How to walk normally without being or looking like a sperg
How to walk normally without being or looking like a sperg
You literally can't normal slimes have this sixth sense when it comes to detecting wizards it doesn't matter if you emulate their behavior they'll still see through it and call you out on it.
Walk from your legs instead of from your head
A lot of guys tend to walk by shifting their head over their center of mass. (Think of the virgin walk picture) They basically fall into every step, catching themselves with their foot, whereas normal walking comes from the legs
Take up smoking so you're not a wierd person people will look at.
You're just a normal person doing a cigarette.
If you notice your gait is getting spergy, start looking for your pack and get a smoke going so anything not normal will be attributed to you getting a cigarette lit.
Should my arms be doing anything or should they be at my sides just still
So smoking will make me look cool right
I dont know man. I find it very hard to walk normally sometimes when my walking feels weird and my legs start to freeze and drop on its own, I start getting paranoid and walk with a limp.
Best case scenario for you is they'll make you look normal.
Cute girls might come up to you once in a while for a fag, but most of the time she'll leave afterwards to smoke it with her chad panhandler bf.
Be born with good walking genetics
Anyone else a walkingcel?
I used to not know how to walk properly and people would tell me all the time... but somehow I just learned it? Or they just stopped telling me
>How to walk normally without being or looking like a sperg
you don't unless you're a born normalfag.
Be born a walkchad
What if I lean back so that my back curves. Would that help
Make sure to not tilt your pelvis backwards or flare your ribs
Actually your abs should be engaged
Don't do what Zuckerberg does
does this nigga have double jointed knees? is that the secret to success?
Also: does this nigga only have the same grey shirt and jeans
>Back straight
>Shoulders back
>Look ahead
>NEVER look at the floor
>Don't look behind you like some scared bitch
>Don't be that guy that looks at you the very last moment they are walking by, its so awkward.
>Don't drag your feet, it looks dumb and ruins your shoes anyway.
What's wrong with wearing the same clothes all the time? When I find something I like, I buy a lot of it so I don't have to search again and think about what I'll wear.
>NEVER look at the floor
>trip over some shit and look even more retarded
Walking Professional Here with 1.5 years of nightwalking experience. Start nightwalking every night, it will improve your posture/walking gait/walking posture to be less awkward. You'll also become healthier and able to walk 6-10 miles without being tired. If you're a trappu, it'll make you cuter and you can practice cutewalking because it's dark out and nobody can see you.
Release yourself and your legs, fly and be free my young asparagus!
Now is the time to shine and show the world that you, an adult person, can walk like a person! Go forth and be free!
And never forget to bring spaghetti along!
That's just your paranoid talking
In truth, no one gives a fuck about how you walk, or about you at all
That's why you're here
You should move your arms the same as you move your legs, so if you move your left leg forward you need to move your left arm forward aswell and the same with your right arm and right leg.
imo either hands in coat pockets or swinging lightly by your side in time with your walking pace.
Like this. It's easy
No, you shouldn't. You should just walk.
I try to walk "normally", hands in pockets, however I always slip back to walking on my toes unless I am actively paying attention to how I walk. Also walk vastly too fast, to the point I've heard random people who I pass in uni comment on it.
only a retard couldn't detect obstacles in their peripheral vision. Also looking straight ahead will get people to move out the way. If you're wondering why you're always the one who has to step aside to avoid bumping into others, it's because of this.
The ultimate virgin robot walk is keeping your arms perpendicular to the ground while walking or going up stairs.
He's a fucking reptilian alien.
>That's why you're here
Because no one ever picked up on something strange from us. Right.
Let me help you out, user.
See this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The very fact that you think something is wrong with you makes you act differently and this in turn gets picked up by others that don't have this (the normies).
It's a vicious cycle that ends when you become comfortable with yourself, from which true confidence arises.
To sum up: just b urself :^)
I wear glasses. I have no peripheral vision.
If you don't know how to walk properly by insinct you're already fucked