ones who had depression (mostly girls) and would attempt "suicide" twice a week. There were just two guys with serious mental disorders (schizophrenia, psychosis) - I didn't feel like a psychiatric ward stay was warranted for the majority of them.
In terms of daily activity, everything revolved around eating (most medication seems to stimulate appetite) - people would line up outside the cafeteria half an hour before it even opened. In between the three meals, people would cycle between sitting in the TV room watching game shows, and going outside to smoke. I started smoking out of boredom too, like everyone else. Once in a while they opened a room which had board games and books and stuff, but apart from that there was very little to do.
One thing really pissed me off though. We weren't allowed phone chargers in our room because the wire could be used for suicide. This is ridiculous because they didn't care about belts, shoe laces, and the many other "wires", yet phone chargers were off limits. This meant we couldn't use our phones most of the time. Having a phone would probably have made the stay bearable but without it there was just no mental stimulation.
Pills are a joke, they never make you better long term. The doctor spends more time with the pharm reps then the patients.
It is like torture. You know those short stories where everything is super plain but secretly you are in hell? Or like those threads where we wait in a ackward waiting room? It is sort of like that, expect it never ends. Like where everyone is nice but you have zero freedom, it is passive agrreiwve torture. Like being in a school classroom 24/7 with an assigned seat.
Not op btw.
Merrican yes.
How do you feel for falling for the psychiater meme
I wish I can go back in time and never go pretty much everyday since.
My high school tried to get me into a juvenile ward. At the assessment, the psych said I was fine.
3 months later, involuntary hold in a small town hospital with no psych facilities. Was just locked in the maternity ward for 3 days.
>maternity ward
>not local jail
Town doesn't have a jail either.
why does the town have a hospital and not a jail aka the other room attached to the only cops office
We have a small hospital that can handle sprains, breathing difficulty and uncomplicated birth - and stablise you enough to transport to next city over for anything more complicated.
There's a small remand cell. But why would it be used for suicide watch? That's a medical thing.
that's being very generous with the word "hospital".
>That's a medical thing.
it could also be seen as a public safety thing.
It also had quite a few wards for old people who were just going to die there. It was a 45 minute drive to big hospital, so no issue.
As to safety, not if you aren't in America
"suicidal" isn't a risk to others. My doctor wanted me monitored because I took a lot of valium. I wasn't a danger to anyone.
>I have no idea what I'm talking about but I still hate it
Bipolar 1 with psychotic features, and this guy has the balls to say that having a speech impediment ruined his life. We all know you're full of shit, but even if you arent you're a literal retard.
You were so psychotic that they had to commit you, and you think that communication is your problem. You had communication problems before, and now that you're medicated you realize what a fuckup you were and now you want to blame it on the (obviously fake) drug regimen you were on.
>lesson learned
Never talk about your problems.
Psych ward was the best time of my life. Not only was I mentally in heaven (psychosis), but the place was also fucking beautiful. The ward was nice and had quite a lot of different activities to take part in. Part-surrounded by enormous trees which supported my delusion that the world was interdimensionally merging with another planet.
Being around people my age as well as qts was nice too.
What type of people usually work there?