Alpha and Beta bingo lesgo
Alpha and Beta bingo lesgo
Templates because I'm not an autist OP that posts these things without having templates
post the template please.
Those are fucking retarded criteria for both.
wew lad so close to being an alpha yet so far away
I got two bingos over here!
more alpha than OP at least
A good mix of both is required
Pretty close to double bingo, but I guess I'm just a beta in the end.
breddy gud
I feel like it's not really possible to have more in beta than alpha
Here's mine, I feel like a failed chad
Pretty decent. Originally
At least more alpha then beta points
7/10 confidence with acne
Would probably change my confidence level to over 7/10 now that i think about it.
Showering daily is bad for your hair
I'm 21 and it's the least bad it's been in 5 years now. Should be gone in another year I hope.
Also girls like me
You know you can shower without washing your hair, right?
shampooing daily is bad for your hair retard, not showering
Some of this shit's retarded. Fucking everyone plays video games these days, they have nothing to do with being alpha or beta.
My 85 year old grandmother plays wii sports at the senior center.
My problem is that I'm anti-social
Not sure why unusual music taste is alpha.
>tfw 350lbs
>tfw dick is still 5.5"
>tfw it's only 5" girth
It's weird that I'm completely repulsive in every single way yet I'm still obsessive about my dick size.
this. i can talk to people just fine if they bring something up. but it's always boring and I never want to bring up things myself. people are so dull.
Yeah, these have a weird take on what interests are considered alpha. Apparently being passionate about a hobby is an alpha thing, even though that's like the most basic nerd stereotype there is. Same with "unusual music". And then liking video games is apparently beta, even though video games are the most normie shit ever these days.
Weird how I still didn't get a beta bingo
>Apparently being passionate about a hobby is an alpha thing
Being passionate about a hobby is alpha as long as it's the right hobby. If you're passionate about Warhammer 40k you're a neckbeard. If you're passionate about restoring old cars it's alpha.
H-How'd I do anons?
I have lots of potential. Just lazy and a recluse
not good champ
i am dissapointed with myself.
>fucking lol at all these penises over 6 inches
A nice mix of both
Seems pretty even
I'm the most beta here? Wow.
here's mine you little nigger
>doesn't have a penis under 6 inches
>doesn't have a penis over 6 inches
roastie detected
quads of truth
unless it's exactly 6 inches
OP here
yes it is literally exactly 6 inches
Motherfucking quads of truth
Am I a normie? (please say yes)
Fixed. I just forgot because I'm a fucking autist
Not real op
Why does this post make you seem like you're the dull one?
Does this mean I'm secretly a Chad?
so close yet so far orignialal
i mean yeah, i never have much to say so i imagine it's quite dull.
plz fix me
How is unusual taste in music chad? Wouldn't a chad like mainstream normalfag shit?
>ITT: everyone posts nobody cares
I care, user!
Just kidding, I didn't look at your charts either.
in chad limbo wat do
Been here for almost 5 years. Should i gtfo or how am i doing??
ur beta when in doubt
LULz I was almost a beta. Thank god(science) that I'm somewhere in between.
>straight appearance
what does that mean?
guess I'm just sort of below average. not complete beta but still pathetic.
At least I'm young and still trying
sokar i have gun to my head
>picked up girl in club
>still virgin.
tchadd huh?
Don't know what that ottermode shit means so left it.
>narrowly escaping beta bingo
oooo weeeee
That you don't dress like a trap?
goddammit, am I a normie?
yes, gtfo off this board you phone posting homo
there you go user,i made bingo twice
The orange one, some faggots have commented they're jealous of my dick, I'm straight btw.
>inb4 kicking me out because im a normie reeeee
Not sure what I am.
Beta, for sure, but not full on robot or normie.
none of the beta traits you marked are robot tier so you're a normie
how the fuck did you lose your virginity if no one ever complimented you and you dont care how you dress?
Because you got tricked by tranny spammers
No bingo that's good?
How are so many of you here when your alpha more than beta?
Not only did I lose it, but have slept with three different women so far.
Initially, WoW got me laid, as I lost my virginity to my guild's resto druid. Shit was cash.
Then, I had a girlfriend, but she got weirder and crazier, we broke up, then a year later she unlocked full-blown schizo. I had sex with another this new year's day, too.
How I did it, I don't know. Honestly, I am suffering from depression, and life is as bleak as it can be. Turns out, sex does not fix that.
>Doesn't watch tv
>Doesn't play video games
>Wears cologne at least three times a week
This was clearly made by a beta.
>he got sex from WoW
and then you woke up?
lel noone is ever going to open this and threads like these are usually really shit
Plppllllfft god
Miracles happen. Our guild had meetups, this is how we got to know each other. After one such meetup, that happened.
Nice time wasting
What am I? I am confusion.
When I was like 22 I decided that real men wear cologne and I bought some and put on way too much and smelled like shit for like a week after, no amount of cleaning could make the smell go away.
Alphas don't wear cologne, they just take a fucking shower.
>6'2, big brains and good job
>balding, 5/10 face and introversion so it doesn't really matter
Pretty obvious that I'm a NORMIIIIIIEEEE
And bingo was his name-o, I feel like these are arranged so the alpha one is harder.
tfw i completely forgot that my text needs to be original
now how to becum more alpha?
I'm also schizophrenic though so it's not all good
wow, i don't know if i'm actually a permaloser or just unlucky with the squares.
I could do worse
i'm also a faggot who forgot to attach the file
I'm just fucking boring i guess
this chart makes no sense, alphas usually don't have any hobbies yet alone one they're passionate about?
Very rarely I get a pimple/mark on a face so it's not acne. And I make people in general envious sometimes but rarely for looks-related things.
So I got a Chad bingo, am I a chad?
originally original bingo
>weight under 150lbs
HOW? Are you below 5 feet?
More marks on beta, but a bingo on alpha. The true sign of a cyborg.
Why are these always so fucking poorly made? I guess you have to be pretty autistic to make one of these in the first place.