long weekend edition
>tfw nothing nice to drink
water it is for me then
fancy a trip to greggs
>nothing nice to drink
>has water
pick one lad
i know what you mean but i meant something that tastes nice
No tea?
It's only nice after a workout or a hot shower otherwise it's meh.
Best suicide spots lads? Beachy Head is close but damn that's gonna be some scary shit. I'm nearly 30 and have achieved nothing in life - no friends as adult, no gf ever, no career (no job for 5 years).
Stay in college/uni young lads and don't get too comfortable is all I can say for advice.
nah aint got tea lid, i dont really enjoy tea anyway
train suicide best suicide
yeah, you give the train driver a load of free time off so it's a win all round
Enjoy sobriety.
I woke up this morning with an aching liver and a splitting headache. I rolled over and glugged the leftover cider from the night before, then pulled out a bag of coke from the pockets of my jeans and finished off the last bit of it. Now I feel a bit better physically but it's shit that I need to do this every day just to feel okay.
With the amount of money I waste on these shit habits I could have gone on holiday this bank holiday.
not feeling so great today SCEA?
That's gonna carry some risk of survival.
Neck on track, not it fucking isn't unless you're Superman
Dont forget the inconvenience you cause normie.
Sony Computer Entertainment America?
i haven't touched coke since new years, its expensive and i was getting way to fucked up
Ideally need to find a high speed line then.
Good for you. Waste of money. I do it 3 or 4 times a week, every time I drink pretty much.
I really could go for a beer this evening though
any other lads enjoy a bit of Calcio?
UK water reaks of chlorine
You relapsed with some fanta yet
So there's this productivity technique called the red x system where you get a calendar and every day you manage to complete your goals, you cross it off. Nothing revolutionary but it's supposed to work because you get to visualise your progress and failure.
I tried it this month and this is what it looks like. Red days are days I managed to not drink. Pretty abysmal when you see it like this.
Me too desu but I have about 13p to my name. Payday soon though so I don't have to kill myself just yet.
hannah edition.
What are you saying lad, everyone one of those red days is a victory! Don't beat yourself up to much, giving up something like drinking is really hard. You should be proud of yourself for every single day you succeeded. Now you have something to compare yourself against going into next month.
Watching people speedrun games I played as a kid is fucking mental
>feel awake earlier whenever I've been drinking
Why does this happen I thought it should be the opposite
Eh I'm not complaining I was absolutely hammered and seem to be in the clear
Speed running is always interesting to watch I think. I won't go out of my way to watch it but if I stumble on it I'll watch a bit.
Can you lads believe the state of the tabloids?
Whenever I end up on one of their articles they're a fucking mess, literally look like a half arsed school presentation.
I heard they work the interns really hard and they just give up and they get told to make at least 10 stories a day
Absolute trash even if only speaking about quality, maybe one day they'll be out of business
alcohol doesn't allow you to have a proper deep sleep
This is certainly a nice post for Jow Forums. But yeah I'm definitely gonna try doing better than this in April. If every month I can do slightly better maybe I'll be sober by the summer.
Really want to buy one of these lads but you can only get them in this 95 pound box with a bunch of other stuff I don't want
piss off robut
Good luck to you lad, its a hard habit to kick. Why don't you try posting your chart with your successes here very day, that way you can just take things a day at a time, and your held a little more by us lads.
Good shout lad, you can get one for around 26 bongs, really tempted to order one now, I mean look at it, its so cute
I don't remember why but I watched the WR run of Gears of War 1 and the guy was chill throughout then when he got the time he went ape shit and cheering and shit
And Games Workshop claims another soul, addicted to their plastic crack
Who do you think is making all the 40k posts? Follow the money user
>Long weekend
>I'm working today and Monday
Y-you too
Retail I assume...
I do something very similar. I just put a big cross through every day sober. How much were you drinking before? I got a cross through every day but then I would only have 1-3 days of intense drinking a week. Like 50-80 cl of vodka per. Anyway, keep plugging away user. If you can go three weeks dry, that's the moment it gets easier. The temptation is always there, of course. Avoid pubs and nights out, if you can. In my case, those times feel like I can't breathe.
Well, I've been awake all night again. Gonna watch some ASMR now and then hopefully get some decent sleep.
good luck lad, i fell asleep to this one last night
Used to have a similar drinking pattern - I'd go a few days sober, then binge really heavily over the weekend, also 75 cl spirit per day. It's the classic alcoholic trying to quit story. You manage a few days, then you think one drink will be okay, but it sends you into a full blown relapse.
Right now I'm honest with myself about not being able to stick to it so I tone down the amount. Yesterday I had about 6 pints over the course of the day.
She's so tiny where do her organs go?
i dont mind as long as there is space for my 'organ' haha
asmr is god-tier for falling asleep, I can be in mental torment and it will get me to sleep in 30 minutes where normally I'd be up for hours.
That's much better. But yeah, I managed 5 months. Then I thought I'd mastered it and I could really do with a drink. Straight away, back to my old patterns. Maybe even heavier. I'd lost a load of weight, but then I put it all right back on with interest.
Your organs actually shrink when you're malnourished like her.
I just want clear skin lads. Years worth of pills and various products yielded nothing. After some digging, I think the cause might me some deep rooted gut/fungal issue.
