How can Chad hang out with a girl a lot and talk to her and never fall in love...

How can Chad hang out with a girl a lot and talk to her and never fall in love? Or fall in love and just let it go quickly?

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i can do that and i'm not a chad. just realize that normies and 99% of women in general are shit and its not hard

Most people these days are emotionally numb when it comes to love and intimacy.

Yeah well I do realize that but the problem is that if you think that and suddenly meet someone who's genuinely good and so much better than all the other normies, you just can't help but fall in love with her.

just ramp up your cynicism. find a single flaw and focus on it

It usually works, until you find that one girl that's so much different and better, user.

I met someone exactly like this. Now I got no clue on what I should do.

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Neither do I. I pathetically try to get her back but it's not possible. Not anymore. She made her choice to never be with me and even though I swallowed up my pride and lost dignity to try things to be with her, nothing works.

By not immediately thinking of them in romantic/sexual terms.

never met a girl like that. guess i'm just lucky (i say that 100% unironically)

>until you find that one girl that's so much different and better


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user, that's what I do and it's even worse because I have this thing where if I hang out with the girl long enough and get to know her, I'll eventually break and fall for her and I'll fall for her HARD.

I haven't met a girl like this for a long time either. Then I did. And now I'm 100% sure I'll never meet another girl like her in my life.

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I am eventually gonna bite the bullet and tell her myself. I'll definitely be drinking no matter what happens though.

It's easier after you get betrayed and stabbed in the back by someone you thought you cared about. Most of the time I don't really feel much toward the girl I'm making moves on I'm just going through the motions. I prefer to just ghost them after I make a good impression. Most of them don't seem to realize most everyone kind of has a side to them that's unflattering. It's kind of a lot of work and really draining for me to put up the act that I'm a bit better than I am. I generally plan to not stick around and ghost them but if they're a good lay I'd probably stay around for a while.

>user, that's what I do and it's even worse because I have this thing where if I hang out with the girl long enough and get to know her, I'll eventually break and fall for her and I'll fall for her HARD.
dude wtf is that. why does that happen???

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I did it being fully aware that this is the end and actually expecting to fuck up so badly it would end.

The last time we spoke I straight up asked her to block me to which she responded with "I don't feel the need to". Her blocking me would solve it all because I'd lose all options to talk to her ever but instead I'm still gonna look for ways to talk to her. Why the hell can't I just be with the girl I love?

It's how humans work. It's why the arranged marriages used to work in the past too. Honeymoon phase is one thing but the long-term phase is something else and it ensures you stay with that person to care for children or whatever.

I've recently started doing this, mostly because I have no time for those girls and don't really feel like pushing for anything anymore. Which funnily enough makes them come to me.

The second I invest myself into them though is the second they're gone. It sucks but maybe I'm a shit person after all.

Chads have many options. If they lose one girl, they can easily get another. So each girl is not as valuable.

Have you ever played a video game and loved it, then kept playing it and it lost it's appeal, or even a movie or tv show that you would like less if you watched it 10+ times in a week? That's what women are to Chad, they fall over themselves to be with him, so he's been on the 'love trip' so many times it's meaningless to him now.

>I did it being fully aware that this is the end and actually expecting to fuck up so badly it would end.
Far more worried i'm ruining a great friendship, I feel completely myself. I thought that shit was a stupid joke said by normal people.

The same reason women don't fall in love with every man they talk to: they've got options. When the average guy meets a women he gets along with and enjoys being around, it's natural to gain feelings towards her. The difference between a friend and a lover is if you're sexually attracted to them for the average male.

Chad's are playing the same game women are.

Oddly enough I had started doing it because I didn't have time to spend around them. I started experimenting with it after I figured out it worked. I've found the biggest problem is generally they want you to be in a relationship with them before they want to fool around. By relationship, like updating their facebook status of it. I quit doing it because it just seemed too shitty to lie about wanting a relationship when I'm just in it for sex.

Women are unironically awful. They're horrible people who no interests that aren't self centered. They have no hobbies, no interests, and are completely in capable of all thought that isn't primitive and egotistical. All they're capable of is virtue signaling which is how they someone got the reputation as the more caring gender, even though that's the furthest thing from the truth.

Realize this and you won't fall for them and ironically they'll fall for you because they always want what they can't have.

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I don't understand your post.

I started doing this after a shitty breakup with one girl I deeply loved and still love. Since I love her, I find it somewhat hard to love any other girl and invest myself. And I genuinely don't have the time because I spend it either on my university stuff or I prefer doing things alone (something that previous girl taught me actually).

