>tfw no pics art memes
Tfw no pics art memes
This is the stupidest fucking post i have seen on this shithole today but it made me laugh
fuck you
You are welcome user. I wanted to shoehorn Chaotic too, but didn't manage
oh also Guangzhou user deserves the flute the most because i feel kind of bad for him
i would of course give it to the Guangzhou (a city in China) poster because he needs it the most out of all of them.
the middle one is just being selfish and gay and the right one is just pathetic
But trap user bought the flute. Also Aryan poster lifted 4 years for that flute
this is the worst and best post on this fucking board
It might be gay, but she(male) bought it
trap user is gay and a trap and therefore does not deserve human rights. Aryan poster, however determined he may be to get that flute, also does not deserve it. Guangzhou user gets it by default but again also just because i like him better.
But trap user is getting gassed anyways, so why can't he get the flute? It will be his last
I like this picture, Op. You dun good.
okay then he gets the flute, and then Guangzhou user inherits it after the public execution
It is a ...portmanteau of other posts, if you will
>Devil trips
Guess what will be the next meme of this rotten board?
Last shameless self bump cos this took a while
>no Stanley
wtf OP?
Literally who? Stanley is probably a faggot
I like the bussy posters, and asians, so I give it to B hoping my gift will result in purchased affection, the only kind I can get.
>Literally who
>he doesn't know about this 9/10 chad
I want newfags to leave
Fuck, I remember now. Did he an hero in the end?
Still wouldn't put him. He looks too sad
Want to know how I know you are a massive faggot?
>posts stanley
he looks like if aesop rock and h3h3 had a baby
I've been playing the flute for 6 years
what gave me away? I didn't even post my picture.
You can't keep it user. It would be selfish
Your low selfsteem towards the end. Even if you didn't like bussy, you would still be that much of a fag
i have no idea what the middle one is
stupider than the guy who just ate a pizza and documented it in a thread?
Lurk moar pls. Its a rare one
>I lifted for four years for that flute but it chose a spic
I love this meme
I'd give it to Guangzhou guy (a city in China) since he actually would get something out of it.
Guangzhou (a city in China) guy gets the flute.
Fucking kek'd
I will give it to the asian kid. He is going through a lot rn
The guy moving to Guangzhou(a city in china(a country in Asia (a continent on earth(a rocky planet in orbit around the sun (a main sequence star in a spiral galaxy called the milky way))))) deserves the flute the most.
thank you for your quality posts lately
write your lisp over there
What does technology have to do with Guangzhou(a city in china(a country in Asia (a continent on earth(a rocky planet in orbit around the sun (a main sequence star in a spiral galaxy called the milky way)))))?
I would give it (reluctantly) to the guy (or the boy (since the question says "three children")) who said (or at least implied), "I want to take the flute to Guangzhou (a city in China) with me to make money off its music".