How can I 'cleanse' my system, without fasting?
use that charcoal paste
My goal physique.
How achievable is this?
Weight is a huge problem because alcohol has tons of calories. I rarely eat and I still put on weight.
But whatever you do, don't try to replace food with alcohol like some "drunkorexics" do. Alcohol reduces the absorption of some vitamins so if you drink a lot and don't eat you'll have severe vitamin deficiencies.
It can give you permanent brain damage too en.wikipedia.org
Better to be fat than go insane.
impossible without steroids and probably still very hard with steroids. You might also have to take growth hormones
Something to work towards I suppose.
I have noticed that once I start a drink the hunger leaves me altogether. I tend to eat before/ the next day though. It used to be that I'd finish a night off with some food, but like I said, I no longer feel any compulsion to do so. Surely a bad sign. All the better to try and stay sober. My goal is six months. Beat my record.
this is my goal body, you may not like it, but greek statues are what peak performance looks like
What do you lads think of this?
Why is discord not safe to use again, something to dowith it's code?
So i started watching asmr like 8 years ago, back when it was just called whispering. Found her a couple years after i fuck me i completely fell in love with her. This was before i became a semi normalfag, so it was peak in love with a girl from the internet hour. I am now a NEET again.
probably a load of nonsense. People have often been convicted for controversial stuff. I remember doing law and reading about people getting done for sending threatening messages. Is it jeopardizing our freedom of speech because you cant threaten people? maybe, maybe not, but it hasnt changed much.
its in their mission statement
they plan on selling off all user data (they collect crazy ammounts)
when the company runs out of money
All the chads on dating in the dark wear skinny jeans and use hair product and all the vigins dress as well as they can and use no hair product
lads how do i protect my data now even though its too late with facebook and google having already farmed my data
it's more to do with health, physical symmetry and skin quality than dress sense
Link pls
collect this info bot you cunt
>probably a load of nonsense
So you haven't watched it then?
> Is it jeopardizing our freedom of speech because you cant threaten people?
No, free speech is about conveying intellectual ideas. A threat conveys an idea but it not intelligent there for it is not protected by free speech.
Do you not get out much? the in normie hair style is to use hair product and give yourself a pompadour kinda look. Its been in for years now
Have no data. Do nothing, think nothing, be nothing. Can't farm what isn't there dickbags.
Did you watch the video? It's not that people are getting done for threatening messages, it's that people are getting done for all sorts of messages that people don't like just because they say they are offended by them.
The definition of a hate crime they use is "was anyone offended?", if yes then it's a hate crime and you're fucked.
But in my opinion the state acting as an enforcer of anarcho-tyranny is probably even worse. Instead of actually tackling the immense and awful crimes that are actually going on the government decides it's much better to go after otherwise completely innocuous citizens just because they hurt someone's feelings.
I live the near the sea too but I don't have a nice cliff to throw myself from so I'll have to hope the gypsies that inhabit the beach shoot me instead
maybe i need to go offgrid desu
>. A threat conveys an idea but it not intelligent there for it is not protected by free speech.
I am sure the law can argue that hate speech is conveying a threat though. Its obviously in the law to facilitate diversity
cant find it but it was on Jow Forums a little while ago
now that i think about it, they have banned peoples servers because they disagreed with them
tilde has massive hulk hands
If hate speech is conveying a threat then there is no need for hate speech laws as a threat is already illegal.
>Do you not get out much?
i still wont use hair product though id rather die alone
really detest pakis
privacy policy states they log pretty much everything they can, when outcry happened about privacy they implemented an encryption algorithm that's MITMable and pointless to give the illusion of security, anecdotal evidence shows they throttle vpn connections also a company that provides services for free when it costs them what is probably millions should be enough to be suspicious
I should be able to choose to see non-whites by visiting other countries. I shouldn't have to be forced to tolerate them in my own country.
Who has been spamming the tilde has big hulk/builder hands thing
oh alos updates to terms of services lets them ban servers for any reason or no reason, I have no problem with this since it's their service but depending on your use case theres probably much better options
Crona and Goose
I've cut down on dairy products and my skin has cleared up quite significantly.
>privacy policy states they log pretty much everything they can
Problem? Data storage is cheap, most companies log everything for analytics.
It's safe for individuals. It's all about the "big data" they collect, which for those who don't understand sounds scary. It's essentially sweeping generalisations about certain populations and markets which is invaluable to advertisers.
Victims of his MASSIVE hulk hands
why is it your country though? because by pure chance alone and no choice of your own you were born here? unless you can prove you have contributed more to this country than every paki you don't have the right to critique them all, even if you go on averages I'd imagine pakis contribute more to the country than white british males do
It's not chance, my family has lived here for thousands of years.
Anything closed source is hiding something and if its free, you are the product
i think the discord guy is just baiting at this point
>why is it your country though? because by pure chance alone and no choice of your own you were born here?
My ancestors were born here and molded this country into a form they'd be proud to pass on to their children. Its my responsibility, with the weight of generations on my back, to continue their legacy.
I cant be ased either. I tried it a few times in the past and felt like a fanny.
He ruined my sossij role. Guy doesn't know his own strength
Yeah because the media linked it to charlotsville
Good point but like who do they sell it too? cant imagine much money in weeb and prison gay dm's.