And actually yeah, all girls want to be together before they do something... except for that previous girl. We started the other way around and it was wonderful really. She eventually realized I'm shit though, so she left but still.

Most are like this but then you meet this one girl that isn't and this is the one you fall for. I do at least. Or did. And this is why I just can't easily leave.

Most are like this but then you meet this one girl who tricks you into thinking she isn't and this is the one you fall for for a few months until the charade breaks down and you realize she's just as awful as the rest

This nigga is redpilled, this is the exact truth
ALL women are the same. ALL of them

>and suddenly meet someone who's genuinely good and so much better than all the other normies
That just you just don't know them well enough yet. Save yourself from the disappointment.

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these guys are redpilled af, don't fall for the meme user, I did and got btfo, don't learn the hard way like I did when you think you found one who was 'different', all women are the same, never fucking forget it

I stopped doing it along time ago. After my ex betrayed me I don't trust many women anymore. All the ones I did try to usually ended up being exactly the same as her. Even if you quit acting like a piece of shit you get a reputation for it and it'll probably stick forever so no matter how decent you try to act people will throw it in your face forever.

when half the girls you meet want to fuck you and bear your children it's really easy to get picky

i'm playing with an ugly fat girl right now. seeing if i can get some embarrassing nudes out of her. i'd fuck her ass but she lives on the other end of the country and she's not worth traveling for.

I'm going to elaborate even further for all the young naive men ITT. I can almost guarantee I'm older than everyone here and have significantly more experience with girls, so you should read my words and try to remember them, even if you instinctively want to deny them.

The ONLY time -I repeat- the ONLY time a girl ever is capable of being genuinely caring and selfless is towards her biological children. Women are designed for children and literally nothing else. They completely lack all ability to think outside themselves before they're a mother, and they will NEVER genuinely care about anything or anyone. It doesn't matter if she's a vegetarian or a humanitarian or she rescues dogs or whatever the fuck else she pretends is her "calling" in life. She only cares about it on the surface and deep down she knows this and will always feel empty and shallow inside. They cannot truly care about anything. This I the meme "depression" women feel. They're incapable of truly caring about anything or anyone outside of their own children, which is why they're capable of psychotic levels of betrayal without seemingly no remorse. They can rationalize anything because they can't think outside of themselves.

Women are beautiful loving creatures to their children, and to absolutely no one else. They're empty, soulless psychopaths to everything else and you should never forget this.

>tfw mother is a soulless bitch who always treated me like garbage

the main thing I can't relate to here is robots who like their moms, she was the main cause of a lot of my suffering growing up and only gave a shit about my other siblings

Not really. Some are objectively better than other girls. Their attitude and general way of living may be the same but there are some other things that make them stand out.

No. This one girl I liked more the more I got to know her. She had a bad side but also a lot of good features. And she made me feel so good, unlike all the other girls.

>After my ex betrayed me I don't trust many women anymore.
I'm somewhat the same although its not even so much about trust as it is about knowing what to avoid. I don't invest myself that easily anymore because I don't feel the need to do that. I don't need sex or companionship anymore. It's fine to be alone.

>Even if you quit acting like a piece of shit you get a reputation for it and it'll probably stick forever so no matter how decent you try to act people will throw it in your face forever.
Yeah, I learned that too. There's no way to change their perception, no matter what you do. It sucks because I just wish they could see my better side, especially after I've fixed my shit.

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I've recently been talking to this one girl who's like 5 years younger than me. She seems interested and chats me up all the time which is nice although sometimes annoying because I have no time. We've been texting for over a month now and I have no intention to meet her. She was literally asking me to come over and fuck her at this point, and she's a virgin too.

She's the perfect example of a girl who treats this one guy who loves her like shit while treating some other guy (me) like a king. We've never met but she must've created some heavily favourable image of me in her head. Kinda crazy if you ask me.

Most of what you say is true with the slight exception of who they love. They can love a man and be absolutely obsessed with him. I've seen this happen. It's fucking bad because if she's obsessed about someone else other than you then you have no chance with her. No matter what you do.

most women are like that dude

it's fucked up but there's also nothin you can do about it. might as well have fun with it if she's obsessed with you, or forget about her if she isn't.

She is obsessed with me but it makes me feel like shit. I don't have the intention to play with her feelings or fuck her. I don't want to meet her even.

I've already had this done to me when a girl I was obsessed with would play with my feelings.