TheReportOfTheWeek a.k.a ReviewBrah. He's the most chill person I've ever seen and his hair... mmm.
Favorite YouTuber thread
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>Robbaz - Vidya
He used to be a chill YouTuber that was against loud ass YouTubers. Sadly if you see his most recent streams you'll hear him shouting like a fucking retard.
>FoodWishes - /ck/
If you can get over how he talks, his videos are very entertaining and informative.
>BigClive - /csg/ engineering
Some videos are too long or I can't follow them. But BigClive has a good sense of humor and I've learned a thing or two on how to fix my Chinese electronics.
>MyLifeInGaming - /v/
Extensively researched videos. The hosts really put effort into their hobby and their videos are so we'll produced.
Only Youtuber I actually really like is Todd In The Shadows. If you like videos about pop music you'll probably like his channel
>Night Mind
I like his videos and they are interesting and well made.
Also uncle dane is a very gud sentry main.
I miss meme melon, now all we get is opinionated melon :(
Yeah I also miss meme melon and his dank videos :(
RIP my nibba meme melon you will be missed
at first he some jontron wannabe or some shit but the more i watched him the more ive noticed how unique his content is. his shit is really fucking funny and I watch his streams on youtube when they posted by another chanel thats posts them.
Ice is my favorite "youtuber".
Recently the melon said he's gonna be making meme content again soon, and another cal album, feelsgood
exurb1a is good
Does physics and philosophy and shit
Uhhh probably Mobros studios?Anim8ball.Great ytps and insightful commentary on animation respectively. He's lesser known so I'd reccomend him if you like cartoons and shit.
General Sam, now that Filthy Frank stopped making videos
Russian battle rapper - Anton Zabe
Streams almost daily rap battles and comments on them.
Good tastes right here
northernlion because his humor is the exact kind that im into. also the nlss is comfy.
brewstewfilms and
I don't have any favorite YouTubers, but I recently found out that a YouTube/Newgrounds animator I used to watch has a gaming channel where he plays stuff with friends, so I've been watching his stuff on that channel lately. It's comfy and it's like being around friends, but without having to socialize with them.
Jard-kun is my man
I enjoy dunkey, he is funny but also brings up good points when he wants to
Sips is pretty good as well, but he moved to twitch(his streams still are uploaded to YouTube though which is nice)
It's ya boi
I know it's normie-tier but I like cr1tikal, he hasn't become a shill like pretty much everyone.
He's not a "YouTuber" but Gordon Ramsays cooking channel is comfy.
This is someone nobody will have heard of but this guy moonfane (moved his channel recently to fenothefox) is really chill, he has a really soothing voice and makes nice videos, often about rather obscure games tho.
Pewds is pretty hit or miss for me
I used to watch him alot but stopped for a year
same fat autist living in japan. i like his rants where he talks about random shit while riding on his motorbike in the streets of tokyo. top comfy.
I know alot of people no here have mixed reviews about him. me too. I dislike alot about him, but his vids are still entertaining, and he makes me feel better about myself sometimes.
my fucking nigga
pretty funny guy and i need to learn how to fucking cook so it's pretty gud.
good vidya related vids
he's big enough, you should know him
starwars vids, if you like star wars check him out
his "the making of" series of vidya is great. nice 80s asthetic aswell
Varg Vikernes is the absolute king of Jow Forums and youtube
Is cr1tical normalfag territory nowadays? He's one of the few youtubers who is actually funny. If you like him you should check out BasedGutta as well btw, he is what cr1tical would be if he were a hiphop producer
Stobe the hobo had the best comfy videos freight hopping across the US
Got hit by a train one night and now i cant watch his videos anymore because feels
Lol varg doesn't even go on Jow Forums, top tier youtuber though, truly a man who is living the dream.
>tfw no rural off grid lifestyle with aryan qt3.14 and 7 kids
I do like his Let's Argue videos tho
I've been enjoying TierZoo. Moderately researches animal facts and puts them in tier list.
anybody else like FrankJavCee? he's made a big comeback lately
Critikal is fucking garbage now 2bh.
I know that feel, that place he lives in is gorgeous. But in all fairness he wouldn't be able to live that life style with so many kids and a wife if it weren't because of Burzum money, his books and welfare. He even admitted that he buys 80% of his food so the whole "self-sustainability thing is bullshit
Regardless of that i love the guy
This is gonna be normie as hell but
He's a genuinely wholesome guy, been watching his LPs since like 2010 I think
>Alpharad/WeegeeTheGod/Friends Without Benefits
they're funni
>Patty (Pcull44444)
He's more of a twitch streamer now but he's chill as fuck
>Historia Civilis
Bretty gr8 history videos, sucks he only uploads once a fuckin month
One of the only two politics-based channels I can tolerate, amazing presentation and editing
Probably a couple others I'm forgetting
I recently started watching Mr Daggers and I want to have a friend like him.
>enjoy youtubers content
>stop putting out as many videos
>start steaming endlessly
>minimum 4 hour videos
>some twat sitting in a chair acting super motivated and excited to be randomly reading out chat spam and begging for money
Is Jake Paul /our guy/?
>Constantly pissing of normies and the YouTube (((content creator community))), simply doesn't give a shit
>Made a shit ton of money doing pretty much nothing
>Legions of lolis that would die for him
>Sociopath, probably autistic
Fucking hell dude you're correct
Jake Paul is the biggest normalfag that makes other normalfags mad
>Fredrik Knudsen aka Down the rabbit hole
love his documentary style, recently did one on spoony:
>Drew Gooden
he makes pretty good content, a bit normie but is the best in his genre
best for gmod weirdness
Tbf besides his movie/normal game reviews he's still doing the same shit in the same style, and I respect that every video is 10:02 which is so fucking annoying since it just makes people put stupid filler in their videos.
Also like LA Beast and Matt Stonie even though the latter shills hard for his promoters but you can skip that shit anyway.
>Implying it's not a huge neopostmodern absurdist performance art piece
Jake paul is a chad
Easily my number one. Been watching him since 2014. Everyone in the NLSS crew are my favorites honestly.
>Lobos Jr
He does a lot of Dark Souls challenge runs and such. Very nice guy, skilled and funny.
>Joe Rogan
Great podcasts
>Mr Sark
One of the funniest people on Earth currently
Amazing obscure in depth history videos, although he doesn't post as much as I would like.
Critical died when he showed his face (and stopped being depressed). For some reason, a bunch of sjw acquaintances really enjoy critical.
He must be a thing on Tumblr.
only internet media that I consume
>Jeb Gardener!!!!!
He is like my chaotic good dad online! an absolute mad man, a passionate farmer, and an evidently valuable human being. I don't even like gardening but he keeps me interested with his musings and overall inspiring vibe. Love that fellow!
>John Wolfe
Maximum comfiness. I like to grab his facial expressions from his thumbnails and post them in humble bundle threads on /v/
What's his shit about?
Destiny. He's not a virgin but he's pretty much a robot who got somewhat famous and still pretty autistic.
Basically his main thing is called the Northernlion Live Super Show, it's literally just 3 hours of his friends playing games and bantering. I'm sure most people would find it boring but I would recommend you give it a shot and see if you like them.