Jesus this show is a pile of shit
>Girl literally throwing herself at him within the first 3 episodes
Are normans really this oblivious to what our lives are like?
Jesus this show is a pile of shit
literal autist here, once I started putting effort into life and talking to more females something similar happened (though not as quickly)
Because a robots story doesn't make a fun TV-show
I don't get how all these pretentious, self proclaimed +130 IQ robots are too retarded to understand that common denominator TV shows are not meant to be documentaries. Literally who would watch a boring show about a boring robot?
Ive been there...
Recognized advances, wamted her, still too retarded /pussy to know what to do.
Exactly. Robots always seem to forget they are far below the average nerd in their autistic high school hierarchy world.
.Special needs kids
That's literally not what I said
>being so unbelievably autistic you don't understand I agreed with your post and added an additional perspective.
The Truman Show was about an average guy and people tuned into that every week.
The point is that the show is so fucking insulting to anyone who actually had trouble in high school
Autist/robot in Atypical:
>Endearing, lovable kid with a few minor quirks
>Autism is so minor he may as well not even have it
>Attracts 7-8/10s literally without noticing or trying
>Worst trauma he ever experiences is minor teasing/bullying and even then the normies know when to back off
>Loved and defended fiercely by entire family
Autist/robot irl:
>Sperg with major personality defects
>Finds it difficult if not impossible to relate to other people and establish human relationships
>Is lucky if a human female notices he exists
>Subject to total ostracization and/or aggressive harassment
>Frequent anger at society and suicidal thoughts
>Pitied by family at best
Normies make these kinds of shows to pat themselves on the back but they would never go too far off the reservation and make a show about kids who actually suffer
ohhhh I missed your point, I thought your point was autists can't get women, my bad mate
damn, you're absofuckinglutely right...
Societies really likes feeling like they actually give a shit. You know if it dealt with real issues, no one would watch this shit, since it'll hit too close to home. Too many people realize they have never helped and never will.
Ever seen the show hard times of rj berger? It was a failed MTV show that had like two seasons and it was two friends that were sad virgin nerds in like their freshman year of high school. The shows main character, rj berger, had a huge cock though.
At least that is what the show was supposed to have been. It didn't take long for them to turn both of those guys into chads that got women. The main kid rj berger even got with the girl of his dreams but then stopped caring about her in the next season in favor of another hot girl.
Don't watch shows that try to depict what life for a beta is like. You won't ever get anything realistic out of them since they are made for normal people first and foremost.
>Too many people realize they have never helped and never will.
This is exactly right. A show about actual robots would be too transgressive and would make normans feel far too guilty
Netflix is trash, simple as that.
Watch some actual kino about pursuing happiness and self reflection.
ok so i dont even know what this is, but what is true, once i tried to normify myself a bit more, i had 2 girls throw myself at me, granted this was back in highschool and girls were pretty slutty back then, but as a true former robot i was way too much of a pussy to pursue anything other than a kiss.
42 years later, and this is still the only film that effectively captures the robot experience and mindset.
I love it. You can relate to Travis and yet aspire to be more like him in his actions
>tfw working night shifts
No it isn't. Look up He Was A Quiet Man.
>this is still the only film
I'm guessing you've not seen many films
that title should've been an enourmous red flag.
Going to check these out, I don't watch as many films as i would like.
Taxi driver is still great though
From a scriptwriting perspective where is the story supposed to go if he doesn't get into a relationship? You close off a lot of potential to play with this concept.
From a producers perspective why would women want to watch this show if the guy never got into a relationship when they love that?
"loner male who never can find a real relationship" is practically a trope, it's just a show where the loner does nothing but whine and cry about bitches and whores would be uninteresting.
Maybe try watching Blade Runner 2049, the MC is pretty fucking robot tier when it comes to relationships with women. However that's not really the point of the movie, which is a classic heros journey story.
The point of this show is to put somebody considered an awkward nerd through a series of relationships and laugh at how awkward it is.
That show annoyed the shit out of me as a big cock robot. Maybe I should have streaked in front of the school like RJ Berger did though.
>if you had a gun, why did you wait until after he stopped shooting?
I really want see this now.
Nailed it. These shows about autists/robots don't ever seem to capture the bitterness and cynicism result from living as an outsider in the normie world.
Watch pic related and cringe in horror
This is such total nonsense user. Robots can do a fairly good job blending in, and some instance even be admired for their intelligence. Special needs kids sitck out like a sore thumb and have basically 0 redeemable traits except for puppy-dog type niceness that's more pathetic than actually a positive quality.
speaking of criterion films and robot experience ever seen the The Match Factory Girl? She lives with her parents, everyone thinks she is ugly, she hates her job, pretty spot on if you ask me.